ENW Short Story Smackdown Summer 07 (Winner Announced)

You're getting there. Now you've got to work on your timing. Smack talk is best before and especially during the competition, when you can rattle your opponent. Smack talking afterwards, not so effective. Still, you're learning.

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Rodrigo Istalindir said:
You're getting there. Now you've got to work on your timing. Smack talk is best before and especially during the competition, when you can rattle your opponent. Smack talking afterwards, not so effective. Still, you're learning.

First, I am not a quitter. I was trying a different tactic that obviously worked. Na na ni boo boo. Second, I agree that their timing needs work, but they're sort of getting it. Well, except for FreeXenon. Guess you can't have everything.


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I have to apologize. I completely forgot about this event. Life just got the best of me, and writing completely slipped my mind. Best of luck to Trench in the next round.

Again Im sorry.


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Just a quick note to let you guys know that I'll be out of town from 8/13 - 8/20 for GenCon and will have very limited internet/computer access. I know that others, including at least one judge will be too, so it probably won't be an issue. If we get a match posted with enough time between now and then, I'm able to participate. Other than that, it'll have to wait until after GC.


First Post
yangnome said:
I'll be out of town from 8/13 - 8/20
FickleGM said:
I'll be out from 8/15 - 8/20 for GenCon. :)

I'd like to take this opportunity to request that if I'm writing in the next round, I get either yangnome or FickleGM as an opponent and that we have an 8/15 start date. ;)

What? No, I'm not bitter that GC is far away and expensive and that I have no vacation time for it. No, not at all... :cool:


Avatar_V said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to request that if I'm writing in the next round, I get either yangnome or FickleGM as an opponent and that we have an 8/15 start date. ;)

What? No, I'm not bitter that GC is far away and expensive and that I have no vacation time for it. No, not at all... :cool:
Ha ha.

Avatar_V said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to request that if I'm writing in the next round, I get either yangnome or FickleGM as an opponent and that we have an 8/15 start date. ;)

What? No, I'm not bitter that GC is far away and expensive and that I have no vacation time for it. No, not at all... :cool:

You can't stow away with someone from WotC or Paizo? You just don't want to go bad enough then. :p

FickleGM said:

Short, but at decent effort. To really achieve the effect, though, you should have put faux [Nelson] brackets around it or something. Still, you're improving.

We'll see if Avatar V does it properly when I schedule your match to start on the 16th.

Edit: There was an unspoken "assuming you advance" there. I've not gotten any judgements from the other two judges. Poke poke.

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