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EPIC M&M: Issue 6 (IC)


First Post
In A Cave System Outside Mai Pai, China

OOC: Aid another is for non-attack skills. Combined fire is for ranged attacks. For melee, it's flanking. So I'll assume you want to flank. In order to communicate your desired action without saying anything, it is innuendo IMO.

Li seems horrified at the sight before her, but quickly shoves that aside. Her fins snap out and she cautiously advances towards Mia Toan appearing quite defensive.

Xi charges forward without such caution, hands glowing dimly. He sees you rushing forward as well and moves to flank Mia. He strikes out barehanded, allowing his powers to be his weapon, while you use your Sai.

Attack roll (Xi): 23 misses
Attack roll (X12): Rapid strike!!! -- 22 misses, 12 misses

Mia manages to knock Xi's strike asside, then slashes back, knocking X12's first attack asside with her dagger, knocking his second slash down with her armored forearm. She appears unphased by being flanked as she is, and remains protectively over Kevin's body.

Her counter-attack is swift. She launches a vicious slash with her sword, causing Xi to leap back to avoid being beheaded. But her target wasn't Xi at all, but X12! She spins with the move, slashing hard at X12's left side, causing him to dive to his right... right into a backhand slap across the face with her dagger hand. The blow is only stinging, but the effect is anything but as, like Raisa, his senses go haywire!

Bluff roll (Mia): 20 vs 14 succeeds -- X12 loses his dodge bonus to defense!
Attack roll (Mia): 16 hits
Will save (X12) [DC20]: 16 fails

X12's vision fills with painful whiteness as he's suddenly rendered super sensitive to the light. His hearing picks up booming sounds that are deafening and all encompassing, the sound of blood droplets hitting the floor. His skin becomes ultra-sensitive and all he can smell is an overpowering, coppery scent and taste of blood so strong it makes him gag.

Raisa tries to free herself from the effect of the powers, but can't. Then something slams into her, grabbing violently at her arms as she nearly topples over from the intense impact!

Will save (Raisa) [DC19]: 5 fails

Raisa is up, despite her many conditions!

Initiative and Condition Summary
Mia Toan 28, Amazon 21 (4HP, 3L, 1S, fatigued, blind, deaf, -10 damage saves), Jackal 14 (4HP), X12 14 (4HP, 1L, blind, deaf, scent dazzled, -10 damage saves), Li 8 (2HP), Xi 7 (2HP)

In the SAP Research Facility Infirmary
Michelle and Johan
"Neutron?" the doctor asks. "The Anarchy terrorist? What wa... infected with Anaconda!? Thank goodness he wasn't brought here then!" he exclaims, obviously relieved that he wasn't responsible for anyone in that condition. "They probably took him to a facility for treatment then, but nothing is entered in the database concerning it. Perhaps someone else knows something about him, but I don't. Excuse me a moment," he says, turning back to his terminal.

Johan, you remember you certainly have someone at hand who might be able to help. Two someones in fact; Pavo Santala and Ms. Price.

In a Secret SAP Lab, Same Facility

It must be the adreniline from the situation, but you are able to work fairly quickly to free yourself. That act doesn't seem to get noticed, though the elevated oxygen levels do.

"Breathe normally, please," the doctor intones without looking up from his work.

When you sit up and try to destroy the armor of the guard, it's definitely noticed. The guard steps back as your blast smashes through the glass of the containment unit and hits him in the chest. His armor, though very badly damaged, is still functional and he, unlike the doctor, was not caught off guard.

"Hit the alarm!" he orders the doctor. There is a loud thunk and both you and he see BB slam a microscope into the head of the Dr. Pain an obvious second time, who keels over off his chair and to the floor. The guard lets out a curse and quickly turns back to you, the cannon on his arm letting out an energy pulse at you through the same hole you created.

Attack roll (guard): 11 (VP 16) hits
Damage save [DC17]: 20 succeeds

The energy pulse strikes you in the chest, sending you rolling off the table, though you suffer no real harm, your skin absorbing the blast. As you fall, your IV comes out, making you feel woozy and reminding you that despite your need to get out of here, you are still very, very ill.

You do catch a better look at BB. She's got short black hair and *ahem* large breasts, which you noticed before. What you notice now is that she's wearing what looks like some kind of drivers uniform under her lab coat.

OOC: If you'd been with the others and not shmoozing with Miss Vaile, you'd recognize her as the driver, Vida Cortez.

Condition Summary
Neutron (2L, fatigued, Anaconda infected)
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First Post
OOC: Okay. When I come up again, assume total defense until my senses clear. I'm out of town until tomorrow visiting relatives -- see you all tomorrow.


"Alright, the girls can't withstand the power of the Sanjinator!" Sanjay thinks with a nod and a grin to 'BB'.

"Hit the Alarm? I was trying to figure out a name for you, but yeah, Alarm works." he says wearily, rasing an arm at the guard and returning fire with an intensely hot radiation blast.

Energy Blast +7 at the guard, pulling the punch so that he's no worse than dying if it hits.


First Post
Acting on instinct, since she can't see or hear anything and the pain is overwhelming, Raisa will strike out at whoever grabbed her arms.


First Post
In A Cave System Outside Mai Pai, China
Raisa swings blindly at whatever it was that impacted her, but hits nothing but air.

50% miss chance (low misses): 5 misses

All Raisa and X12 hear are roaring sounds and are unable to make out what is happening in battle. X12 tries his best to get a defensive stance going, but being sensory deprived makes it impossible. X12 is rudely reminded of the danger when pain explodes through his chest!

Attack roll (Mia Toan): 18 hits
Damage save (X12) [DC21]: 3 fails [1L, dying]
Constitution check to avoid death [DC11]: 22 (stabilized)

Raisa feels her senses start to clear, shaking her head as the light and sound levels come down to normal. Her skin stops aching though it still tingles.

Will save, Raisa [DC18]: 23 succeeds

What she sees surprises her. X12 lays face down on the ground about ten feet from Kevin's body, blood pooling on the tiled marble floor beneath him. Mia Toan hasn't emerged unscathed either. Her right arm seems to be injured at the elbow, though whether it is bleeding or not you can't see. Jackal is also wounded, sitting on the floor some distance away, shaking the cobwebs off.

Raisa is up, and in far better shape now!

Initiative and Condition Summary
Mia Toan 28 (1VP, 2L), Amazon 21 (4HP, 3L, 1S, fatigued, -1 damage saves), Jackal 14 (4HP, 1L, stunned), X12 14 (4HP, 1L, blind, deaf, scent dazzled, -10 damage saves, disabled, KO), Li 8 (2HP), Xi 7 (2HP)

In a Secret SAP Lab, SAP Facility

The hole in the containment unit you are in becomes a highway for energy blasts as you turn your transmutation powers into damaging ones. The radiation blast strikes out before the armored man can react and move away, striking him in the already damaged chestplate.

Attack roll (Sanjay): Natural 20 (but no critical hit)
Damage save (guard) [DC20]: 12 (VP 13) and he's stunned

The guard staggers and falls back into a moveable table sending it and all its equipment clattering loudly to the ground. Between the sounds of your energy blasts and that, it becomes obvious that you've been heard. You see through the doorway as the other guards are rushing down the hall towards the room. BB sees them too, hitting a button on the panel the doctor was seated at. The door slides shut, a second, heavier, obviously extremely strong door sliding down behind it.

When the guard starts to clear his head, she runs over to him, pulls off his helmet and smashes her now-broken microscope into his head until he's rendered unconscious. She's up fairly quickly, bouncing over to the hole in the glass near the door.

"Olá! Chamo-me Vida!" she says with amazing cheerfulness despite the situation. "Vaile de senhorita enviou-me ajudaá-lo. Tentarei de recebeê-lo para fora de aí antes de eles explode as portas," she adds, throwing off the lab coat she's wearing and bouncing over to the door, trying to open the electronic locking mechanism.

Now if only you had a fricking clue what she just said...

You notice something other than BB. Your adreniline rush seems to have made you feel far less tired. Like they had been keeping you somewhat sedated.

Condition Summary
Neutron (2L, Anaconda infected)


"I think we should ask either Mr. Santala or Ms. Price for Neutron's condition," Johan says to Michelle, "I'll see if I can find a flashlight, as well as seeing if I can amplify the power of our radios."
Johan creates one duplicate to search for Michelle's lighting, and then starts himself to try and get more power to their radios. If the van (it was down in the container room, wasn't it?) has a more powerful radio receiver, he will dabble with that one.
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"Um...yay!" Sanjay says with some trepidation and confusion, doing his utmost best to look the girl in the eyes. "Uh, sorry, me no...uh, habla, um, Portugese. But thank you...did you say Vaile?" he adds as she bounces towards the door. He glances her over as she tries the lock. "Wow, the land of beautiful people...despite not having a great time here so far, I think I like this place," he mumbles to himself.

He steps up to the door and motions her back. "The way I've been treated here, I don't feel so bad taking their door." He touches the door, attempting to vaporize it.


First Post
Calinon said:
After a long minute of trying, she coughs weakly, eyes fluttering open for a moment before she again loses consciousness. She is breathing however, very weakly.

"Moni..." Seeing her eyes flutter open, Vince quickly tries to address Monica but her lapse back into unconsciousness leaves him quiet. Once again checking her vitals before continuing onward, Vince very carefully picks her up and starts heading at a rather gingerly paced walk back to where he expects his teammates to still be. "It's ok Kitty cat. I'll get you back in one piece. Somehow."


First Post
In An Underground Tunnel, Brazil
As Vince moves as quickly as he dares carrying Monica, his radio continues to crackle with static. There is a loud rumble from ahead of him as he moves and rounding a gentle corner he sees a massive dust cloud billowing out towards him. The tunnel ahead appears to have caved in! Picking his way through the dust, he hopes that it isn't so. The dust isn't as thick as the cave in that Loco caused, and soon he makes out a collapsed part of a ceiling and another, smaller, dark tunnel to his left.

And standing before the wall of rubble are the Mole and Flick. Flick is leaning heavily on her staff and the Mole is surveying his handiwork.

"That should stop them from followin... what the...?" he says, and he turns towards you rapidly as Flick snatches up her staff, both obviously noticing you at the same time.

"Where the hell did you two come from?" the Mole rumbles.

Condition Summary
Vincent (3L, 1S), Monica (7L, 2S, disabled, KO)

In the SAP Research Facility Infirmary
Your double heads for the security station to acquire a hand held light of some sort, and has little trouble getting some powerful hand lanterns.

As you head for your Van and it's powerful radio and tracking system, you find the elevators well guarded by guards in powerful looking silver armor.

"Sorry, this section is currently off limits," one says, blocking your path. "Technicians have begun decontaminating the facility below and are checking for breaches. Your vehicle has been cleared and is on its way up currently."

Sure enough, the elevator doors open as if on cue, and a technician drives it out into the hallway.

Condition Summary
Cosmo (OK), Loki (OK), Mantis (4L, disabled), Alan Cashman (1L), Straightjacket (4L, disabled x2), Metal Mistress (1L), Johan (OK), Anna (3L, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 ( fatigued)

In a Secret SAP Lab, Same Facility

"Vida," she says. "My name is Vida," she adds.

When the door starts to disolve, she lets out a surprised squeal and backs up quickly, an embarassed smile already on her face, though it quickly fades at your appearance. "You need help," she says, helping you through the door and putting herself under your arm and her own arm around your waist to support you. You are surprised at the strength of her grip. "We move fast now, ok? Elevators are there, with silver guards," she says, pointing past a pair of sliding metal doors across from the ones she barricaded. "You will do this again?" she asks, nudging the unconscious guard with her foot.

OOC: Remember, you are unfortunately still limited to half actions without the use of a hero point.

Condition Summary
Neutron (2L, Anaconda infected)


Johan goes to the technician. "Excuse me, sir, could you please park our van nearby, I need to use the equipment in it."

The duplicate proceeds to get the light to Michelle.

Voidrunner's Codex

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