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EPIC M&M: Issue 6 (IC)


First Post
In An Underground Tunnel, Brazil
The Mole rolls his eyes, unimpressed and unthreatened by Vince's show. "Then pick up your cat and head back the way you came. Let's go, Flick. I'll collapse the tunnel behind us, in case you have any bright ideas of trying to follow us," he rumbles, pushing Mole behind him and backing into the relatively small side tunnel. It's basically Mole shaped.

"Million bucks. Last chance, kid," he says with a toothy grin, claws dragging along the outside of the tunnel.

Vince's intimidate check was 14 versus a 22 sense motive.

Condition Summary
Vincent (3L, 1S), Monica (7L, 2S, disabled, KO)

In the SAP Research Facility

"Sorry, I can't allow anyone down there. The risk of exposure to viral contaminents is severe due to the damage caused during the altercation. I'll contact our security team in the containment area and have them search that tunnel for your companions," the guard says. He doesn't move, but starts speaking to someone not present with you, obviously a guard below, and unfortunately in Portuguese. The conversation is short and to the point.

"Two units are going to search the tunnel. They are armored units as well, so can move rapidly. We should get a report soon."

While helpful, you have the distinct feeling that there are strict orders in place to not allow you access to that part of the facility any longer.

"This is a load of hooey, I tell you what," SJ's dad says. "Where's that hot assistant chick that met us when we got here? I bet she'll get us down there."

Diplomacy 22 ...hence why he's being helpful.

The paperwork are standard release and transfer forms, and thankfully translated into English. After just a few minutes, you have them completed and immediately the doctor has Straighjacket and Anna wheeling out and down the hall. You don't see the others as you are hurriedly moved out to the parking lot where your other self is working on the scanning system, but having no luck at all finding any trace of the third truck. The other two trucks are obviously still in the warehouse.

You realize as you look at the van's clock that it's been over 15 minutes since Cosmo last rang in.

Condition Summary
Cosmo (OK), Loki (OK), Mantis (4L, disabled), Alan Cashman (1L), Straightjacket (4L, disabled x2), Metal Mistress (1L), Johan (OK), Anna (3L, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 ( fatigued)

In a Secret SAP Lab, Same Facility

Vida seems surprised more at your response than at the discoloration of her veins. "Ms. Vaile says this might happen. I take serum too," she says. "Wait!" she says, grabbing hold of your hand to stop you. "Not go yet. Ms. Vaile says if this happen we find virus or destroy lab," she says.

Looking back at the chamber you'd been held in, you see the IV that came out of your arm laying on the floor and notice that one of its two imputs is leaking a few droplets of a black liquid. Rather than pumping drugs into you, it must have been extracting the virus from you! As the droplets hit the ground, they quickly evaporate. There is a cylinder, similar to the ones Anaconda was being stored in before, sitting beneath the table you had been strapped to.

Condition Summary
Neutron (2L, Anaconda infected), Vida (Anaconda [variant] infected)

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First Post
Calinon said:
"Million bucks. Last chance, kid," he says with a toothy grin, claws dragging along the outside of the tunnel.

"Sucks to be you flea bag. Now you get to be lumped in with all the murderous bad guys. No more going easy on you. You might want to rethink your friends list there Flick. Mr Manacure here is going to get you killed. Looks like he cant see past the end of his nose in more ways than one. I could promise to pay a hundred billion dollars but since I dont have it I couldnt pay it, same as the mil. I have the twenty Gs."

Picking up Monica again, Vince will head back the way he came from, away from Flick and Mole. "We'll find our own way out Kitten, you'll be ok."


Oh, okay, I thought it was seperated but still in him and therefore it was coming from him. It was the fact it appeared on her hand that confused me.

Sanjay looks at the lab and realizes the problem. He begins to destroy everything in the lab. When he's done, he turns to Vida. "This area...needs to be contained. Let's go..."


First Post
Calinon said:
In your P12 heightened state, you remember that there is a security terminal a floor up.
Not really wanting to hang around here much anyways, Loki remembers the security terminal. "Something to do," he thinks to himself, "and maybe I can find out how Neutron is doing."

As stealthily as possible, Loki will try to sneak to the terminal and check it out.


"I wonder what the delay is about..."
He starts up his communicator to contact Cosmo. "Cosmo, do you copy? This is Johan, why haven't you checked in in the last fifteen minutes?"

If he doesn't get a reply from Cosmo, he will report the occurance to Michelle through their communicators.


First Post
In the SAP Research Facility
It's embarassingly easy for you to sneak about by blending into the background. After a bit of waiting, you find a non-guarded terminal, only to discover they are DNA coded rather than password protected. You curse to yourself, but spot Ms. Price in the communications office nearby. She looks around, as if making sure nobody was around. Interest piqued, you sneak inside and overhear a conversation.

"Hello sir," she says as an officious looking gentleman appears on the screen. "The project is well in hand. The infected subject is being taken care of as we speak. We should make a full recovery if things go well."

"That is good news, Ms. Price," Telda answers. "I am glad to see you are ready to advance your career, especially since Ms. Vaile is rapidly becoming more of a liability than I'm willing to accept. What of the EPIC team?"

"We are transfering their wounded to Brazilia. Two of their members are currently missing, which is turning into a slight problem," she says. "But we have a severe problem with the containment units damaged in the attack. It's created quite a biohazard and we can't allow them into the area to search," she adds, though something about her tone makes you pause.

"Very clever, young woman," Telda says with a hint of a smile. "See that the rest of the EPIC team leaves the facility within the hour so we can return to business as usual without any potential security leaks."

"Anything else, sir?"

"Mr. Santala has been in contact with Ms. Vaile within the last hour. Could you inform him that his services are no longer required?"

"Of course, sir," Ms. Price says as she shuts off the screen and gets up to leave.

You get no response from Cosmo. You don't even get a static response, just completely dead air. You're just about to inform Michelle when the receiver picks up a weak signal filled with static.

"*crackle* escaped but the deedd *screech* collapsed and I *crackle* tunnel wiii *screech* cave in. *crackle* hear me?"

In a Secret SAP Lab, Same Facility

As you rather effectively destroy the lab and the collection equipment, a loud banging starts on the door Vida sealed off. It sounds like energy blasts striking the blast door repeatedly. You quickly finish, and see that Vida isn't looking any worse really. You also see that she has a strange device out and is slipping it onto her hand.

It is gold colored with a metallic finger caps and a wrist clip. The palm has a blue crystal built into it. "I can help with guards," Vida says with her ever present smile.

OOC: Think SG-1... the bosses hand weapons.

You both take up position on either side of the door and Vida slides a card through a locking mechanism. A green light flashes and the door slides open. As soon as it does, two energy pulses scream past you, leaving scorch marks in the wall on the far side of the room!

In An Underground Tunnel, Brazil
"This coming from someone who'd have loved to see me up on terrorism charges in the SAA," Flick says, your words obviously having the opposite of the desired effect. "Look out, Mole, or we'll be lumped in with everyone else they go up against," she says mockingly.

"That would be the life of a mercenary," the Mole says without concern. "Your family is rich; they could have paid my price. But your choice kid. I'll send flowers to the funeral."

With obvious deliberate motions, he moves Flick farther into the tunnel behind him and starts collapsing the tunnel as he moves away from you.


First Post
Michelle waits (im)patiently for the report from the security guards, ignoring Straightjacket's dad.

If it takes longer then 10 minutes, she will ask what is taking so long in a polite manner, of course.

During the wait she will lean over to Rebound. Did I ever tell you how much I hate being the leader?


Erm, does this not warrant an initiative?

Sanjay motions to Vida to stay put while he has a look to see what they're up against, hoping she understands.

Move into the doorway and spend his half action deflecting the next incoming attack.


"Cosmo? Is that you?"
Johan tries to amplify the signal, working with the van's communicators (not sure if Computers, a Craft, or Repair would be the most approriate).


First Post
In a Secret SAP Lab, Same Facility

You peek around the corner and see two silver armored guards advancing quickly towards the door, arm cannons glowing and ready to fire. You catch a glimpse of a single elevator behind them. They are about forty feet away but moving fast. The hall is only about ten feet across and perfectly straight to the elevators.

As you spot them, they see you.

"Confirmed; he's loose. Affirmative; proceeding with containment."

OOC: No need for deflection, and as said iniatives are pretty easy.

Condition Summary
Guards 22, Neutron 12 (2L, Anaconda infected), Vida 12 (Anaconda infected)

Neutron is up.

Outside the SAP Research Facility
You manage to clear up the signal slightly. It's definitely not Cosmo; it's a heavily accented voice. It actually sounds like Loco.

"You better get *crackle* and help. It's going *crackle* dig out the tunnel. I *crackle* safe inside but can't *crackle*"

While the message is still garbled, you are able to get a bit of a fix on the transmission. It's coming from nearly twenty miles away, in the middle of the mountains. There appears to be a dirt road that travels within a mile or so of the general vacinity of the transmission.

In A Cave System Outside Mai Pai, China
Raisa takes another swing at Mia, but misses badly as the agile woman spins to avoid the blow. Jackal follows her attack up, clawing at Mia and sending bright sparks showering off her armor. Mia appears unharmed by the attack.

Initiative and Condition Summary
Mia Toan 28 (1VP, 2L, 1S), Amazon 21 (1HP, 3L, 1S, fatigued), Jackal 14 (OK), X12 14 (-1 damage saves), Li 8 (1HP), Xi 7 (1L)

X12 is up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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