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EPIC M&M: Issue 6 (IC)


First Post
Calinon said:
And standing before the wall of rubble are the Mole and Flick. Flick is leaning heavily on her staff and the Mole is surveying his handiwork.

"That should stop them from followin... what the...?" he says, and he turns towards you rapidly as Flick snatches up her staff, both obviously noticing you at the same time.

"Where the hell did you two come from?" the Mole rumbles.

"I was about to ask you two the same thing. Chill out. We arent here to fight." Vince carefully sets Monica down in case Mole and Flick do something silly.

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First Post
In An Underground Tunnel, Brazil
"We happen to be escaping," the Mole snorts. "Looks like she's just here to lay there and die," the Mole says without compassion. "Best turn around and go back down that tunnel, because you can't get help that way," he adds, jerking a claw at the tunnel he just collapsed. "Or just sit there and wait for her to bleed out. Whatever. You punks cost me a lot of money today; it'll serve you right."

"Mole," Flick says, whacking him in the belly with her staff.

"Shut up," he growls back at her. "He's got nothing to offer me. Unless he wants to play kidnap victim and get us some money," the Mole laughs.

Condition Summary
Vincent (3L, 1S), Monica (7L, 2S, disabled, KO)

In the SAP Research Facility, Hall near the elevator
"It'll be outside in the lot." The man you thought was a tech, is actually a security guard and he drives the van down the hall carefully and outside some doors at the distant end of the hall.

In the SAP Research Facility, Infirmary
Michelle, Johan
Johan returns in just a few minutes with a couple of high power hand lanterns that should do the trick.

Condition Summary
Cosmo (OK), Loki (OK), Mantis (4L, disabled), Alan Cashman (1L), Straightjacket (4L, disabled x2), Metal Mistress (1L), Johan (OK), Anna (3L, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 ( fatigued)


"Oh, you speak English," Sanjay says a little sheepishly. "Uh, well, good." He allows her to help him walk, realizing his adrenaline rush is quickly fading, the virus sapping his energy. "Thanks. I mean, for the help and everything." He raises his free arm and disintegrates the door. "Where are we going though? Do you know someone that can help me? 'Cause if not, I really don't want...to go back to see anyone I know, I'm not so...good with the goodbyes, y'know?"


First Post
Calinon said:
"Shut up," he growls back at her. "He's got nothing to offer me. Unless he wants to play kidnap victim and get us some money," the Mole laughs.

"You know, you can make money being the good guys too you know." Vince looks down at Monica in her weakened condition and glances back up to Mole and Flick, "I've got twenty grand I set aside for a down payment on a nice new car. I fly or run faster than any car now anyways so if you can get me and her to a top hospital and she survives this, I'll drop the 20k your way. It might not be as much as you were going to make by killing Billions of people with the Anaconda virus but it is what I can offer. She doesnt deserve to die."


First Post
In An Underground Tunnel, Brazil
The Mole snorts derisively. "Twenty grand? You father owns a successful pharmaceutical corporation here in the SAA, and you're offering me twenty grand?" He laughs. "I can make more than that selling her body on an electronic buyers marketplace."

Flick whacks him in the shin with her staff. "Stop it," she says. "She'll die without help."

"Not my problem," he growls back. "A million bucks. You agree to pay me a million bucks, and I'll put you within spitting distance of Brazilia's main medical facility. Refuse and I'll leave the two of you here. Just remember, kid," he adds. "I know who your parents are, and if I can break into an SAP facility," he says, letting the threat go unspoken.

Condition Summary
Vincent (3L, 1S), Monica (7L, 2S, disabled, KO)

In the SAP Research Facility
Liberating a hand lantern from Johan, Michelle starts heading out of the infirmary.

"Just hold on there, missy," SJ's dad says. "I'll come along." He walks by Rebound's snoozing form, and shakes him awake. "Get up, chubby. We're going looking for that freaky kid and that horny cat-girl."

"Huh, wha? Monica is lost?" he says, rolling off the bed and jumping down to the floor. "Ok, I'll come."

Both of them take lanterns as well, and follow you down the hall, leaving Johan in charge of the injured. As soon as the three of you approach the elevator, you see four silver armored guards blocking off the elevators.

"I'm sorry," the lead guard says. "This area is off limits until further notice. Biohazard containment and decontamination procedures are in effect. Your van is outside now, however."

Once outside, you start looking at possible ways to boost the power of the radio in the Van, but it's pretty much maxxed out. It becomes apparent now that you carefully examine the system, that it would take a lot of rock, several miles of it, to block your transmission. It is far more likely a mineral depost that would be blocking communications with Vince, or his communicator may be damaged, especially since Cosmo is nearly a thousand kilometers away and your normal communicators can still reach him.

A hoverjet is being prepped nearby.

Inside the infirmary, the doctor finishes at his terminal and approaches you.

"I've ordered a jet prepared to take your injured to Brazilia. We'll be ready to depart in a few minutes," he informs you. "I'll just need you to sign off on the transport," he adds, handing you a clipboard with a reef or paperwork on it. "And we'll need someone to accompany them from your team."

Condition Summary
Cosmo (OK), Loki (OK), Mantis (4L, disabled), Alan Cashman (1L), Straightjacket (4L, disabled x2), Metal Mistress (1L), Johan (OK), Anna (3L, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 ( fatigued)

In a Secret SAP Lab, Same Facility

Vida doesn't quite seem to grasp most of what you are saying, but finally answers you as best she can. "I help you. You will stop guards and I help us leave. Not alot of time," she adds, her smile fading as she gives your hand a squeeze. As she does so, you notice that the veins on the back of her hand are much darker than they should be.

OOC: OMG... Neutron made a spot check!

Condition Summary
Neutron (2L, Anaconda infected)

In A Cave System Outside Mai Pai, China
Raisa, her senses returning to her, rushes Mia Toan, attempting to slam her entire body into the woman, sensitive skin be damned!

Attack roll (Raisa): 22 (HP 26) hits!
Damage save (Mia Toan) [DC19]: 15 (1S)
Damage save (Raisa) [DC16]: 19 succeeds

As she bruises Mia and Jackal clears the cobwebs, X12's body tries to heal itself of its serious injuries.

Disabled recovery (DC20): 15 (HP 30) succeeds
KO recovery (DC10): automatic
Will save (X12) [DC19]: 9 fails

X12's wounds close rapidly and he blinks unseeing eyes as Li takes a cautious swing at Mia Toan, who easily pushes the attack aside. Xi grabs at her sword, taking a bad wound on his palm, but uses his powers to disolve the blade! His wound on his hand drips blood briefly, then starts to close.

Mia screams at you all wordlessly, snatching the blade in Kevin and yanking it out even as she hurls her dagger at a prone X12! With great agility, Li kicks out, deflecting the blade away and sending it skittering across the floor!

Li spends a hero point to deflect an attack against X12.

Will save (X12) [DC18]: 18 succeeds and you'll be able to use your senses again on your turn.

Amazon is up again...

Initiative and Condition Summary
Mia Toan 28 (1VP, 2L, 1S), Amazon 21 (1HP, 3L, 1S, fatigued), Jackal 14 (OK), X12 14 (blind, deaf, scent dazzled, -10 damage saves), Li 8 (1HP), Xi 7 (1L)


"I will accompany them," Johan says as he reads through the papers (and signs them if there isn't anything out of the ordinary or the like).

Out at the parking lot, Johan ponders. I wonder if the truck that Ghost stole is still within range...
And, as he has nothing more immediate things to do, Johan proceeds to check the van-mounted radar to look for the nanobots.


"I'll stop the guards?" Sanjay asks woozily. "Okay, I'll try. I still don't know why you're doing this. Are we going to see Ms. Va..." He notices the veins on her hand and jerks away from her completely. "Omigod, don't touch me!" he yells in shock. He looks at her, eyes wide and mouth agape. "Um...y-you're right, we have no time, let's go..." he says, turning to trudge on as fast as he can on his own.


First Post
Calinon said:
"Not my problem," he growls back. "A million bucks. You agree to pay me a million bucks, and I'll put you within spitting distance of Brazilia's main medical facility. Refuse and I'll leave the two of you here. Just remember, kid," he adds. "I know who your parents are, and if I can break into an SAP facility," he says, letting the threat go unspoken.

"You better watch what you say you overgrown shag rug. The only reason you arent being prepped for a morning execution is because we let you go to take down Mason instead. That is a situation that could be quickly remedied." Vince states plainly as he blurs with superspeed. "You might want to listen to Flick. My way you get my gratitude as well as some walking money to get home with. Your way you probably get to kill the kitty cat here but could also end up walking the Green mile in a few hours. Not to mention there is no cash in it for you...."


First Post
Calinon said:
"I'm sorry," the lead guard says. "This area is off limits until further notice. Biohazard containment and decontamination procedures are in effect. Your van is outside now, however."

You don't understand, we have to get in there. We are searching for a couple of our teammates that went down into the tunnel after Ghost, they have been gone a long time, we have to find them.

diplomacy +8

Voidrunner's Codex

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