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Epic Spellcasting Variant [PLAYTESTING]


Rule Lawyer Groupie
I've been thoroughly dissatisfied with the Epic Spellcasting rules, so I decided to try my hand at some variant rules.

I've read the Immortals Handbook thread, and that inspired me to devise something balanced for our campaign. Not to criticize the yet unpublished work of the esteemed UK (keep up the good work :) ), our group is currently wading into Epic territory, and we need something better than the SRD/ELH, and before 2005.

The approach I used include:
  • A more linear progression from non-epic levels
  • A "more uses, less über" progression
  • Less discrepancy in the power levels of the resulting Epic spells (even things out)
  • A few perks that go with Epic, understanding that (for us), Epic does not mean Divine.

I would appreciate any constructive comments on how this approach is balanced (or utterly broken ;) ).

Edit: Call for Epic Playtesters!

Edit: Revamped version 1.5

After some playtesting, some more radical changes were made to simplify the system. Most notably:

  • The requirements for the Epic Spellcasting feat, Spellcraft ranks and/or Knowledge (arcana or religion) ranks have been dropped in order to streamline the epic spell system with the non epic spell system. ECL 21 is however still required.
  • The conversion process from non epic spells to epic spells has been changed so that spell levels are standardized regardless of the characters abilities (skill ranks, Improved Metamagic, etc.). So a 10th level spell is a 10th level spell for everyone.
  • The creation of epic spells from non-epic spells is still based on stacking metamagic feats and modifications, but there are no limits to how many can be added up to the final epic spell level and a spellcaster need not possess the specific metamagic feats used for the creation process. They are simply used to reflect the cost of improvements. Metamagic feat level increases, however, incur a 25% premium to reflect the fact that the spell DC is based on the final epic spell level. E.g. Intensify Spell at +7 level increase is the equivalent of 2 x Empower Spell and 1 x Maximize Spell, so Intensify Spell becomes less attractive for an epic spellcaster since the save DC remains at the non-epic level. Hence the premium.

Edit: Previous comments from 1.3 (still applicable)

Giving some more thought, and with some discussions within our group, I revamped to system to accomplish the following goals:

  • Streamline epic spell slot progression with the existing system.
  • Minimize as much as possible epic spell creation effort, while at the same time offering flexibility for new spells and reusability of existing published material.
  • Keep it simple during gameplay.

I have therefore decoupled the actual use of spell slots above 9th level, which are basically normal additional spells per day gained with spellcaster levels, from the creation process. The creation process is flexible enough so that it can use published epic spells as well as existing non epic spells modified so that they become epic spells. This is to minimize player and DM effort to create new epic spells.

I have attempted to balance spell power with the flexibility for different effects. The "modification" aspect for the conversion of non epic spells into epic spells has been toned down somewhat to not overshadow metamagic feats, but provide effects that are not normally granted by those feats.



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Example 2: The same Wizard decides to make her Epic Fireball more effective against creatures with fire resistance and spell resistance. She decides to use two modifications, penetrate 10 points of fire resistance (for a +4 increase in spell level), and gain +4 to her caster level for the purposes of beating the spell resistance of her foes (for a +2 increase in spell level). This counts as two uses of her allowed three Metamagic stacking uses. She therefore decides to use Empower Spell (for a +2 increase in spell level). The spell slot required would therefore be of 11th level. The resulting Epic Fireball would bypass 10 points of fire resistance, deal 10d6 x 1.5 points of damage to creatures failing their Reflex saves, and the caster would gain +4 to her caster level checks to beat her foe's spell resistance. The saving throw DC of the spell would become 21 + the Wizard's Intelligence modifier.

Why is the saving throw 21+Int mod instead of 13+int mod? Doesn't raising the spell save DC by one cost a spell level?


Rule Lawyer Groupie
Anabstercorian said:
Why is the saving throw 21+Int mod instead of 13+int mod? Doesn't raising the spell save DC by one cost a spell level?

I thought that since modifications are expensive, that there should be a perk to using an Epic slot for a non epic spell. So the save DC is 10 + the final slot level + ability mod. So 21 + ability mod in that case.

(It's mentioned earlier in the page)

EDIT: Or maybe not... I was perhaps not clear enough, will be fixed for 1.1 :)

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I love this system! Since I don't have any epic campaigns (or any campaigns for that matter), could you keep us updated on your playtest results?


Rule Lawyer Groupie
aurance said:
I love this system! Since I don't have any epic campaigns (or any campaigns for that matter), could you keep us updated on your playtest results?

Sure thing. My DM likes things simple, so we'll see if the "modifications" aspect flies, since it's the most complex. :)



I agree that the modifications will be the hardest thing to pull off. Essentially, they could all just be turned into feats, and then some casters would have them, and some wouldn't.

I've hated the epic spell rules from the beginning and have always been a fan of just keeping the progression as is, and just creating spells of 10th level and above that simply scale in power upward. I suppose that the spells' power will have to progress a little more slowly, otherwise we risk having spellcasters being way too powerful compared to other classes, but I don't see that as a real problem.

And, what you're proposing seems to be in line with this.



Rule Lawyer Groupie
Vrecknidj said:
I agree that the modifications will be the hardest thing to pull off. Essentially, they could all just be turned into feats, and then some casters would have them, and some wouldn't.

I had given this some thought. What I wanted to minimize is the spell design process. In our group, we are all professionals and most with families. Designing a spell takes time and thought, and our DM has more affinity for storytelling than mechanics. So proposing enough spells for the three spellcasters in the group to fill those 10th+ level slots becomes a daunting perspective for him.

Being able to reuse the multitude of non epic spells out there in a new way is the aim of the modifications approach. And I know that there are metamagic feats out there for a slew of effect, so I put in the modification table those things that I haven't seen very often and that have that "epic" feel without being overpowering.

Also, there's the fact that some wizards take some metamagic feats and others not. I didn't put in all the possible adjustments because I didn't want to penalize those that have invested in specific metamagic feats. Why take Still Spell if the caster can simply add a +1 modification to remove a somatic component?

But this gives me an idea. Perhaps an epic caster could add a metamagic effect to a spell without actually having the feat, but at an additional +1 or +2 spell level cost. It adds flexibility without taking away from those that have invested in the feats.



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Umm, is there any reason the file is Excel .xls? I can't open Excel files on my home PC, and I'm not going to try opening it on one of the college computers. Would it be too much trouble converting it to .doc or something, even .bmp or something? :^D

/me wants to check out the epic spellcasting variant because he too despises the current system

Arkhandus said:
Umm, is there any reason the file is Excel .xls? I can't open Excel files on my home PC, and I'm not going to try opening it on one of the college computers. Would it be too much trouble converting it to .doc or something, even .bmp or something? :^D

/me wants to check out the epic spellcasting variant because he too despises the current system
Excel viewer

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