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I'm just curious how much more "mini centric" D&D can be. :confused:

As it sits now 3.5 is close enough to a boardgame for me.

Where is the line where a game is no longer and RPG, but a minis or boardgame?

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I got it. The solution to all these speculations!

Have Eric Noah squeeze more info from his source, no matter what it takes!

The trick: getting Eric Noah to do such a thing. :lol:

On a serious note, is it possible for the anonymous source to say more? Or for the source to try and get more info on it if that's all he/she/it knows?

Corporate spies, that's what we need in WotC! Heh.

Or it could be Eric Noah is secretly working for WotC as an unofficial liason between the gaming community and WotC and was told to plant the 4E rumors so they can gauge the reaction to it!

We're all just RPG guinea pigs, that's what's going on. :uhoh:
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First Post
morbiczer said:
This concept works in CCGs or CMGs, because that's how these games were created from the beggining, and people grew up with it. But I simply can't see how this concept would work in the RPG field. For 20 years you could play any character you wanted, and now your PC can only wield a sword if you have the appropriate mini/card?

Look at Dragon Storm for an example of such. Though it does have the printable basic equipment sets.

Or Mageknight Dungeons which does it from a different end.

MK:D was the more successfull but DS still continues.

In many ways its not different from being only able to play a Warlock or a Thri-Kreen if you have the appropriate supplament.

Not where I want it to go but then most of this thread matches the DND usenet group with the version numbers iterated. Most still bought 3E. Most will likely still buy 4E.

WotC have the problem they've run out of the most profitable books [Core and Primary Splats] to sell, so it is time for a new version. After 3.5 Shock and Surprise at the product lifecycle is somewhat inappropriate.


First Post
TheAuldGrump said:

How about the idea originally used for D&D Basic, Expert, etc.? Smaller price point, more easily digested bits. The abilty to link each box or small book with a random-box miniatures release....

And not a scratch card in sight. (Sorry Festivus, it really would not fly.)

The Auld Grump

Oh, I never thought for a moment scratch cards for stats would work :) Someone else thoguht of those, not me.

But Spell cards, feat cards, treasure cards... all those really could. I use them already in my game (well, not feat cards) and they simplify things a ton and make it more tactile (read: mini-centric). I was just thinking about it from Hasbro's side, how might you get people to pump money into the game... make it random and collectable.

I am not saying it's a bad thing at all, I actually would enjoy seeing the game go this route. *ducks behind the bar for cover from the d20's sure to come my way*

Octarinewolf said:
WotC have the problem they've run out of the most profitable books [Core and Primary Splats] to sell, so it is time for a new version. After 3.5 Shock and Surprise at the product lifecycle is somewhat inappropriate.

I don't think anyone is shocked at the lifecycle. We're gamers, we're usually pretty good at math and stuff.

I think most of the distress is on direction rather than timing.

Festivus said:
I am not saying it's a bad thing at all, I actually would enjoy seeing the game go this route. *ducks behind the bar for cover from the d20's sure to come my way*

D20s are too good for you. You're going to get pelted with all those d12s we never use. :p


mcrow said:
Where is the line where a game is no longer and RPG, but a minis or boardgame?
Wherever it is that you stop roleplaying.

I don't find that I roleplay 3.5 any less than I did way back in 1E. So no issue there in my camp.


First Post
Wow, interesting story. I personally am all for it. I figure combining D&D's name recognition with some kind of easier pick-up-and-play structure (like minis, or CCGs, or even board games) could give it some kind of mainstream audience.

I've never understood the anger about having to buy the new books, or losing your investment in old version supplements, personally. I'm into gaming to game, not to collect.

I'm not saying folks are wrong, just that it's interesting to see their perspectives.


I don't see how they've run out of ideas. I can come up with a few now.

Expand on what they already created. Which, I believe, is what they're finally doing what with Complete Mage and Complete Scoundrel coming along. Do an Epic Level splat book.

They have a Monster-theme line still running, they need to do a Fey book ala Draconomicon/Libris Mortis/Lords of Madness. There's still the "Book of Perfect Balance" idea they can wrestle with, the neutral version of BoED and BoVD. A "Races of the Mind" would be an interesting supplement for psionic campaigns.

That's just the general books, there's still tons of stuff they can do for FR and Eberron. And from the looks of it, they took back the Ravenloft license and made "Castle Ravenloft" so we might see a 3E return of that setting. Possibly.

Again, we all might as well wait until Gen Con, a week from now. Though I assure you, to me, this will be one looong week now. :(

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