I could not find anywhere that stated that this has already been identified, but I discovered today while reading the new Starship Recognition Manual that the Lagaya Kalush Class VI liner is misidentified as the Lokubu Kalush Class VI Liner on the blue heading bar on the top of page 58. I was using Foxit Phantom to extract each ship as a separate PDF to use as handouts for my players when I noticed this.
BTW, the Starship Recognition Manual (SRM) is First Class Work. The artwork is perfect, the little in-jokes scattered throughout are great, and the stat workups are spot on. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Tim Schuster
P.S. Just noticed that this should have gone into the official Errata thread. Apologies!
ALSO: On page 72, the Rongakush Kalush has a typo in the Stat Block: the title of the ship is identified as the Rongakuch, instead of the Rongakush. I know it's just one little letter, and I'm sorry to be nit-picky, but I'm a perfectionist, and when I see something as wonderful as the SRM, I want it to be perfect.
BTW, the Starship Recognition Manual (SRM) is First Class Work. The artwork is perfect, the little in-jokes scattered throughout are great, and the stat workups are spot on. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Tim Schuster
P.S. Just noticed that this should have gone into the official Errata thread. Apologies!
ALSO: On page 72, the Rongakush Kalush has a typo in the Stat Block: the title of the ship is identified as the Rongakuch, instead of the Rongakush. I know it's just one little letter, and I'm sorry to be nit-picky, but I'm a perfectionist, and when I see something as wonderful as the SRM, I want it to be perfect.
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