The latest Kobold Quarterly has rules for using the escalation die in Pathfinder. Basically there's a bonus to all attacks and spellcaster DCs, starting at 0 the first round and increasing by one each round until it hits 6. To compensate, monster ACs (and presumably saves; the article omits that, but it makes sense) get a +1.
I thought it was interesting, but it seems like an effective -1 will barely be noticed, and this would end up powering up the PCs quite a bit. I thought about giving a +2 to the monsters. That would probably slow down battle a bit. I thought about compensating that by making it go 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / 6 and making it top out in 5 rounds instead of 7. Thoughts?
I thought it was interesting, but it seems like an effective -1 will barely be noticed, and this would end up powering up the PCs quite a bit. I thought about giving a +2 to the monsters. That would probably slow down battle a bit. I thought about compensating that by making it go 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / 6 and making it top out in 5 rounds instead of 7. Thoughts?