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Eschton [mature] IC - Calling Arabesu


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Serraphina opens the psi-web cannel and sends a nice clear feed of the carnage from the midst of battle, complete with the acrid stench of the acid, and her true vision of the "girl's" form. "By all means join the party my dear Budha."

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Tyroth informs Rothman to ensure that Placidio remains within the cover of the asteroid field, and to try to "fly casually." I.e. to use psychic modifications to inertia as much as an any adjustments from the as-of-yet-untested FTL drive.

"I want you to dupe the alien craft into thinking you are an asteroid. In the event that Lord Karnak's craft has become compromised I want a safe place to return to in the event that events are unfavorable.

Eleven and Cyclone will be with me. What I have seen over Miss Delecorte's transmission disturbs me greatly and I want to ensure that we have as much force as is needed to overrun the aliens should we want to. I may be out of contact for some time, so in the event that you do not get further orders, track the alien vessel but if it attacks, use as much evasion as you can to get Placidio to safety.

On more thing, if the craft seems to be leaving this system I want you follow as unobtrusively as possible. We may want to figure out the ultimate goal of this vessel and part of that may require riding it close to its final destination.

Good luck, Rothman.

May your ships steal the wind and the rain always find your gardens."

With that he teleports himself, Eleven, and Cyclone over to the alien craft, using his own spell resources if required, unless the "ghosts" donated by Argus have provided him with "free" teleports somehow, in which case he would use the new modifications rather than his own prepared spell slot. (he only has the one prepared today and no pearl at that level :eek: )

OOC Ideally he would appear in spaces D0 and E0 for him and Eleven and D-1:F-3 for Cylcone, i.e. just behind Sigil and Serraphina.

I suppose I need to roll initiative:

Initiative = 14

[sblock=changes to stat blocks from spells etc.: ] See post 348.

Eleven now has 19 con, 101 hp (16 from Aid ), concentration +17, Fort +11, +1 versus fear effects, a +22 melee or +12 ranged touch, and is currently in "ball o' light" mode.

Tyrroth has +24 hp from empowered false life cast earlier in the day: 176+24=200, AC 41, with +6 illusory images near him, i.e. a 1 in 7 chance of hitting the true image. [/sblock]
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First Post
Unable to reach Karnak, one of the unicorns touches Arhaux's armored frame. But the mystical equine's magic is ineffective on her power armor.

As Serraphina rushes forward, the ooze creature lashes out at her. But with a suprizingly deft move for her large form, she dodges out of the way. Her spiked chain finds the many-legged abomination of a 'girl', connecting solidly. But though the blow deals signifigant damage, it doesn't appear to land in a critical area.

Sigil hits the ooze creature easily. But the arcane energies of the blast disperse within the massive blob , seemingly without effect.

Tyrroth and his entourage briefly flicker onto the bridge of Karnak's ship before once again dissappearing and finally reappearing with the others aboard the Outer Dark ship.

Another triple cacophony erupts a moment after they're arrival, centered on Tyrroth, Eleven, and Serraphina. The master of Placidio manages to evade the sonic barrage entirely, but Serraphina is hit full on by two of the explosions, and avoids only part of the third (65 damage). Worse, Eleven is knocked flat by the attack. Streams of shimmering essence frow from her ears, nose, and mouth. She appears to be on the very brink of discorporation.

Arhaux fires a beam of light at the ooze creature. It hist easily, but apparently without effect.

The ooze creature swipes at Serraphina with a fat pseudopod and a thinner tendril. But neither connects

map updated

Karnak 25
Unicorns 22
Serraphina 22
Sigil 22
Tyrroth 14
Eleven 14
Cyclone 14
Girl 13
Arhaux 12
Ooze Creature 25
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First Post
Serraphina, Half celestial minotaur werebear fighter , hp 84/190, AC 50 (touch ac 40) SR25 PR40

Reeling for a moment from the cacaphonous assualt, Serraphina recovers as her beastial nature bubbles up inside her, but she manages to control it. She affixes her eyes on the many-legged abberation, and gaining a spot of luck it has not moved. The celestial bearotuar lashes out with the full fury of her sizzling chain. Full Attack: 33, 28, 23 for Damage: (40 & 2, 46 & 3, 38 & 2)

OOC - ...three 2s rolled in a row, this has been my luck this week. It's one of the reasons I like that lvl 6 crusader stance that lets me take 11 on any d20 roll. 10 rolls in various games today and nothing over a 7...


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a whirlwind and tyrroth's full attack

As soon as Karnack has finished his flurry of attacks and Shayuri has acted, Tyrroth looks over his shoulder at Cyclone and with a gesticulation conveys his intentions. The greater air elemental expands into the tornadic storm of his namesake. Permeating forward as a violent whirlwind he nearly picks up Serraphina, but she is able to hold her ground and avoid damage (OOC hopefully, she make her saves with a +21 bonus.)

As he sweeps over the ooze and many legged creature he stops until the psion is picked up bodily at which point, he then retreats to his starting place with the creature bouncing about helplessly within the confines of the disruptive whirlwind (15 damage).

[sblock=OOC: ]Cyclone becomes a whirlwind and moves forward provoking NO AOO. Serraphina and the many legged psion need to make two DC 25 reflex saves; the first to avoid 15 damage and the second to avoid being hoisted in the air. Manifesting powers or casting spells from the whirlwind normally requires a DC15 + spell level concentration check. Hopefully, casting on the defensive in the whirlwind is much more difficult than normal. If the psion is not lifted, the elemental will sit on top of the ooze for multiple rounds until it is hoisted into the air. Tyrroth is immune to air effects, Eleven is incorporeal (and dying), and the ooze is too large to be affected. If Serraphina is picked up he will deposit her in her original spot.[/sblock]

Tyrroth delays to watch the scene scrutinizing as to cyclone's efficacy. Gnostin casts his polymorph on Tyrroth, transforming him into his most fearsome form and expanding him forward toward the ooze slightly.

Tyrroth steps forward ending his step squeezed between the wall and Serraphina and unleashes a flurry of flaming jabs, headbutts, elbow swipes, and knee kicks: hitting AC 39, 39, 32, 25, and 31 for 38,26, 37, 32, and 33 damage and 2, 5, 2, 4, and 2 fire damage; also, if this creature has any damage reduction other than DR/magic he deals an extra 4 damage per hit.

[sblock=OOC: ]Tyrroth expands forward one square when polymorphed, and takes a 5ft step forward, but is squeezed by Serraphina's presence when he stops. With his 10ft reach, he attacks the ooze, activating his rapidstrike bracers (swift), boots of speed (free), fist of energy fire (free), and flurry of blows for his full attack action.[/sblock]

Relevant to the oozes counterattack, his AC becomes 59 (squeezing already included), he has six false images, and both he and his images have 20% miss chances and touch AC 29. He also has a reflex save of +27 and acid resistance 10; If he hits with any of the above attacks, he becomes combat focused for 12 rounds, giving him a +4 to will saves, +8 to opposed checks such as grapple, trip, etc, and fast healing 4.

[sblock=changes to stat block from polymorph and other spells: ]
polymorph =
Str 36, Dex 30, Con 30; Grapple +34 (or up to +50); 10ft space/10ft reach; Speed 80, Fly 110 (average); Fort +24, Reflex +26; AC 58, touch 33, non-corporeal touch 39; additional +8 to strength checks, +4 to concentration and dexterity checks except hide which is at a net +0; Melee attack: unarmed strike +31/+26/+21 (3d8+17; +4 vs DR); Ranged Attack +24 dagger +1 (1d4+14);

+ false life (200 hp) + shield (+4AC) + mirror image (+6 images) + haste (1/round).[/sblock]
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First Post
"You will pay for ruining my daggers! I was given those by Gorshak Iron Body and I will not let their loss be from some lowly slime!"

Seized in his fury, Karnak's claws burst into flame as he begins to claw at the ooze unmindful of the searing pain that couples each strike.

[sblock=OOC]Karnak uses the Burning Blade and Avalanche of Blades maneuvers. Void, can you do the rolls since I don't know what the ooze's AC is.

His claws deal 1d4+7 damage plus 1d6+12 fire damage.

His starting attack bonus for this is +27[/sblock]


First Post
In a blur of violence, Karnak lands a full ten fiery slashes. The storm of claws opens a great rent in the ooze, not fully cauterized by the flames. From it, a deluge of acid splashes the warrior's arms, face, and chest (102 damage).

Serraphina swings her puissantly enchanted chain in a series of deadly arcs, but the 'girl' skitters out of the way. The first misses by a couple of inches, while the other attacks fall far short.

Sigil's elfbolt hits the curtain of ooze protecting the 'girl'. The creature lights up, but manages to absorb her arcane energies. However, even from a distance the fey monarch can tell the the blast would have missed the elusive 'girl' by at least a yard.

Taking on the attributes of his namesake, Cyclone sweeps past Tyrroth, Serraphina, and the fallen Eleven without harm. But the huge elemental manages to fling the 'girl' into the air all the way to the fleshy ceiling. It carries her, spinning like a mad dervish, but otherwise unharmed, back to its point of origin.

The 'girl' remains elusive, but due to the imbalance caused by the whirlwind, Tyrroth just barely connects twice with the claws of his infernally transformed body. The blows are enough. The veil of illusion falls from the 'girl', and her limp, many-legged form whirls about the living tornado, unconscious.

Arhaux stand unmoving but vigilant. Stymied by the ooze's defences, she awaits an opening.

The ooze creature, its injuries apparent despite its alien form, begins to sink into the weird organic material of the floor. As it does so, it threads a thin tentacle past Serraphina and Tyrroth to pluck its insensate companion from the air. Within moments she and the ooze disappear entirely.


First Post
"That was some excellent timing," Sigil says breathlessly...her voice apparently emanating from thin air as the unicorns expend their last healing on anyone they can get to who's wounded, then vanishing.

"Those creatures are apparently all but invulnerable to my magic."

She sounds deeply disturbed by this. A moment later she appears to the naked eye...an apt term, for she is indeed entirely and rather gloriously naked. Skin flawless and fair, with an otherworldly ethereal quality that only magnifies her beauty. A moment later she seems to realize her condition, and places a mask of shiny black stone over her face. She shimmers, and clothes appear over and around her...a simple but elegant gown of green and turquoise with gold thread trim.

Sigil looks quite put out.

"That was a Fael Malleus original suit of armor," she laments, eying the dissolved metal on the floor. "It took him years to forge it...I defeated the old Queen wearing it..."

"Newcomer...there's a portal off this ship back to our own, but it's some distance away. Do you have any powers of transportation?"


Registered User
"I am Tyrroth Kahn Buddha, sent by a patron of your cause. Yes, I do have teleport prepared for today. However, I need to see where I am going if we are to arrive safely, since it is merely of the fifth valence. Before we figure out those details, could one of your number heal my companion, please? Once she is conscious she can make some repairs of her own. You," pointing toward Arhaux, "I do not mean to be rude, but I do not know your name. Does your suit have a recording of the observation of this portal? Either way, we should travel while we are formulating a plan. Come toward me, this is the best way to travel in style."

Tyrroth then casts windwalk as a spell-like ability upon himself and five of you who accept, i.e. those who desire to travel gaseously and at tremendous speeds. Eleven and Cyclone elect to remain in their current forms which are both fast and defensively adaptable.

"Let us head in the direction of this portal while we discuss our plan of action."

OOC: I don't know if there is enough info for Tyrroth to teleport some of us there, but he can't take the whole group either way. Windwalk is a nice way to travel though...
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