D&D 5E Etherealness "Upcast" Question

Hello all,

In a current game, our Cleric cast Etherealness using an 8th level spell slot, allowing him to cast it on himself and three other people.

According to the spell description "You remain in the Border Ethereal for the duration or until you use your action to dismiss the spell."

The question is, does this mean the spell ends for everybody at once when the Cleric decides to dismiss the spell? Or does each individual target get to decide when to the dismiss the spell on themselves? Or maybe a combination of both (ends on all when the Cleric dismisses, but the other individuals may dismiss it sooner)?

In the heat of battle, I ruled that they just get to choose individually to end it.

What say you?


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“You” could refer affected creatures or it could refer to the caster.

I would lean towards the former since the “you” is the people in the border ethereal, some of whom are not necessarily the caster.
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“You” could refer affected creatures or it could refer to the caster.

I would lean towards the former since the “you” is the people in the border ethereal some, of whom are not necessarily the caster.
This was my thought in the heat of battle. "You" is clearly the caster when cast regularly. But once another target is affected, the "You" seems to apply to whomever is under the spell's effects.


Well, invisibility, cast on multiple people is dismissed individually.
Because it gives specific mention for that:
The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.
Also, Invisibility is range Touch, whereas Etherealness is range Self.
Further, as I said previously, Etherealness contains no language specifying individual effect when upcast, so it must be a group effect.

Voidrunner's Codex

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