I'd say the only ranges that matter are:With regard to range, these are following significant thresholds.
upto 10 feet: melee
upto 30 feet: close (30 foot move) (thrown weapon) (close quarters combat)
upto 100 feet: short range (large room, small house) (20 squares, most of a battlemat)
upto 300 feet: short range (large house, city block, ancient town wall) (bow shot) (60 squares, more than battlemat)
upto 1000 feet: long range
upto 3000 feet: long range (roughly 1 kilometer, 10 city blocks, small town, medieval town wall) (long range rifle)
Note. Ranges often require line of sight too.
30 feet, being the range where monsters can straight up reach you to make all their attacks...
...and 60 feet, where they can reach you, forcing you to Disengage unless you want to fight in melee.
Other than that there is seldom any difference. 100, 150 or 300 feet: you win, since you can keep monsters from delivering their melee attacks, while still delivering yours.
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