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Even Newer Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Without looking up from treating the dog's wounds, Johanna ventured a few words of Allarian. "If nobody knows where this 'Big Smear' is, ask the barkeep- they always know stuff like that." Then she went back to the steady (and hopefully reassuring) dwarven babble to the dog- it didn't seem like the animal was likely to die, but she had no idea what had led the creature here, or what had caused its wounds.

OOC: Streetwise 1d20+3= 10 (miss); roll Roll Lookup ; it is going to be a very short (or very very long) adventure if we can't find where the hook is...

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Elkrysn, Drow Sorcerer [Multiclass Assassin] 1

"What a great idea!" Elkrysn responds to the dwarf before turning to face the barkeep. "Sir! Pardon me, but would you happen to know whatever this 'Big Smear' may be? Such knowledge may aid us in escorting this poor canine out and removing such a distraction from your otherwise paying customers. Speaking of which, would you have any idea what may have happened to this creature?"
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Voda Vosa

First Post
The bullywug leaps behind Torqua and follows her. When the Big Smear subject arises, the monk comments. "Understood I have, that such place is a swamp of mud, which location I don't know. A place as that should I visit."

OOC: If you are willing to take some 1st lvl, Sapo Toa has as many controller powers as possible.

Walking Dad

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Vimak Stonecarver

Vimak asks something in dwarf Johanna , before continuing in common: "I ask again, does someone knows a 'Big Smear? There is maybe live in danger!"

[sblock=Streetwise 15]The "Big Smear" refers to a particular large mud flat on the border of the outer harbor beyond the docks and near one of the large outlets of Daunton's sewers. Nearby is worksman neighborhood that is neither prosperous or poor.[/sblock]

[sblock=Dwarf] (who is Timmy? But it's nice to hear my fathers language again)[/sblock]

My 2nd PC, not approved, yet.

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First Post
A small grin passed over the half-orcs face for a moment before turning back. "The name is Morko. I am from the Fleshripper clan, and am a barbarian. I have traveled here on a search for...." He paused for a moment, seeming to search within himself for the right words to say. "...For something that was lost to me long ago."

"Greetings Morko, as my sister pointed out, I'm D'keth, and we have also lost much long ago, but also recently found each other and it is a cause of happiness to us. We are both skilled with blades and with magic, chanelling our magic through our blades. Perhaps we can pool our resources? There is strength in numbers" The male githyanki says, his weapon nearly a match of the female's blade, although unlike her leather armor, he wears only simple clothes.

I'll let Voda Vosa go ahead of me if he'd like. I wouldn't relish adventuring with someone such a higher level than my PC (WalkingDad's level4) [/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Deaf is the hulk? Perhaps. Perhaps it doesn't care to hear the low voice of wisdom." Sapo Toa says, in her unemotional underwater voice.


First Post
Vimak Stonecarver

Vimak asks something in dwarf Johanna , before continuing in common: "I ask again, does someone knows a 'Big Smear? There is maybe live in danger!"

[sblock=Dwarf] (who is Timmy? But it's nice to hear my fathers language again)[/sblock]

With the worst of the dog's injuries seen too, Johanna rose back to her feet, and replied to the goliath in the deep measured tones of the dwarven language. She smiled as she spoke, but the smile faded away as she looked back down at the dog.

[sblock= Dwarven] "The steady tones of the stone-dwelling folk often serve to soothe troubled animals, I have found in my travels- I hoped it migght work with this poor dog. 'Timmy' is a figure in many of my grandafther's stories, often used to display what terrors can befall those who have more curiousity than wisdom- in these tales, Timmy would often find his way into danger, and he would only be rescued when his faithful dog Lassie went to summon help to get him out of a predicament. It is an old joke of sorts... I see runes of power on your armor there- do you have the gift of healing? Perhaps if the dog's injuries were healed, he might lead us to this Big Smear place that no one seems to have heard of..." [/sblock]

[sblock= OOC Recruitment] If Johanna, Torqua, and Vimak are in (as the non-level 1 characters), that gives a Leader, a ranged Striker, and a melee Striker/Defender. Looks like optimal adds would be a Controller and maybe a Defender- we could probably take some level 1s, since both Johanna and Torqua have healing dailies in addition to a full leader. I've seen a couple of hands- who is actually interested, and who is just keeping up with the tavern's current distraction? [/sblock]
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First Post
Vimak Stonecarver

Vimak asks something in dwarf Johanna , before continuing in common: "I ask again, does someone knows a 'Big Smear? There is maybe live in danger!"

[sblock=Streetwise 15]The "Big Smear" refers to a particular large mud flat on the border of the outer harbor beyond the docks and near one of the large outlets of Daunton's sewers. Nearby is worksman neighborhood that is neither prosperous or poor.[/sblock]

"The Big Smear? That's just a mud flat near a poor workman's neighorhood, just beyound the docks. It's near one of the larger outlets of Daunton's sewer system, which is why I guess they call it 'The Big Smear.'" Torqua, seemingly the master scribe of useless facts, explains. "Why do want to know so badly?"

[sblock=Streetwise check] Streetwise: 16+4=20 (pass) 1d20+4=20[/sblock]
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First Post
"The Big Smear? That's just a mud flat near a poor workman's neighorhood, just beyound the docks. It's near one of the larger outlets of Daunton's sewer system, which is why I guess they call it 'The Big Smear.'" Torqua, seemingly the master scribe of useless facts, explains. "Why do want to know so badly?"

[sblock=Streetwise check] Streetwise: 16+4=20 (pass) 1d20+4=20[/sblock]

The woman in the wolf-skin cloak smiled a bit more broadly at the information. Switching back to Allarian, she replied "The note this dog was carrying say its master is in trouble, near the Big Smear. Now we know where it is, at least enough to get started. Thank you." She reached down to pat the dog on the head gently, then shouldered her pack and began to make her way back over to where her spear was leaning against the wall.

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