Level Up (A5E) Every Archetype in A5e AND 3PP


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Hey folks, an update and introduction: This is Grant; I am taking over this spreadsheet from xiphumor by request and will be working on updating it to current over the next couple of days. I am looking forward to contributing to this and hopefully you all continue to get some good use out of this resource!
I don't envy you!

Want me to give you the full list of Martial Artistry classes and archetypes to get it prepped, now?

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EDIT: GPG #31 added (I will figure out a way to include "Enhance Your Battlefield 2: Additional Arena Assets" and such things when I get caught up and get an idea for how to do it usefully)


EDIT (final of the day probably!): added Gate Pass Gazette #32. And this brings us up-to-date as of 10/15/2024 (I think, please let me know if I am missing any releases).

I need to check and see what we are missing in a few other tabs and I will be adding some QoL things from my own datasets in the future, but I wanted to get us squared away as per the original designs of the sheets first. Hope this helps folks! Keep your eyes peeled for more updates soon.

I will talk to xiphumor about seeing how we can get the charts updated on page one of this thread.

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