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Everyone, Tell us about your games, please!


So, who are you planning to sell this info to, mark? ;)

1.) How many players in your group?
All-D&D group: 7
d20 group: 7, though we can usually count on at least 1 no-show
HERO group: 7
Wow! I never noticed this before. :)

2.) Do you DM?
Not currently, but may in the future. I used to always DM (prior to these current groups) so I'm still on a kind of hiatus.

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
All-D&D group: 1
d20 group: 3 (so far)
HERO group: 1 (so far)

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
All-D&D: 6 male : 1 female
d20: 7 male
HERO: 5 male : 2 female

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
I have the finest gaming store on earth, Games Plus, about 30 mims away. Gamer's Paradise is about 5 minutes away, and is okay.

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
All-D&D: Mixed; homebrew world, some pre-fab modules
d20: Ditto, for the most part
HERO: Champions universe, but homebrew adventures

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
I'm 33 and have been playing since 1980, so 23 years.

8.) Who taught you to play?
Self-taught for the most part. I started back when most poeple were still figuring out how this RPG thang worked. :)

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1.) How many players in your group?

Eight players.

2.) Do you DM?


3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

Yes, one.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?

Two females, seven males.

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?

Good gamestore? In Lawrence, Kansas? HA! NO! The closest one is in Topeka, Gatekeeper Hobbies.

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?

Sort of a combination of both. Sometimes I do homebrew, sometimes I do pregenerated, sometimes I modify pregenerated adventures.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?

I've been playing for almost 12 years, and I am 23.

8.) Who taught you to play?

My older brother.

Ethan Parker


First Post
1.) How many players in your group?

Five players, though we are looking for one more.

2.) Do you DM?


3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

One of my player's runs another D&D game, but no one from our main group is in that campaign. He also runs Vampire, which I play in.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?

4 males, 1 female (my wife)

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?

Yes, I have three in my area that I consider good. The best is Temple Games (Murfreesboro). The owner is the fellow who did the covers for the three Core Books (both revised original). Actually, the best is probably the store that sells used gaming stuff - Great Escape.

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?

I like to do my own, although I steal liberally and often from other sources.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?

I started back in 1979 - 1980, I am 36 years old.

8.) Who taught you to play?

A friend of my parents who was a hippie stoner (as were my parents) and tried to teach my parents the game. They were not into it - I loved it!

Old One

First Post
1.) How many players in your group?
Our group currently has 5 core players with 1-2 occasional players. One of my old gaming buddies from NC is going to try to trek up for our monthly game sessions, so that may bump the core group up to 6.

2.) Do you DM?

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
There are 2 other DMs in the group, but they DM for completely different groups. Due to time constraints, I am currently limited to 1 monthly game.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
We are all male, 25-41 years of age

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
There are 3 stores that I am aware of within a 45-minute drive. They are OK...but I don't refer to any of them as FLGS...

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
Almost 100% home-brewed.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
Been playing since 1981...will be 41 in 9/2003

8.) Who taught you to play?
Introduced to the "Blue Box" D&D set as a college freshman by a friend, but pretty much self-taught.

~ Old One


First Post
1.) How many players in your group?
8 + Me

2.) Do you DM?
That's all I do

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?
One of my players DM's his homebrew / dragonstar / Greyhawk on off weekends

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
My wife and the other DM's wife

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?
Dreamland Hobbies. Best damn store in Las Vegas, NV. The owner's a great guy and is a gamer. He makes sure he is always stocked with the latest and best goods.

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
I use modules for a basis. Running Monkey God's The Lost Outpost - but used S1 for the top level of the Warrens, used the moathouse from ToEE for the Outpost and same with it's dungeon level. Adding Mordy's Fantastic Adventure. So its a mix.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
I'm 32. I started in 1979 (age 8).

8.) Who taught you to play?
Sulvian Learning Center...I didn't know how to read. My Parents had the original boxset and didn't like it. I wanted to play. So they used it as motivation to get me to read. It worked!


First Post
Survey Response

1.) How many players in your group?

7 players, 1 GM = 8

2.) Do you DM?


3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

Not presently. 3 of the players have DM'ed in the past in our group and others.

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?

3 Female, 5 Male

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?


6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?

Currently mainly modules. Previous campaigns were all homebrew.

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?

39 years old. Playing 25+ years.

8.) Who taught you to play?

Self taught way back in the early day. Just bought the books one day, and the rest is history. One intereesting point, is things have really changed since the early days. I will never forget having to cross picket lines to buy my gaming stuff. A long time ago. Sadly, I have lost a few players just this year to the "role-playing is witchcraft" hysteria that still somehow survives.


First Post
1.) 5 and 4.

2.) No and yes.

3.) In the first group no other gm's, in the second I alternate occasionally with another.

4.) 1 female to 4 guys and 2 females to 2 guys.

5.) Bayshore Hobbies in Hamilton Ontario.

6.) Hombrew with store bought settings.

7.) I have been playing for about 20 years now. am 29 years old.

8.) Friends at school.


First Post
1.) How many players in your group?
5 plus me.

2.) Do you DM?

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?
2 male, 3 female

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?
Mainly homebrew

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?
2 years. I'm 25.

8.) Who taught you to play?
Taught myself.


Mark said:
Everyone, tell us about your games, please.

1.) How many players in your group?

2.) Do you DM?

3.) Do other people in the group DM, and how many?

4.) What's the Male/Female composition of the group?

5.) Got a good gamestore near you and what is it?

6.) Mainly modules or homebrew stuff?

7.) How long have you been playing and how old are you?

8.) Who taught you to play?

Answer any or all of the above, please... :)

1.) 1 DM and 4 players on a good day

2.) On occassion but not to much at the moment, I have something planned though :)

3.) 2 of the others Dm for the most part.

4.)All male

5.)Yes it's called the gameskeeper and it's really quite good, they're friendly and will order in things that they don't have in stock, in addition they sell a brilliant selection of board games.

6.)Homebrew, no-one really uses non-homebrew stuff, I'm the only one that often reads other sourcebooks and D20 publications.

7.) I've been playing for 6 years and I'm 18. The other memebrs are of similar ages, up to two years younger.

8.) I taught myself from the AD&D starter set upwards, and then taught my brother (16 also in the group) and through him his friends (the other members) and so I guess that's where the gaming scene sort of sprang from in the village that we live in. Hadn't thought of that before, now I feel proud and self-important :D

Etan Moonstar

First Post
Here's information for my current group here in Oregon (which is two sessions from ending, as a player is moving in a couple of weeks :(), as well as my long-running group back in Utah (it was so nice to play a session with them when we went back and visited my wife's family last month, and we'll be setting up a regular Internet session now that everyone in the group has a decent computer and Internet access).

1. 3+DM / 6+DM (was 8+DM for a year)

2. Yes (primary DM for both groups)

3. No / 2 others have started DMing the group since my wife and I moved

4. 3:1 / 5:2 (was 5:4 for a year)

5. Emerald City Comics in Eugene is OK--certainly much better than Mystic Comics was back in Logan--but I mostly patronize Talon Comics, with an occasional order from Amazon.com for the 30% discount on the more expensive (WotC) books.

6. Generally I use adapted modules in a customized version of a commercial campaign setting, but I do end up creating a bunch of adventures off the cuff based on player actions.

7. I'm 26 and have been playing for 18 years.

8. I taught myself to play from the complete set of 1E books that were in my elementary school library.

Voidrunner's Codex

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