WOIN Evoke Good?


Good is a virtue not an element so I would not think you could evoke it to do damage. BUT under the Evoke skill heading it says you can Evoke Good. Would Good damage work only against things vulnerable to good? Or would it do damage to everything just like any other element?

We ruled it would do damage like anything else but that feels wrong to me.


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Good is a virtue not an element so I would not think you could evoke it to do damage. BUT under the Evoke skill heading it says you can Evoke Good. Would Good damage work only against things vulnerable to good? Or would it do damage to everything just like any other element?

We ruled it would do damage like anything else but that feels wrong to me.

It could be similar to "radiant" damage in D&D. Then a creature could be vulnerable to that kind of damage


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yeah, good (holy) and evil (necrotic) damage both do damage to everybody, but some creatures take more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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