D&D General Examples when a PC is smart and one when not


Spreading holiday cheer.
DMing my long time group. Started a fresh new campaign with fresh new characters.

Smart: Room with acid dripping from the ceiling. To enter is a 50/50 chance of death. They need an item in the center…. They use rope to lasso and pull the item to them.

Not: Same dungeon a few rooms over. Magic item floating in the air encased in a sphere of acid. One PC sticks arm in and drops. 2nd does the same. Now discussion starts who has the most hp to try a third time. I sigh and suggest maybe just knock it out of the acid with something…

What have you got?
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I always like when a player has a PC look over the cliff at the 100ft drop and say that he has enough HP to survive.


Not-smart: Ignoring/forgetting the piece of information I mentioned two minutes ago, which would resolve the matter in moments.

Smart: Remembering the piece of information I mentioned five sessions ago and had totally forgotten, which will resolve the matter in a fashion I hadn't even considered.


Victoria Rules
Not-smart: Ignoring/forgetting the piece of information I mentioned two minutes ago, which would resolve the matter in moments.

Smart: Remembering the piece of information I mentioned five sessions ago and had totally forgotten, which will resolve the matter in a fashion I hadn't even considered.
Now there's a movie I've seen a great many times... :)

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