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Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk

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It's very good, every bit as good as Paizo's Dungeon Magazine Maure adventures (which are by a different author), and also plotted like their adventure paths. The authors are top notch and all from Paizo even though it's a Wizards book. It is very much Erik Mona Greyhawk though, so if you like that, get the book. The maps, tricks, treasures, and challenges of the adventure are very much like Maure levels, so if you like those, get the book. And if you like the adventure path style of game play, the book should be right up your alley.

I don't know of anyone else really making as well designed dungeons as Mona right now. Me, personally, I don't care for the storyline stuff, but it is pretty interesting, reveals gobs of Greyhawk secrets, and should sell well.

If you buy it direct from Paizo you can get a signed copy from the 3 authors too (like I did).


First Post
As with most products you're going to hear a mixed bag of opinions on Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk. If you enjoy recent incarnations of Greyhawk (Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Living Greyhawk Journal, Paizo's Dragon/Dungeon magazine run), then I think you will enjoy this book.

It serves as a brief travelogue to the City of Greyhawk and surrounding regions, a supplement and expansion of the deities/demi-gods of Greyhawk, a stroll down memory lane, and an expanded adventure. It doesn't do all of these things equally well, but the authors (Bulmahn, Jacobs and Mona) did manage to succesfully combine far more elements in this book than I think anyone really expected.

Is it perfect? No. There have been charges of railroading (particularly in the Iuz encounter) and cheesy plot points (explaining away a popular NPC's change in behavior by using his Bizarro World/Mirror Universe likeness), but for every point against Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, I've found two to recommend it. It's a fantastic read, it's the first campaign-length adventure that I've ever found so easy to work into a pre-existing game, it's the first (and last) true 3.0/3.5 product by WotC for the Greyhawk setting, and it contains some good art and decent maps.

I enjoyed it very much and I hope to run it (or at least parts of it) someday. It came out after my six-year Greyhawk campaign ended, but if we ever revisit those characters again Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk will be the reason why.
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If you like GH it's worth buying.

If you like Castle Greyhawk, it builds on the WGR4 Greyhawk Ruins version, and leaves room for you to add in the original campaign materials being published by Gygax and Kuntz.

If you like the City of Greyhawk, it builds on the versions published in the Living Greyhawk Journal (and the City of Greyhawk boxed set, and the version in Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins).

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