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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


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( Just wanted to say that I was here, and I plan on having Payne back on the boards in a few minutes. Sorry, didn't realize the game had started back up. :) )

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Payne had spent much of the morning sizing up the small tavern and getting some fresh air, some down time.. alone time. Surprised to see Lokin exit the establishment, she waves in his direction.. before going back to leaning on her tree. Mm.. the great outdoors.


Kol slept long into the day. Everytime he considered getting up his muscles screamed at him to stay in bed.

Who was he to argue....

OOC: Okay I am back. Now to try to retrieve my character somehow..somewhere...


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I feel good Lokin, glad to see you up and about my friend...I need to run some errands as well, perhaps we could go together I have something I need to show you?

Besides I need to take Kurg for a walk (OOC: I think he should be up this AM - Am I right Orsal?) soon.


LEW Judge
Just a heads up -- I`ll have spotty internet access until middle of next week.

Kongu looks up as Lokin leaves. "That was quick. What should we do today? If we go back to Orussus we can probably get some good money for the shield, and buy some more healing."


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DerHauptman said:
I feel good Lokin, glad to see you up and about my friend...I need to run some errands as well, perhaps we could go together I have something I need to show you?

Lokin turns to Zurd just as he was about to exit. "Oh, hello. I'm was just going to take care of some stuff before you all woke up. And...well, I figured you all might want to do your own stuff."

Lokin shrugs. "I'm okay with starting the trip to Orussus in a bit. I would like to take care of a few things before we go, though. Could use the fresh air, too. Wouldn't mind some company, though, Zurd." He draws his bastard sword, rests it on his right shoulder, and proceeds outside.


The late morning sun finally reached a position where it shined through the shuttered window and just the right angle. Beams of light his the brow of the slumbering Kol. He grimaced in his sleep and desperately tried to evade the light, tossing, turning, blocking it with his blanket. But to no avail. The evil burning light had finally roused him. There would be no more escape to his coma-like stupor. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and sat up. Immediately regretting the action as pain lanced in his side where his wound had not quite healed as it should have. He touched it tenderly, obviously he had aggravated the injury by carrying his ally from the Complex. Ah well. he thought. It could have been Lokin playing mule and himself the luggage just as easily. Still, the man owed him a drink. Perhaps I will collect while I Break Fast.
Gingerly the Maenad attired himself while the sunlight made his exposed flesh glisten with a luster that betrayed his heritage.
He steeled himself for the journey downstairs and painfully walked to the common room.
He took a seat and beckoned for whatever food was left this late in the morn.
Upon seeing his compatriots out through a window he saluted them with a frothy mug.


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As they walk away Zurd makes some arcane gesures and words with his hands and then says to Lokin....

Would it seem silly to you if i said that all of the sudden I think I can use magic?

Look, I think there I just cast a simple spell - its a parlor trick...nothing more - watch...

Your sword seems to be a bit dull my freind that simply will not do....
<then pointing at Lokin's sword>How bout this?

Lokin's sword takes on the appearance of a weapon so bright that it likely could be new.

This is a silly little thing to be able to do, hardly worth noting but I think there is more...

I don't know why or how all of the sudden...there were the dreams of course - a story for some other time, but suffice to say I may have lost some of my combat utility.

I need a chance to practice some of these spells and see what the hell they actually do?

I've got one that shoots colors from my hands but I am not sure what it actually does for or against anything, and there is a spell that I think creates a shield of some kind.
I think there are others as well - so,

Will you help me for a while figure out what some of these do?

Can I trust you to not tell the others? I don't want to seem a liability, for now I will continue to rely on my limited martial skills until I can figure out what if any benifit I can bring.


If Lokin says yes he will help the two of them can go find a spot outside town buy a sheep or goat or something and try and work out what if any benifit Zurd's spells have. Of course its all just RP justification for the sudden ability to cast sorcerer spells (since they are inherent its not too much of a stretch) a little practice will just help him get used to using them.



First Post
DerHauptman said:
Would it seem silly to you if i said that all of the sudden I think I can use magic?

Lokin looks at the half-orc incredulously, trying to think of a polite way to point out how unlikely that would be.

DerHauptman said:
Lokin's sword takes on the appearance of a weapon so bright that it likely could be new.

Lokin almost drops his blade with surprise, but keeps his hands on it somehow.

DerHauptman said:
Can I trust you to not tell the others? I don't want to seem a liability, for now I will continue to rely on my limited martial skills until I can figure out what if any benifit I can bring.

Lokin is still stunned by the half-orc revelation, but he nods and tries to look comfortable. He starts to sheathe his sword, but stops halfway. Redrawing his sword, he gives it a few swings, testing it.

"I'd be happy to...I mean, of course, your secret is safe with me. I mean, I definitely think what has happened is unusual, but you've been through a lot recently. We almost all just died. Your dogs..." Lokin pauses, aware of the sensitive territory he is treading.

"I'm just thinking that kind of stress can trigger something in a person. I've been a soldier for years, but that fight underground changed things for me too. I guess facing death in the face and coming out alive...it can alter things. Maybe you've always been able to do that stuff, but you're just figuring it out now.

Lokin pauses when he reaches a sufficiently wide clearing. Pausing, he begins eyeing a seemingly invisible foe. With his shield before him, he raises his sword high and behind him. He starts circling around, holding this defensive posture. Then with a grunt, he swings the blade in a wide powerful stroke. As the blade comes around, he checks the swing suddenly, turning his slow, destructive slash into a quick, forward thrust. He continues this, attacking the air and positioning his shield to block invisible counter-attacks. After a few moments, he begins speaking again.

"Anyway, I think it's wise to stick with what is dependable at this point. Your...new talents, well they may be great and all but if they might fail you when you need 'em, they could get you, and all of us, in trouble." He practices a vicious shield bash, followed by a kick, and a finishing sword blow to the ground. After this, he pauses, his breath coming a little heavier than before.

"What I don't get is why you're telling me. Filalia has more experience with magic. Kongu has odd abilities too. And you seem pretty friendly with Payne. Me, though. I mean, we've never had reason to disagree or anything, but...I mean, I'm just a soldier. That's how everyone in this little band has been treating me. I pretty big guy who's harder than average to kill and good with a sword. I'm okay with that, don't get me wrong. I know what my strengths are and it aint my personality. I know my role. So why you telling me this? Why trust me? And why not the rest of them?"


Kol watched Lokin and Zurd leave without so much a nod in return to his salute. He walked towards the window to watch them leave and noticed Payne leaning on a tree. He left the building, mug still in hand, and walked over to the mysterious rogue.

"Is it just me or have you been feeling snubbed lately? Mayhaps it was due to the food issue?" He took a long draw from his drink and wiped some froth from his lips with his free hand. His right guantlet was discolored and stained from the many frothy drinks he has imbibed over the years.

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