Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


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Payne watched Lokin and Zurd walk by and not even notice her, brows raising a bit. What was that all about? Has the lines been drawn in the party? Weird. Maybe she would haveta say something, but that could wait until they came back and the entire party met up later. Rolling her eyes, then attention was caught by the approaching Kol. Faint smile was issued and she nodded in agreement. ``So, it's not just me.. huh? Maybe it was the food issue. At this point, maybe we shouldn't be trying to make friends with those in the group.`` Not that she was trying to begin with?

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Well, when you were out - there was a little mutiny of sorts.

I sort of insisted we take a pragmatic approach and eat some of the lizardmen to make our rations go further. I wanted to wait there to more you and Kurg out of the complex.

They wouldn't listen at all, so when we took stock of of he food and it became evident that I was the one with the majority of the extras I told them they'd have to do things my way. That didn't go over well of course and well, we have not really been the same since.

Neither of them liked that I was giving them no choice. In the end, I never really would have insisted anyone do something distasteful and caved anyways. I just thought they'd go along if it looked more grim.

Now, I have lost face, and don't know how to get it back - I rather think all my ideas and suggestions will be suspect at this point. I never wanted that to happen.

I lost my temper back there with the food, they got their feelings hurt and now I fear we are going to have a harder time getting anything done.

I really don't know where to go from here - I have just been avoiding them for now. Going along with whatever they come up with.

I guess I just needed someone to confide in is all Lokin - since Payne won't talk to me anymore. I feel silly after the incident with the food though and don't know how to get things back on track.

I miss her company - perhaps I was imagining it but I rather thought she might have started to have some feelings for me up until then. I look into her eyes and I see something, something shining and bright - a fire, something I want...

I think I am in love with her Lokin.

Then her siding with the purple one in my time of need was like a betrayal and now it is a jealously eating at me - I don't know what to do.

I'm hoping that I can spring some arcane power out at some point in the future and regain my face and status in the party?

Which brings us here....practicing in the woods

Lets head back before we loose the day - I think the others are ready to head back to RDI and sell that shield. I could use the cash, I think I might like to get me another bow. I had borrowed yours for a while while you were out and it made me remember how much I missed mine.

I might be a good idea for me to switch to a ranged style as well to complement my new spells. Who knows? Lets Head back...


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Lokin nods as Zurd speaks. "Well, sounds like I missed a lot of fun. I'm sorry you have to deal with this situation but I'm sure all will end well. I'm sure this food situation was dire at the time but it will fade in importance with time. You're the one who lost the most from our problems, so maybe they'll be understanding about your behavior. And while I'm happy to help you practice, I really think you should tell everyone. I think the last thing we need now is more in-fighting and side taking. I mean, I'm sure some people will be miffed by this little conversation. What started as me going to practice by myself will most likely become some kind of insult to someone. It's a stressful line of work. Molehills become mountains."

Lokin, covered with a thin layer of sweat, sheathes and his blade and wipes his forehead with the bottom of his tabard. "Let's get back to the inn so we can get going to Orussuss.


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I think you are right...when we get back what say I let this little spell fly and see who I can knock out with it for kicks?

I can see it all now...

Anyways, I guess the whole thing is silly I guess I need to confide in the whole group I just don't feel as confident as I used to because of getting knocked out and almost dieing. I feel inferior and that he food thing, well that was just silly.

Lets go clear the damn air and get on with things -

Right then...


TwistedMindInc said:
``So, it's not just me.. huh? Maybe it was the food issue. At this point, maybe we shouldn't be trying to make friends with those in the group.`` Not that she was trying to begin with?[/COLOR]

Kol grunted in affirmation while simulteonously downing the rest of his draft. He finished it with a satisfied sigh. Mercurial, Kol's face suddenly twisted from mirth, to a sullen seriousness. "Mayhaps, mayhaps. Be friendly to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. I think of adversity in life is like a crucible. Friendships as strong as steel may be forged, and let all else simply melt away...." Purple orbs glistened slightly at his own heartfelt words, mirroring a deep well of emotion that was Kol's greatest strength, and his greatest weakness. Suddenly he visibly shook himself as if awakening from a deep slumber. "Bah! Enough mewling. I need another drink! Care for one?" he asked the femme fatale with a broad grin.


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It was quite obvious Payne didn't really care for how things had been going as of late. Granted, she wasn't the most friendly person in the entire world but she really was trying not to cut all their hearts out and feed them to the dogs. The minx generally flew solo, so mixing her with a 'large' group and trying to play nice was really pushing it for her. And then? And then the food issue, and Zurd practically ignoring everything she said, and sort of throwing down with Filalia. Grr. Just the thoughts of the last couple of episodes made her temper flare, inwardly.. she wasn't about to flip out on Kol for taking time out to say hello. ``Exactly. Just really.. gets under my skin that I put myself out there, went against the current and where did that get me? See what happens when I'm nice.`` Yes, that was Payne being nice. Well.. close to it anyway. Shaking off the grumbling and a sage nod. ``Yeah, a drink would be wonderful. Don't think I'm going to let this silence between the group continue though. I've had just about enough. If people want to go their own way, fine. But I'm done pretending I'm friends with everyone just to get stomped all over. Screw that.`` With her last huff the woman started for the tavern, hoping that Kol was following along.


Kol laughed and trailed behind the woman. "Innkeeper! I can see the bottom of my tankard. It vexes me! Fill it and find it's twin for the lady. We toast to friendship and the path of least resistance. Mayhaps it does not lead to where we wish to go. But we spend little time getting there." He saluted with his refilled Mug. "Which leaves more time for merryment methinks...To friendship!"


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Lokin walks into the inn, kicking the heel of his boot at the edge of the door to knock off the excess mud. Seeing his comrades drinking, he orders an ale from the bartender and meets them at their table.

"Hello, you two. I just wanted to get some exercise. Too much sleep, as of late, and I could feel my skills fading. Much better now." He takes a sip of his drink and relaxes back in his chair. "You still up for a trip back to Orussus? Sell this shield I've heard so much about? Maybe even swing by the Red Dragon and find a healer?

He takes another drink. Hopefully, we can ignore any awkwardness and continue on like nothing happened.


"Aye! Selling the shield and getting some funds is high on my priorities. If only to buy so potions to carry when we invade the complex. Methinks we would've been alright if we had healing. Though I am unsure we will find a healer that will...fit in?"


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Zurd walks in on Lokin's heels with a largish smile and a relaxed look. He looks around the room at his companions and decides to end it all right there...

Zurd stand up addressing the group - Ok, this isn't easy but it needs to be said. I was wrong back there in the complex in the way I handled the food situation. I think you all know my heart was in the right place but I just went about it the wrong way. Hopefully that's all we need to say about it. The tension has been high lately and I think thats the reason.

Now, lets drive on with our mission the way we intended to in the first place.
Then looking down at the assorted drinks he cast his little parlor trick on the glasses making them chilled.

Nothing like a cold mug of ale between friends!

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