Fai Chen recon


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I'll be attending Orccon in a few weeks, and Fai Chen will be there. This will be my first meeting with him, and I've got a few questions. Sorry if any of these are dumb q's, I searched a bit but there doesn't seem to be a lot of info out there.

1) I've heard that he now has both +1 and +2 weapons for certed trade. Does anyone know if he usually has any Very Rare or Legenday items for certed trade?
2) Can anyone that's seen him recently share what else he's had for certed trade (besides the +1 and +2 weapons) or gold purchase?
3) Does trading with him (or at the gently-used table) require downtime days?
4) I saw somewhere that it's a limit of one transaction per player. Is that for certed trades/puchases with Fai Chen only, or does that also include the gently-used section as well?

Also, if there's anything anyone else is wondering, post it here. Any unanswered q's By the time of the con, I'll try to get answered based on my in-person experience and report back.

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In my experience Fai Chen is typically limited to Uncommon and Rare items, I don't recall seeing any Very Rare or Legendary things, but then again I wasn't trying to trade those so I wasn't looking too close the last times I was at a Fantastical Faire. I also don't have any idea what his current stock looks like, sadly. There is typically ample supply of +1 weapons and shields, limited supply of +2 weapons and +1 armor (the armor is also of limited GP value, if you want +1 Plate or something you're charged the difference in GP along with doing the trade) and some other random stuff.

No trading with Fai Chen uses downtime. You are limited to one transaction per player per slot (i.e. you can trade with Fai Chen in the 6-7pm session on Thursday, then go back and do it again in the 6-7pm session on Friday if you're so inclined), and that includes the gently used items. Note that during your trade you can typically also buy some sort of minor item if he has those available.


You can get items from your Faction now, those can require extensive amounts of downtime. See the AL rulebooks for the current Season.

My previous interactions with Fai Chen allowed one transaction per visit, simply to give other folks in the queue a chance to be served. You could buy scrolls* and certain potions. I would tend to focus on important spells that I wouldn't typically want in my daily spell selection. (e.g. Locate Object).

*For some reason scrolls don't also cost expenditure of any consumed components, that surprised me.

In addition, Fai Chen had some basic items for sale, +1 weapon, +1 light armour, things like that.

Most recently, Fai Chen also had some...powered trinkets, for want of a better description...these cost maybe 5gp and gave a tiny one-off bonus. Very thematic, very cute. :D


Note that scrolls also give Wizards a good way to grab stuff for their spellbooks that are not in their usual PHB+1 sources. So if you're a wizard and your +1 is SCAG you can buy a scroll with a spell from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion.


First Post
Great info, thanks all. Do you know if he carries the wizard/warlock equivalent of +1 weapons (wand of the war mage, rod of the pact keeper)? Also, in that "one trade per person per session" -- does that cover both certed trades and "gently-used" trades? So like one of either? I thought I'd read somewhere that the gently-used was a separate thing, but I can't find that reference now.


I don't recall wand of the war mage or rod of the pact keeper being stock items, but who knows?

As for the one trade thing, it's one trade per person period. The "gently used" thing just means that you're allowed to trade non-certed items for them, that's the only difference in policy that I'm aware of.


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I always wondered... back in season 2, an adventure existed involving sea elves. (It was a while ago..i forgot the name)

Spoiler below.

You had a downtime activity where you could spend X amount of downtime days digging in a ruins for treasure then you made a die roll and added up the amount of downtime days to the roll for a result. I ended up with some kind of scroll case you could turn into Fai Chen. What happens when you turn it in?

I've also seen where Fai Chens will retain the certs of items traded to them to then trade back to others coming to the Fair. I had a character trade for a Wand of Binding in this way So there could be almost anything on hand...


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Spoiler below.

I think you want to format your text like this:
[ sblock ] spoiler material goes here [ /sblock ]
but with no spaces inside the square brackets. To the best of my knowledge, lowercase vs. uppercase does not matter.


First Post
FYI some additional info from Facebook posts (Fai Chen going on at Winter Fantasy right now):

-Wand of the Warmage +1 was one of the "standard" items
-Potions of superior healing for sale
-Several different 'membership in a specific fun group' (actors' guild, gravediggers' union, etc) for sale
-Apparently the line can take up to an hour to get through (man I hope they find a way to accelerate it for orccon)

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