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Fantasy or sci-fi boardgames with the highest replayability?


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Just like the title says. Which game gets your vote? Or if you know of more than one, feel free to list them, and preferably a few details (I'm not familiar with many of them, especially the even slightly recent ones).

Thanks in advance. :)

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I'm going to assume "still available new"; if not, let me know...

Heroscape: [wotc] minis based combat on hexes; champions from all times battle it out on different terrain and elevations.
Warning! flash heavy! Descent: [Fantasy flight games] Dungeon crawls in 2d/3d.

Warning! flash heavy! Doom: [Fantasy flight games] based on "doom 3" the video game

The best place to get more info on these games are on the manufacturer's websites and boardgamegeek. At fantasy flight games, you can download the instruction manuals.

both doom and descent get my vote because they're like an old game called 'heroquest': you can make your own 'adventures' or 'objectives'.

Heroscape is just PRETTY:D


First Post
Mmm... when you say replayability, do you mean your desire to drag them out or the likelihood of playing them? Or do you mean the number of times you can play the game without it getting boring?

Descent definitely gets my vote for replayability, especially combined with the Road to Legend expansion. Fantasy miniatures in a dungeon, with the expansion, you get a full campaign system and overland planning

Twilight Imperium is HUGE fun, but it takes a long time to play (3 - 4 hours minimum and more likely 4-6). Galactic conquest at its best. I hear Supernova is TI Lite - and heard very good things about it but not had a chance to try it yet. Tempted to pick up a copy myself since I have friends who have TI.

Arkham Horror is a Cthulhu (horror) game, so not sure it falls into Fantasy, but huge replayability. Again, lots of time. It's a Fantasy Flight Game.

I've heard lots of good things about Android too - I am tempted to grab that as well. It's a cyberpunk noir detective game - think Bladerunner for theme.

Moving closer to Euro's (so the theme is less apparent, but still sci-fi/fantasy themed).

Race for the Galaxy - card game about galactic conquest. Plays like San Juan but more complicated, huge replayability, but the game is a bit solitare like and while the theme is there, it's not as engrossing as any of the above.

Kingsburg - probably my favourite board fantasy game of last year. It's a politics / development game where players try to influence various characters on a board to help them build their city over 5 years. During winter of each year, you get attacked by a random monster. Again, theme is light, but fun.


Can you tell me more about Arkham Horror? How does it play? Which set do you need to play? Is there a basic set and add-ons or can you play each one alone? Which are the best add-ons/sets?


First Post
Huh. Go go Fantasy Flight, eh?

Some of these do look pretty cool, gotta say. I sort of knew about Descent. Well, a bit. That's still a contender, most definitely. It's good to know there are a goodly number of them as well though. So that even if one of these highly replayable games gets a bit old eventually, or it's been thrashed too much in the short term and needs a break, there are others to trial.


First Post
FFG makes very, very good boardgames, yes.

Some, that I think do have a high replayability:

- Warhammer Quest (long OOP though; IMHO by far the best of the "HeroQuest"-style games)
- A Game of Thrones + Expansions (not much fantasy in there, though)
- Roborally (does that count as sci-fi? :D)
- StarCraft (+ Expansion, I guess, as I do not have the Expansion yet)
- Munchkin :)D)



First Post
Can you tell me more about Arkham Horror? How does it play? Which set do you need to play? Is there a basic set and add-ons or can you play each one alone? Which are the best add-ons/sets?

Arkham Horror plays quite well. It can play from 1- 8 players, though works best I'd say around 4 to 5. More and it gets too slow (might be my game group though - we have a couple with AP). It's a pure co-operative game where you play on a board of Arkham (the city), moving your investigators across the board to find clues, close gates and fight monsters. It's very Cthulhu like, which means your investigators can go insane and/or die.

You can play the entire game quite well with Arkham Horror the base game without a problem. The expansions do add to it, various debates about which one's you should get. I'd seriously just buy the base game first and then see how much you enjoy it before you expand. I doubt you'd dislike it but...

Of the expansions, I'd say Dunwich Horror (adds a new board) and then King In Yellow and Black Goat are the best.


First Post
Huh. Go go Fantasy Flight, eh?

Some of these do look pretty cool, gotta say. I sort of knew about Descent. Well, a bit. That's still a contender, most definitely. It's good to know there are a goodly number of them as well though. So that even if one of these highly replayable games gets a bit old eventually, or it's been thrashed too much in the short term and needs a break, there are others to trial.

Yup. If you want theme, FFG does Fantasy / Sci-Fiction heavy theme games better than anyone else, hands down. It's their thing. I've yet to play a FFG game that is bad. (WoW is mediocore).

If you want less theme games, there are a ton of other good games but they tend towards Euro's then and/or wargames.

Oooh - i forgot. FRONTIER! Best 2 player sci-fiction miniatureless wargame. My personal favourite of a find, it's basically miniatures without the miniatures - you just use tokens. Really easy to learn and play, the rules are simple and you can get going real fast.


First Post
WoW is mediocore

I know 'twas but a typo, however. . . I think it's an awesome word. For those times when a given thing is neither hardcore nor softcore, but still 'core'. :D Like, middle of the road with a vengeance! :)

But seriously, thanks for your actual post, and that goes for the other folks too. All very informative. Cheers.

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