D&D 5E Feat for a 18th level Bladesinger/Death Cleric


I am playing a point buy Halfling Bladesinger 15/Death Cleric 2 current stats: S19 D18 C10 I20 W14 Ch8
She has the second chance feat, which she mostly uses to cancel crits against her.

Wondering what to do next level. Dex ASI seems appropriate, but she doesn't really get hit a lot anyway and when she does she usually has temp hit points and often has any damage reduced by the Party's Rogue or Paladin. We have been playing since 1st level and the only time the entire campaign she has been downed was at 16th level by a Demi-Lich Howl ability, and when that happened it triggered a contingency with a 5th level Cure Wounds that brought her right back up again.

She is primarily a front line melee character although she also summons demons or Fey a lot too and occasionally binds one if they have down time. Her magic items are Glamour Studded Leather, Staff of Thunder and Lightning, Dragontooth Dagger, Helm of Teleportation and pipes of Haunting.

The rest of the party is a Battlemaster 4/Undead Warlock 13, Clockwork Sorc 17, Soul Knife Rogue 14/Psi Warrior 3, Crown Paladin 17. The Paladin has Interception and inspiring leader. Between expiring leader and upcast false life she is usually running around with about 20 temp hps.

What would be a good feat? The ones I am thinking of are:
Metallic Dragon - +6 AC and can use it on an ally, plus I no longer have to prepare cure wounds and could put that spell on Intelligence and free up a cleric prep, probably for Sanctuary.

Bountiful Luck - Let party members reroll 1s, but I am hesitant to give up a reaction for this.

Warcaster - Advantage on Concentration, the opportunity attacks would work well with the offensive spells I have, but I don't make a lot of Op attacks.

Lucky - Can never go wrong with this

Martial Adept - probably get commanders strike to let the Rogue Sneak attack off turn. It would lose my attack, which is not that great, but I would have the other attack for a cantrip.

Fighting Initiate - Blind Fighting
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You're a high level spellcaster fighting on the front lines that doesn't go down. You don't need to focus on optimization in combat. While War Caster (or Resilient Con) or Lucky would probably be the most meaningful in combat scenarios, I'd focus on adding some elements that may be missing from an RP / out of combat scenario and take ritual caster (cleric) for Forbiddance, Commune, Divination, and Augury. You're nearly Gods at that level. It is nice to be able to communicate with them.

To give your character some versatility in and out of combat, consider taking the Eldritch Adept feat and choose Shroud of Shadows, Devil's Sight, or some other Eldritch Invocation that might be useful in the context of your campaign.

Mobile or Squat Nimbleness both get you a little more speed beyond your Bladesong. And the latter could boost your STR to 20, if that's something you think is needed.


You're a high level spellcaster fighting on the front lines that doesn't go down. You don't need to focus on optimization in combat. While War Caster (or Resilient Con) or Lucky would probably be the most meaningful in combat scenarios, I'd focus on adding some elements that may be missing from an RP / out of combat scenario and take ritual caster (cleric) for Forbiddance, Commune, Divination, and Augury. You're nearly Gods at that level. It is nice to be able to communicate with them.

This would be a great idea, except we don't have access to a lot of scrolls in the campaign (except for what we make).

Forbiddance in particular would be really useful, the campaign has included a lot of back and forth to the Fey Wild and we constantly have either Fey or Demons or Devils shifting into the Tavern one of the PCs owns to wreak havoc. My character has also pissed of a crapton of Fey, named Devils and Demons who she bound for a while.

The campaign world has a no buying magic item rule in effect, but I might talk to him about scrolls so I could put them in a ritual book. It is not a matter of funds, the party has a lot of money and various properties.
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