D&D 5E Feat on a Arcane Trickster/Glamour Bard


I am currently in a game with a Glasya Tiefling Arcane Trickster 3/Glamour Bard 6. I am considering what feat to take at Rogue 4.

I rolled really good abilities overall, but with only standout. Current abilities are S12 D14 C10 I12 W13 CH20.

She already got the Fey Touched feat with Hex.

This is game is heavy on the social pillar with moderate combat and light exploration. RP wise she was orphaned by her Fiend mother in the Feywild, and given to an Evil Archfey as part of a deal. She grew up in the Fey Wild and only recently made it to the real world. She is very much a "Fey Trickster" type of character in terms background, subclass, mannerisms and spell selection.

Anyway I am considering the following feats:

1. Skill Expert Slight of Hand, +1 Wisdom - She has a ton of skills, but she is not proficient in SOH. She has a +4 with reliable talent, but she uses SOH a lot more than I anticipated. The Wisdom because that is the only odd stat.

2. Metamagic Adept Subtle Spell - Being able to use subtle spell for Hex (wisdom) during conversations or other RP situations would be great. Would also work with a lot of my spells like Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Silent Image, Suggestion, Hypnotic Pattern etc.

3. Resilient Wisdom - we are playing to level 20, so I will probably need this at some time.

4. Dex ASI - for the most part in combat I try to stay out of the fray and I don't attack a lot. On the other hand my AC is awful and when I do attack or when I get attacked my low dex really hurts.

Opinions? Things I did not think of?

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If it were me (and I do appreciate that it's not), I would take the Eldritch Adept Feat for Mask of Many Faces. Disguise Self at-will with a fey tricksy background and a high deception would be cool in a social heavy campaign. Please tell me you took expertise in deception?

Two other honourable mentions: Telekinetic or Telepathic with a bonus to Wis. BUT...only if you can convince your DM to use them off your Cha stat.

But yeah. Disguise self at-will.


If it were me (and I do appreciate that it's not), I would take the Eldritch Adept Feat for Mask of Many Faces. Disguise Self at-will with a fey tricksy background and a high deception would be cool in a social heavy campaign. Please tell me you took expertise in deception?

Two other honourable mentions: Telekinetic or Telepathic with a bonus to Wis. BUT...only if you can convince your DM to use them off your Cha stat.

But yeah. Disguise self at-will.


Would be a great idea but I already have disguise self as a racial spell and I can use it with spell slots too, which is enough that I am not really without it. It is not technically at will, but at this level it is close enough.

Yes I have expertise in Deception, Insight, Persuasion and Athletics, regular proficiency in Survival, Perception and Investigation.

I am not going to be able to use Telekenetic or Telepathic on Charisma. I was so jazzed when I started with a 19 Charisma at 1st level (17 +2 racial), but in retrospect an 18 would have given me more growth through half feats.

Telepathic might be good though even on Wisdom as most of that feat doesn't even require a save or check. Definitely another one to think about.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal

Just for correcting any gaffes, be they social or otherwise: Lucky. (Can also help when you are infrequently attacked.)

If you did want to invest in combat, how about Inspiring Leader? Level+5 tHP to everyone is a nice boost.

And just another thought - bard 7 instead of rogue 4 gives you 4th level spells.

Voidrunner's Codex

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