[FEAT]Springboad Step or How to get 5 more feet away free!


Here is a thought I had while driving:

Springboard Step

REQ: Dex 16+, Jump 5+, tumble 5+, Mobility

This feat allows you to gain an extra 5' step free added to you free movement to manuever out of combat. Normally it's a 5' step and get your full movement, but this will allow you to move an additional 5' free and still not have an AoO inflicted on you nor hamber your full actions. This feat can be taken multiple times and it can stack so if you take it three times you can move 20' away and still get your full action.

How's this? I figured give it 2 skills, a stat, and a prefeat and it would balance itself off. Those are pretty high requirements for someone to gain these, but the only people that would take these might be rogues, monks, or archers.

Comments, questions, concerns?

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First Post
Those ar eactually pretty easy requirements for the one guy this is made for, the rogue. First off increasing the 5ft adjustment under any conditions leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's one of those ideas that should really raise the cation flag. Is this really needed? It allows you to make a full round action and then move 10ft. THat can be very big on a battle field.

THe requirements are very light. A Human rogue can easily pick this up at third level. Attribute requires are always odd. Even gets the bonus, odd allows you to qualify for things. Personally, I'd require Spring Attack and Run as the prerequisite feats, 7 ranks of Jump and tumble, and a 19 Dex.

This is a good and powerful feat that can really allow a rogue to take control ofa battle field. The simpliest way is rogue does full round attack, moves away 10 feet. The opponent has to move ten feet to get to him, so the opponent only gets a single attack.


First Post
First off, this is an amazingly powerful ability. By taking 10 foot steps backwards after your full round attacks, you can completely and utterly dominate a one-on-one fight and gain a huge advantage in maneuvering in mass battle. With a bow, you can take a full attack and then move 10 feet to cover. It lets you fight creatures with Reach on an even basis. Spellcasters can move from behind cover, deliver an Area effect, and then hide again.
This is useful for EVERYBODY, not just rogues or bowmen. This ability totally kicks ass.
I'd give it a prerequisite of Dex 19+, Dodge, Mobility, Run, and Jump 8+.


my goal for this was to create some sort of pc that can basically go in there cleave away and then spring out of the range by flipping manuevering jackie chan style and then have the monsters charge them. Picture some lord of the rings battle scenese where people attack flip away why the enemy is sitting there wondering where they went.

Best example is Ep2 the fight scene with Yoda and Count Dukoo. Yoda definately moves about oh 20ft away after making all his attacks and is done.

Dex 18+, Dodge, Mobility, Run, Jump 8+, Tumble 9+

Tumble is for the time when you can't leap backwards but roll away from battle...

hows this?


First Post
No way!

Um, yeah, so to balance this feat I'll require, lets see. . . what's written on my character sheet, um, dex 15+, jump, tumble both have some ranks and oh, I have mobility.

I see that a lot actually, not to pick on this feat in particular. If a feat is powerful, it is NOT balanced by a stat req. below 20 (any decent character can get to 21 in a prime stat) and it is NOT balanced by feats that everyone gets anyway.

Making it the crowning achievement of a feat chain might work, like dodge/mobility/spring attack/ NOW I get a 10' step instead of 5' step feat. Even then it's not balanced.

This feat effectively reduces the impact of NPC's with reach, allows the character to (potentially) dominate a 1 on 1 fight AND has uses for ranged characters AND has a host of tactical uses.

I'd almost want to make it a PrC!


so let's see if we can do this right:

DEX 20+
Mobility/Run/Spring Attack/Dodge
Jump 8+ Tumble 8+

Thats a damn high stat with 4 feats and some good scores in the skills. This is a feat not allot of people will take at low levels as it should be and therefore putting it in the reach of higher levels which is a must.

Now stacking it on top of each other would be nice, but how can we balance that..doubling the skills requirement to 16 and adding a +2 to the dex modifier each time?

no PrC..this is a feat to the core..


First Post
Yes, this is DEFINATELY a feat. It's too widely useful to be a PrC. Great prereqs, but remembers, odd ability requirements always. Rule of thumb. It screws over the bastards who round down to the closest even number when using point buy.


Anabstercorian said:
Yes, this is DEFINATELY a feat. It's too widely useful to be a PrC. Great prereqs, but remembers, odd ability requirements always. Rule of thumb. It screws over the bastards who round down to the closest even number when using point buy.

dex 21+?

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