Level Up (A5E) Feats, Feats, & More Feats!


(As a side note, in all my years playing D&D, this is also the first time I’ve ever seen basic menuvers get much actually use at the game table, too. I feel like the designers nailed that one.)
For further context, its not that I hate the basic manuevers you chose, in fact I think its great you made overrun and disarm more "core".

My issue was in the saving throw mechanic. The opposed roll made Athletics just really good, it really helped to make that skill cool, and it allowed a "weak attack" like Grapple to be useful because against many creatures you had a very solid chance to succeed. With a saving throw mechanic the maneuver will fail more often and its one less reason to pick up a skill.

Also the basic damage is soo low. Until 9th level you will do 1 damage.... that's basically a DM rounding error, its just annoying to track that. If it was equal to prof mod that would at least be something, still not great but something for my trouble.

So that was the specific reasons I didn't like Basic Ms...., but can't argue with the will of the masses. I will just incorporate your manuevers with opposed rolls mechanics most likely, and be just fine.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
My issue was in the saving throw mechanic. The opposed roll made Athletics just really good, it really helped to make that skill cool, and it allowed a "weak attack" like Grapple to be useful because against many creatures you had a very solid chance to succeed. With a saving throw mechanic the maneuver will fail more often and its one less reason to pick up a skill.

Also the basic damage is soo low. Until 9th level you will do 1 damage.... that's basically a DM rounding error, its just annoying to track that. If it was equal to prof mod that would at least be something, still not great but something for my trouble.

So that was the specific reasons I didn't like Basic Ms...., but can't argue with the will of the masses. I will just incorporate your manuevers with opposed rolls mechanics most likely, and be just fine.
Yes, I understood you. You were clear.

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