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[Feb] Campaign reports


Inventor of Super-Toast
In Sharn Freelance Police (an IRC Eberron game), the Freelance Police are busy investigating the murders of eight warforged, all by a single blow to the chest. Their chief suspect? One Molric Torralon, the overseer of the Tain foundry and a terrible racist. Molric was killed in a fight started by Wendy, a Karrn sorceress working for the Freelance Police, but not before Wendy was slain. At session's end, she was returned to life by a reincarnate scroll sold by a halfling artificer as a rather confused gnoll. And as if this wasn't enough, Lord Slogar d'Cannith has dispatched assassins to take the Freelance Police down, and the survivor was encouraged by the Freelancers to take up law enforcement. (IE the Steel Shadows module from Dungeon)

In Incorporated Inc (my live Eberron game), the Inc. have travelled by lightning rail to Vathirond, and have prepared to enter the Mournland in search of the "lightning coach", a trackless elemental vehicle prototype lost in Eston during the Mourning. Before they could even enter the Mournland, however, Vathirond was attacked by a horrible creature looking something like a tree that was in the middle of evolving into a fleshy animal (I love my Advanced Bestiary). And Taryn, a were-boar elven rogue, is looking forward to getting out of the Mournland primarily for her date with Halas Phairlan, a composer she met on the lightning rail.

In the as-of-yet-unnamed-Greyhawk-game I play in, we managed to get off of Firewatch Island, which we were exploring to find Morley Tobe, a debtor on the run from the sinister businessman and slaver Davus Raal. There were only three casualties- our fallen paladin had a hag-inspired heart attack, the foolish ranger went off on his own and perished during the zombie onslaught that night, and the obnoxious Cuthbertian cleric was eaten by a chuul. As if this wasn't enough, our hero Dr. Thanatos, a warlock (guess who's my character) was arrested with the rest of his party on trumped-up charges brought upon them by the vengeful Raal. (The game took heavy inspiration from the first half of the module Tammeraut's Fate).

Demiurge out.

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In my Eberron game, the PCs have got their name in the Korranberg Chronicle twice (once for being the targets of an assassination attempt and once for thwarting an attack on the Lightning Rail by mercenaries led by Emerald Claw operatives), so they're getting a fair amount of fame - and getting worried because a lot of people have read about them. :D

They just accepted a job from Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn to recover some magical items from a location in the Mournland. They entered the Mournland last session and (among other things) encountered voices and faces in the Dead-Grey Mist, saw a giant flying manta ray, fought a living fireball spell, saw part of a hill in the distance (covered in dead bodies) get up and walk away, and ended up killing a spell-warped ettin which attacked them. Suffice to say they are significantly freaked out.


First Post
Playing Shadows of the Last War right now. The party is about to leave Rhukaan Draal right now. I won't get into any details as not to spoil that adventure... but I'm looking forward to the Rose Quarry - that should be fun to run :)

The party is in a coastal city currently under siege by an undead army. They found valuable clues regarding the source of the undeads' power, and now need to break the sea blockade (or find a way around it) to reach a volcanic island - one of three "nexus points" empowering the archlich (BBEG and first lich ever, sort of the "founding father" of necromancy) responsible for raising the undead.
All in all, they're reaching the climax of the whole campaign, although it might still take some time before they'll confront the archlich directly.


As DM:

Running the Dungeon Adventure Path for a group of 5 players. They are almost at the end of the first module in the AP - Life's Bazaar.

I'm also getting ready to start a Grim Tales homebrew campaign.

As player:

3 sessions into a new Midnight campaign. We are currently playing the Crown of Shadow module. I'm having fun busting heads and breaking necks with my Erenlander barbarian/defender grapple-monkey.


First Post
In 1630's Alternate History Venice...
Our heros, a group of "drafted" British spies, have just located and stolen three major secrets of Venetian naval power -- said secrets having been stolen by a French spy for the young Monseignier (sp?) Riechelieu.
DM's Note: And I thought I'd never use an Eberron module. Hmph! I say steal whatever plot lines you choose, as long as it's amusing

Now, as the group returns to Venice, all they have to do is get back to Great Britain. Which shouldn't be too hard. Unless the Unseeliegh Fey attack on the British compound, hordes of gun-toting assassins, and amourous half-fey ex-PC characters have something to say about it!


First Post
Running a Black Company campaign using Slavelords of Cydonia as the campaign model. So far three weeks have gone by and the party is still on earth but the time to go to Cydonia is coming up quick!


My players just circumvented a major bad guy by pulling out a minor magic item that they found years ago, and using it in an exceptionally clever way. Without throwing a single blow, they out-maneuvered a major fiend. They didn't just win; they made the bad guy KNOW that they'd won, and they left him alive to obsess over the defeat without leaving him any loopholes to get revenge. It was a thing of beauty.

We have one more game, then the campaign goes on three months hiatus while several players become new parents. We're playing MnM in the interim.


First Post
Just an update session in my Wilderlands campaign to wrap up from the last one and set up the plot hooks for the next one.

Call of Cthulhu (BRP) tonight and for a little while, then it could be back to D&D or Conan.


My cloistered cleric, Joseph, who used to follow a compassionate god of suffering and healing now follows a god of justice and redemption after allowing a murder to kill about 20 people, burn down a house, all because I thought in the end more lives would be spared and blood wouldn't have to be spilled. Now that I know I'm wrong, I've turned away from my pious path, and there's gonna be some hell to pay. Getting tortured with thumb screws last game by some human who was involved with orcs probably didn't help my vision for a glorious world too much either. Now I've got some chainmail, and there's gonna be some hell to pay.


My AU Campaign: The heroes are in the midst of exploring the long-abandoned Magic Guild in town. They have fought redcaps, fiendish rat swarms, fiendish cloakers, valkiths (Diamond Throne earth creatures), animated spellcasting suits of armor, and all the while some spellcasting creature is able to spy on them and cast spells at them through crystal sensors built into the walls, doors, or ceilings of certain rooms. Once they reach the upper levels perhaps they'll find this mysterious nemesis; and then they can figure out a way to get into the even more mysterious lower levels of the guildhall.

Eurath Homebrew: My 20th level dwarf fighter/rogue (and his companions) are in the midst of a battle to protect the capital city of the island nation of Eurath from an all-out war against demons and undead. We are currently fighting against the third "wave" of attackers who are trying to destroy a portable portal that we are using to move troops into the city. Currently our foes include nightwalkers, balors, mariliths, and hezrous. As this is the third wave, our spellcasters are starting to run out of spells and we have a sense of dread -- this may indeed be the final battle of the campaign...

Elemental Evil: After months spent in Verbobonc dealing with a menace known as The Banewarrens, my 11th-level half-orc sonic-substituting evoker and his companions have just entered the Crater Ridge Mines and have defeated the defenders of the Air Temple. We have found a hidden dwarven redoubt and are exploring it for a fabled dwarven artifact.

Eberron: Taking a side-trek in the middle of Shadows of the Last War, my human artificer/psion and his companions are attempting to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a botanist who has recently come back from Xendrik with a rare plant. So far, in his greenhouse and offices we have encountered a number of zombies who cannot be turned and who appear to be controlled by plants growing within them.

Round Robin Group: Our group of rotating one-shots played its first game this past weekend. A group of misfits (including a psion known only as "The Swami," a rod-of-wonder-wielding chaotic neutral cleric of Luck, and a whipdagger-wielding minotaur rogue known as Oklahoma Smith) try to get into "Herzog's Hoedown," a high-class party held at Castle Greyhawk. Before they enter, however, they are lured into a mission to rescue a girl scout's lost dog. They use a sock puppet to drive a two-headed troll insane, wrestle with an invisible spirit to gain possession of protective bars of soap, confront the Four Zombie Stooges, and finally battle Jubilex and his oozy minions until he calls a truce. Turns out he just wants help getting into the party at Castle Greyhawk. A fun time was had by all. Up next: WanderingMonster's gonna run a Mutants & Masterminds one-shot!
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