Level Up (A5E) Few questions


Hello there. Been a while since I posted a question here. Also big thanks to anyone for answering my previous questions, in case I have not thanked you before (poor memory). My Session 1 for the a5e game is coming up soon and I wanted to know a few things before the game starts.

1. Some things state that the weapon deals multiple damage types. Take the maneuver 'Blazing Pursuit' from the Arcane Knight tradition as an example. "If a creature moves out of your reach, you may expend your reaction to move in the same direction up to 20 feet and make a single melee attack against the creature if they are within your reach. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity , and your weapon attacks deal fire damage, as well as its original types, until the end of your next turn." See what I am telling you here? It deals fire damage and original types, but... what does that exactly mean? If I deal 10 damage with my greatsword, it will be both slashing and fire damage? What if the enemy is resistant/immune to fire or slashing? Does the attack deal 5 slashing and 5 fire? It may be super obvious, but I struggle to grasp it.

2. Under 'Between Adventures' section in the core book, I have found that the books says to look up 'Engineering Items' and 'Engineering Time' in the core rulebook. Now, I have been searching everywhere, but I just could not find where any of this is stated. Went to a5e to use the search thingy and still no luck. I must have missed it somewhere, but if someone knows about the location of this subject, I'd be happy if you could share.

If I come up with more questions, I will ask here. Thank you in advance for any inputs, in case I forget to thank again.

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1. i believe it's mainly so you can proc vulnerabilities/avoid resistances more easily (so an attack that deals both fire and slashing can get around resistance or immunity to only one, for instance).
2. the engineering items/time tables are listed under the crafting downtime activity in between adventures, but only in the adventurer's guide. from what i can see, they aren't present on the website at all.

  1. While I have not read the maneuver (other than what you pasted here), I don't see any statement about overcoming damage resistance or immunity. Therefore, your weapon still delivers slashing and the maneuver tacks on some extra fire damage. If the creature has resistances or immunities to one or both of those damage types, then it takes either half or no damage from that extra attack.

The Blazing Pursuit maneuver is detailed here: Blazing Pursuit | Level Up

It is really strange that it does both fire damage and the original type. Usually it would be something like +d6 fire damage. It is unclear as written whether the intent is that creatures that have resistance/immunity to either type can apply that damage reduction, or whether they have to have resistance/immunity to both types to be able to prevent it. The latter would make more sense, otherwise the Blazing Pursuit maneuver is making less effective your attacks until the end of your next turn.

The Blazing Pursuit maneuver is detailed here: Blazing Pursuit | Level Up

It is really strange that it does both fire damage and the original type. Usually it would be something like +d6 fire damage. It is unclear as written whether the intent is that creatures that have resistance/immunity to either type can apply that damage reduction, or whether they have to have resistance/immunity to both types to be able to prevent it. The latter would make more sense, otherwise the Blazing Pursuit maneuver is making less effective your attacks until the end of your next turn.

This is definitely strangely worded, the fact that it says "and your weapon attacks deal fire damage, as well as its original types, until the end of your next turn." makes me believe it's implying additional damage, but there's no reference to what size of dice to use. So my assumption from there is that it means that the maneuver basically makes your weapon (ONLY your weapon) do double damage, with the second being fire typed. For example, a greatsword that does 2d6 + 3 would now do 2d6+3 slashing and 2d6+3 fire.

However that's muddled a bit with the fact that the next part of the sentence says "as well as its original types" instead of something like "as well as its original damage" or "in addition to its original damage". Ultimately, 2 points to potentially negate some damage mitigation sounds more reasonable than 2 points to effectively double your weapon damage that turn. So I'm assuming it just means your attacks are dual-typed, and you would only rely on the damage type that suffers the least penalty

I read that as an additional damage type, not additional damage. The damage type is slashing*/fire. So you'd need to be immune to/resistant to both types to benefit. But that's just how I read that text.

*or whatever it is

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