D&D General Fifty Years


Guide of Modos
My first character was a Halfling Rogue named Willow (because I had a celebrity crush on Alyson Hannigan). . .
Huh. Was expecting Joanne Whalley here. But anyway... my first D&D memory was getting a pre-gen character at Barnes'n'Noble and jumping into an Eberron noir-mystery that had these things called "houses" and what, "dragonmarks?"

But there was this earlier game that already had my attention, called AD&D...

By the way, careful when kids are found on the lawn. Some catchphrases will quickly date you.

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Happy birthday, FitzTheRuke and Eis!

My first AD&D memory was running my pre-generated human druid, Jon (chosen from a pool of a dozen or so PCs because his stats were the least sucky), in a game my cousins ran for my two brothers and me. I was told my character could do whatever he wanted, so when we met up with a group of dire rats, I did what I thought my PC would logically do: I fled!

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My first D&D memory was making up an AD&D character in middle school (after school club in either the French or Spanish room). Another kid was helping me, and showed me how to roll for psionics. I actually rolled up psionics. The other kid excitedly told the DM (Charles, IIRC). He said "there's no naughty word psionics in my game." I was so deflated.


My first D&D memory was making up an AD&D character in middle school (after school club in either the French or Spanish room). Another kid was helping me, and showed me how to roll for psionics. I actually rolled up psionics. The other kid excitedly told the DM (Charles, IIRC). He said "there's no naughty word psionics in my game." I was so deflated.
Was that the old Dark Sun Wild Talents?

Edgar Ironpelt

My first RPG memory was seeing the ads for the microgames Melee and Wizard (from Metagaming), and being frustrated because mail-order was not an option for me back then.

My first D&D memory was playing a wizard for one session in the fall of 1978 as a college freshman; with the first AD&D memory being my purchase of the Monster Manual and Players Handbook at around the same time (but not the Dungeon Master's Guide because it hadn't been published yet).

(The D&D campaign was "Foggy Mountain," at Michigan State University. I remember hearing claims that it was the second oldest D&D campaign, after Greyhawk.)


Happy Birthday!

I got the D&D Holmes set for Christmas in '79, and I have a flurry of memories about it - the set came with numbered chits, so we went back to the mall toy store to get dice, but all they had for a d20 was one that was numbered 0-9 in two different colors and I was able to convince my dad to get two sets of Grenadier minis - one of monsters and one of heroes. Also, my dad was taking a home drafting course (La Salle) at the time, and as "practice" he took a portion of the Caves of Chaos and enlarged them to 1" squares on a couple sheets of vellum paper for me. My brother and I played with the (lead) minis on those sheets for many hours until we abducted my mom's pattern board to turn it into an even larger battle board! I also remember painting those minis with Testor's enamels using those awful brushes that came with the paint set (and cleaning them with the included turpentine(?) cleaner).

As for actual D&D game memories, I remember my dad doing the first DMing and running away from a skeleton after a group of them had reduced my halfling character to one hit point in the first encounter. I guess that's why you don't adventure alone!


Happy Birthday!

I was 13 in 1976 and Dave, a lad from the year above had got the white boxed set for his birthday. Dave ran myself and a friend, Phil, through a dungeon he had designed. I played a fighter called Aelric, Phil played a magic-user called Amroth.
We were hooked straight away, regardless of being slain by orcs in our third session.
I got the boxed set for Xmas 1976 and have played ever since, with the odd hiatus for marriage, kids, career etc.
I actually started the D&D Society at school in 1978, and my grandson now attends the same school and tells me that the society still runs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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