Fighting Fantasy series resurrected for 30th anniversary


Well, that was fun
Staff member
According to the BBC, the Fighting Fantasy series by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson (not that Steve Jackson) are being re-released in iPhone and Android format. While there have been many, many "choose your own adventure" type book series of varying complexity, Warlock of Firetop Mountain was definitely my first introduction to fantasy gaming of any stripe.

The first of the new versions will be released in September by an Australian company called Tin Man Games.


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My first fantasy gaming too, I replaced lost original editions with the new edition published starting in 2009 (upto about 15 I think). Lone Wolf is also in print with mongoose, though only in hardcover at the moment.


The quote was something like "expect 3d physics dice rolling and page flipping,"..., you mean just like the versions that were on sale just last month?

I don't see anything mentioned different from the other ones that would justify their pulling the license from BBB, or make me want to buy them again. Now, gimme some new titles, or start publishing those later titles that didn't make it to the US, and I'm sold.

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