Final Fantasy J

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First Post
Mesa Crawe

Mesa Crawe
Monk 6, Psionic Fist 4

Mesa Crawe is a 6’2”, 200lb man with brown curly hair in need of a haircut and green eyes that warn of mischief about to erupt. He is 19 years old and full of himself. Coming from a wealthy family, his cloths are expensive, of excellent quality, and of the latest style, but look to have been somewhat abused. He seems to be the type of person that any respectable mother would tell to comb his hair, change his cloths, and wipe that smirk off of his face. This sort of bearing makes him seem younger than his age, despite his obvious full grown stature. His bearing has also gotten him in trouble in many a tavern and cardhouse. Not many men appreciate a spoiled rich kid spouting his mouth in their tavern, especially when he flirts with their women and takes their money in cards. Despite his rambling young ways, he has a good sense of self, and values honor and discipline, but does not want to completely grow up yet.

Str16 (18 w/gauntlet)
Con18 (16 +1 at 4th, +1 at 8th) (20 w/ ring)
Wis18 (20 w/ periapt)

HP 8+3+3+6+7+4+2+4+2+4+ (10*5) +(4*2)=101

AC= 10+1+4(+5 w/ periapt)+1(+3 w/ belt)=16(19)

Initiative= +1

Fort=+5+1+4(+5 w/ring)=+11 (Immune to non-magical disease)
Ref=+5+4+1=+10 (No Damage on successful Save)
Will=+5+4+4(+5 w/ periapt)=+14 (+16 against Enchantments)

• Unarmed= +11/6 Damage Unarmed =1d10 (2d6 w/ monks belt) +3 (+4 w/ Gauntlets)
o Flurry= +10/10/5
• Shuriken= +12/7 Damage Shuriken = 1d2+3(+4 w/ Gauntlets)
o Flurry= +11/11/7

Speed=60 (80 w/ belt)

Class Features
• AC Bonus +2 (+3 w/ Belt)
• Unarmored Speed Bonus +30 (+50 w/ Belt)
• Flurry of Blows
• Evasion
• Still Mind
• Ki Strike (magical)
• Slow Fall (30)
• Purity of Body (immune to disease)

• Human-Wild Talent
• 1st-Psionic Body
• 3rd-Up the Walls
• 6th-Mental Leap
• 9th-Practiced Manifester
• Monk 1st-Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Fighting
• Monk 2nd-Deflect Arrows
• Monk 6th-Improved Trip

• 5*10=50
• Skills
o Spot5 (+5)
o Listen5 (+5)
o Move Silently8 (+1)
o Tumble4 (+1)
o Balance9 (+3)
o Sense Motive5 (+5)
o Concentrate9 (+5)
o Jump6 (+4)

• Manifestor Level 8
• Power Points =10 base + 20 Bonus + 2 wild Talent= 32

• Powers
o Metaphysical Weapon
o Inertial Armor
o Psionic Lions Charge
o Animal Affinity

• Monks belt 13k
• Chime of Opening 3k
• Handy Haversack 2k
• Ring of Invisibility 20k
• Ring of Health 4k
• Periapt of Wisdom 4k
• Gauntlets of Ogre Power 4k


First Post

Mikken, cousin of Kyo
Human, male, age 15, height 5'-10", weight 157 lbs.
Pale caucasian skin, amber eyes, shoulder-length black hair, short mustache

Appearance: Mikken is a slightly-muscular teenager of average height, pale but lightly-tanned skin, and shoulder-length black hair. A short mustache adorns his face, with a small nose and slanted, amber eyes. He wears a short, dark green kimono with a white jacket that holds numerous pockets. Mikken seems to carry a book inside the folds of his kimono. He also wears brown hakima pants, a red-orange belt, and wooden sandals.

Mikken carries a pair of curved daisho swords at his left hip, the black sheaths hanging from his belt, opposite a few pouches hanging from the right side. A wicker backpack hangs from his shoulders, and a strangely-built scroll case hangs from each side of Mikken's pack. Two similar scroll cases hang from his belt, and a bedroll rests atop his wicker pack, loosely tied on. A trinket hangs from a string around his neck, adorned with various snake scales, and a similar string encircles the top of Mikken's head, bearing a small, blue gemstone over his forehead. Supple black gloves cover his hands.

Despite Mikken's appearance of being a learned and highborn Mazerkan warrior, he doesn't carry himself with the poise, confidence, or fierceness of such a warrior, and he acts kind of skittish. The clothes and fancy swords don't seem to fit him so well, and he looks a bit uncomfortable, especially lugging around so much bulky traveling gear.

Usually traveling beside Mikken, or ridden by him, is a common, yellow-feathered chocobo, bearing a saddle, saddlebags, a bit, and a bridle. Mikken's bedroll and wicker backpack are usually in his chocobo's saddlebags, along with one of the scrollcases from his belt, and two of his belt pouches. When his chocobo carries this gear for him, Mikken ties the scrollcases from his pack to his back instead, with strings crossed over his shoulders.

Personality: Bookish, clever, somewhat self-doubting, worrisome, loyal, trusting, and a bit feisty. I'll expand on this later.

[sblock=Mikken]Mikken...........Male Human......................Character Level: 11, Total XP: 55,718
Strength............14 (+2)...........Transmuter Wizard 5, Fighter 1, Eldritch Knight 4, Duelist 1
Dexterity..........18 (+4)............Medium-Size, Speed 30 ft.
Constitution......9/16 (+3)............Initiative: +4, BAB: +8/+3, Grapple: +10/+5
Intelligence.......20 (+5)............Melee: +10/+5, Ranged: +12/+7
Wisdom...........10 (+0)............Total HP: 80, Current HP: 26, Nonlethal: 0
Charisma..........12 (+1)...........Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +8, Will: +5

Normal AC: 16 (+4 Dex, +2 natural armor), Touch AC: 14, Flat-Footed AC: 12
Alignment: Lawful Good, Age 15, Height 5'-10", Weight 157 lbs.
Pale Caucasian Skin, Amber Eyes, Shoulder-Length Black Hair & Short Mustache

Combat AC: 21/22 (+4 Dex, +1 Int, +2 natural armor, +4 armor, +1 dodge vs. 1 foe)
Situational AC Adjustments: +1 Intelligence to AC from Canny Defense with a melee weapon in hand, +1 Dodge feat vs. one foe, +2 potential AC from Defending weapon quality, +4 Mobility feat against AoOs for movement, +3 fighting defensively with sufficient Tumble ranks, +6 total defense with sufficient Tumble ranks, +4 Mage Armor spell, +4 Shield spell, +1 Haste spell, +1 Cat's Grace spell, +2 Magic Circle against Evil spell, -2 Enlarge Person spell
Combat Routine Notes: Often has Mage Armor active, never prepares or casts Bull's Strength or Cat's Grace without also preparing or casting the other, wakizashi attack rolls use Weapon Finesse except when he has both Enlarge Person and Bull's Strength active

Languages (Literate): Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven.
Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all martial weapons, all light armors, all medium armors, all heavy armors, and all shields, including tower shields.
Level Progression Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana/Bastard Sword), Two-Weapon Fighting.
Human Bonus Feat: Dodge.
Extra Human Bonus Feat: Mobility.
Wizard Bonus Feats: Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item.
Fighter Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse.
Eldritch Knight Bonus Feat: Spring Attack.

Skills: Appraise +5/+7 (0 ranks, +5 Int, +2 craft synergy), Balance +9 (3 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 tumble synergy), Bluff +6 (5 ranks +1 Cha), Climb +8 (6 ranks, +2 Str), Concentration +17 (14 ranks, +3 Con), Craft (alchemy) +10 (5 ranks, +5 Int), Craft (bookbinding) +10 (5 ranks, +5 Int), Craft (tailoring) +10 (5 ranks, +5 Int), Decipher Script +15 (10 ranks, +5 Int), Diplomacy +3 (0 ranks, +1 Cha, +2 bluff synergy), Disguise +3 (0 ranks, +1 Cha, +2 bluff synergy), Intimidate +3 (0 ranks, +1 Cha, +2 bluff synergy), Jump +9 (5 ranks, +2 Str, +2 tumble synergy), Knowledge (arcana) +15 (10 ranks, +5 Int), Knowledge (geography) +7 (2 ranks, +5 Int), Knowledge (history) +8 (3 ranks, +5 Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +6 (1 rank, +5 Int), Perform (dance) +2 (1 rank, +1 Cha), Perform (oratory) +4 (3 ranks, +1 Cha), Profession (apothecary) +4 (4 ranks, +0 Wis), Ride (chocobos) +5 (1 rank, +4 Dex), Spellcraft +18/+20 (11 ranks, +5 Int, +2 knowledge synergy, +2 extra when learning Transmutation spells), Swim +8 (6 ranks, +2 Str), Tumble +12 (6 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 jump synergy).

Racial Traits: Medium-size humanoid (human), base Speed 30 feet, bonus feat of choice, extra skill points, highest-level class is favored class.
Extra Traits: Another bonus feat of choice, more extra skill points, earns +10% combat XP.
Ability Score Development: Base stats of 10/10/10/18/10/10, 14 points to spend 1-for-1, no more than 7 points in any score, for total scores of 14 (4 pts), 14 (4 pts), 14 (4 pts), 18 (0 pts), 10 (0 pts), and 12 (2 pts). Ability increase at 4th-level went to Dex (Dex 15), and again at 8th-level (Dex 16). Magic items currently increase Dex to 18, Con to 16, and Int to 20.
Familiar: Has the ability to call a familiar at some point, involving a ritual that costs 100 gold pieces in expendable reagents.
Canny Defense: Extraordinary ability, adds Intelligence bonus to Armor Class if wielding a melee weapon, to a maximum Int bonus of +1 per Duelist class level (currently +1), lost when denied a Dexterity bonus to AC.

Specialist Wizard Spells: Casts prepared arcane spells, caster level of 8, specialized in Transmutation, banned from Enchantment and Necromancy, receives +2 on Spellcraft checks to learn Transmutation spells, gains a bonus Transmutation spell slot of each spell level he can cast, spellcasting is based on Intelligence, and needs a spellbook.
0-Level Spells (save DC 15, or 16 with Fox's Cunning): Resistance (Abjur), Acid Splash (Conj), Detect Magic (Div), Detect Poison (Div), Read Magic (Div), Dancing Lights (Evoc), Flare (Evoc), Light (Evoc), Ray of Frost (Evoc), Ghost Sound (Illus), Mage Hand (Trans), Mending (Trans), Message (Trans), Open/Close (Trans), Arcane Mark (Univ), Prestidigitation (Univ).
1st-Level Spells (save DC 16, or 17 with Fox's Cunning): Alarm (Abjur), Endure Elements (Abjur), Shield (Abjur), Mage Armor (Conj), Unseen Servant (Conj), Identify (Div), Magic Missile (Evoc), Silent Image (Illus), Enlarge Person (Trans), Erase (Trans), Expeditious Retreat (Trans), Feather Fall (Trans).
2nd-Level Spells (save DC 17, or 18 with Fox's Cunning): Acid Arrow (Conj), See Invisibility (Div), Scorching Ray (Evoc), Bear's Endurance (Trans), Bull's Strength (Trans), Cat's Grace (Trans), Darkvision (Trans), Fox's Cunning (Trans), Knock (Trans), Levitate (Trans).
3rd-Level Spells (save DC 18, or 19 with Fox's Cunning): Dispel Magic (Abjur), Magic Circle against Evil (Abjur), Protection from Energy (Abjur), Lightning Bolt (Evoc), Displacement (Illus), Haste (Trans), Keen Edge (Trans), Secret Page (Trans), Slow (Trans), Water Breathing (Trans).
4th-Level Spells (save DC 19, or 20 with Fox's Cunning): Ice Storm (Evoc), Shout (Evoc), Greater Invisibility (Illus), Mass Enlarge Person (Trans), Stone Shape (Trans).

Prepared Spells (relatively-safe places): Detect Poison, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Prestidigitation, Alarm, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Silent Image, Unseen Servant, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Darkvision, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Evil, Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm, Shout, Stone Shape.
Prepared Spells (adventuring): Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Mending, Read Magic, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Acid Arrow, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Knock, Scorching Ray, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm, Mass Enlarge Person, Stone Shape.

Mundane Possessions: 2 Darts (1 gp, 1 lb.), 2 Spell Component Pouches (10 gp, 4 lbs.), 4 Pearls (100 gp each), Traveler's Outfit (free starting outfit, 5 lbs., worn outfit doesn't count towards his encumbrance), 2 Peasant's Outfits (2 sp, 4 lbs.), Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs., holds spare outfits, flint, steel, trail ration, and waterskin), Belt Pouch (1 gp, 1/2 lb., holds coins, pearls, inkpen, and ink vial), 4 Scroll Cases (4 gp, 2 lbs., first holds parchment, second holds 0-level/3rd-level/4th-level scrolls, third holds 1st-level scrolls, fourth holds 2nd-level scrolls), Full Ink Vial (8 gp), Inkpen (1 sp), 5 Parchment Sheets (1 gp), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.), Flint & Steel (1 gp), Trail Rations (5 sp, 1 lb.), Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs.), Bit & Bridle (2 gp, 1 lb.), Riding Saddle (10 gp, 25 lbs.), Saddlebags (4 gp, 8 lbs.), Chocobo Feed/Gysahl Greens (5 cp, 10 lbs.), Light War-Chocobo (assuming similarity to a light warhorse, carries bit & bridle, riding saddle, saddlebags, feed, Mikken's backpack, Mikken's belt pouch, Mikken's spare spell component pouch, Mikken's first scroll case, and Mikken's bedroll).

Magic Items: +2 Keen Katana (free, 10 lbs., functions as a bastard sword, +2 enhancement bonus, keen improves threat range to 17-20), +2 Defending Wakizashi (free, 3 lbs., functions as a short sword, +2 enhancement bonus, defending allows changing any amount of its enhancement to an untyped AC bonus each round), Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (+2 enhancement bonus to natural armor AC, 8000 gp), Vest of Health +2 (+2 enhancement to Constitution, created by Mikken, cost 2000 gp and 160 xp), Gloves of Dexterity +2 (+2 enhancement to Dexterity, created by Mikken, cost 2000 gp and 160 xp), Headband of Intellect +2 (+2 enhancement to Intelligence, does not affect skill points, created by Mikken, cost 2000 gp and 160 xp), Blessed Book (magic spellbook, no cost to inscribe spells, 98/1000 pages used, created by Mikken, cost 6250 gp and 500 xp, also spent 1900 gp on learning extra spells, 1 lb.), 2 Silversheen Vials (can be applied to grant temporary silver quality to a weapon, created by Mikken, cost 250 gp and 20 xp), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (5th-level caster, 750 gp), Alarm Scroll (5th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 125 gp and 5 xp), 2 Acid Arrow Scrolls (6th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 600 gp and 24 xp), Darkvision Scroll (3rd-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 150 gp and 6 xp), Detect Magic Scroll (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 12 gp and 5 sp and 1 xp), Detect Poison Scroll (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 12 gp and 5 sp and 1 xp), 2 Dispel Magic Scrolls (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 1050 gp and 42 xp), 8 Endure Elements Scrolls (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 200 gp and 8 xp), Erase Scroll (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 175 gp and 7 xp), 2 Expeditious Retreat Scrolls (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 50 gp and 2 xp), 2 Identify Scrolls (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 250 gp and 10 xp), 2 Knock Scrolls (3rd-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 300 gp and 12 xp), 2 Levitate Scrolls (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 700 gp and 28 xp), Light Scroll (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 87 gp and 5 sp and 4 xp), 2 Lightning Bolt Scrolls (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 1050 gp and 42 xp), 4 Magic Missile Scrolls (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 700 gp and 28 xp), Magic Circle Against Evil Scroll (5th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 375 gp and 15 xp), Mending Scroll (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 12 gp and 5 sp and 1 xp), Read Magic Scroll (1st-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 12 gp and 5 sp and 1 xp), 2 Scorching Ray Scrolls (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 700 gp and 28 xp), See Invisibility Scroll (3rd-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 150 gp and 6 xp), 4 Shield Scrolls (3rd-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 300 gp and 12 xp), Stone Shape Scroll (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 700 gp and 28 xp), Water Breathing Scroll (7th-level caster, created by Mikken, cost 525 gp and 21 xp), 2 Delayed Blast Fireball Scrolls (13th-level caster, taken from bandits)

Wealth: 16 gp, 24 sp, 15 cp.......................................Current Load: 19 lbs. (light)
Light Load: 58 lbs. max......Medium Load: 116 lbs. max......Heavy Load: 175 lbs. max
Lift High: 175 lbs. max......Lift Off Ground: 350 lbs. max......Push/Drag: 875 lbs. max
Medium Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, +3 max Dex to AC, -3 check penalty.
Heavy Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, x3 run, +1 max Dex to AC, -6 check penalty.

Grapple check +10/+5 melee for 1d3+2 nonlethal damage
Two-handed katana +12/+7 melee for 1d10+5 damage
Primary-hand katana +12/+7 melee for 1d10+4 damage
Off-hand wakizashi +14/+9 melee for 1d6+3 damage
Off-hand wakizashi defending +12/+7 melee for 1d6+1 damage
Two-weapon fighting katana +10/+5 melee for 1d10+4 damage,
and off-hand wakizashi +12 melee for 1d6+3 damage
Two-weapon fighting katana +10/+5 melee for 1d10+4 damage,
and off-hand wakizashi defending +10 melee for 1d6+1 damage

Acid splash +12 ranged touch for 1d3 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank acid splash +13 ranged touch for 1d3+1 damage (30 ft.)
Ray of frost +12 ranged touch for 1d3 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank ray of frost +13 ranged touch for 1d3+1 damage (30 ft.)
Scorching ray +12/+12 ranged touch for 4d6 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank scorching ray +13/+13 ranged touch for 4d6+1 damage (30 ft.)
Acid arrow +12 ranged touch for 2d4 damage, and 2d4 damage on the next 2 rounds (400 ft. + 40 ft./caster level)
Point blank acid arrow +13 ranged touch for 2d4+1 damage, and 2d4 damage on the next 2 rounds (30 ft.)

Attacks (Enlarge Person):
Grapple check +14/+9 melee for 1d4+3 nonlethal damage
Two-handed katana +12/+7 melee for 2d8+6 damage
Primary-hand katana +12/+7 melee for 2d8+5 damage
Off-hand wakizashi +14/+9 melee for 1d8+3 damage
Off-hand wakizashi defending +12/+7 melee for 1d8+1 damage
Two-weapon fighting katana +10/+5 melee for 2d8+5 damage,
and off-hand wakizashi +12 melee for 1d8+3 damage
Two-weapon fighting katana +10/+5 melee for 2d8+5 damage,
and off-hand wakizashi defending +10 melee for 1d8+1 damage

Acid splash +10 ranged touch for 1d3 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank acid splash +11 ranged touch for 1d3+1 damage (30 ft.)
Ray of frost +10 ranged touch for 1d3 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank ray of frost +11 ranged touch for 1d3+1 damage (30 ft.)
Scorching ray +10/+10 ranged touch for 4d6 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank scorching ray +11/+11 ranged touch for 4d6+1 damage (30 ft.)
Acid arrow +10 ranged touch for 2d4 damage, and 2d4 damage on the next 2 rounds (400 ft. + 40 ft./caster level)
Point blank acid arrow +11 ranged touch for 2d4+1 damage, and 2d4 damage on the next 2 rounds (30 ft.)

Background: Mikken lives out in the country, in another town near Kyo's, and occasionally visits his cousin Kyo. Mikken has been worried about Kyo since the death of his cousin's family, and visits Kyo more often since that incident to support his coz. Mikken has also been struggling to keep the area around their towns clear of beasts and bandits, for the past year or two, since Kyo put down his sword.

Mikken hadn't been very martial before, but took up swordsmanship to fill in Kyo's shoes after his coz fell into depression at the loss of his family. He wouldn't have stood a chance if not for a few other folks from his town taking up arms and going along, since Mikken is far less talented in the martial arts than his favorite cousin. Mikken always looked up to Kyo as a great athlete and fighter, though he's only a year younger than Kyo, and he cheered on his coz at the great martial arts tournament some years ago.

Mikken had always been more bookish and meek, enjoying stories, sneaking over to study with the local witch (though his parents always scolded him not to), and watching Kyo kick butt. Eventually, Mikken toughened up when he saw Kyo's breakdown, knowing that he needed to support his coz and start putting his studies to good use. Leaving town for a year after trying to console Kyo, Mikken went to make an offering to the nearest dojo that would take him. Inspired by years of watching his cousin's prodigal skills, Mikken put his wits to the art of swordsmanship.

Training as a sword-dancer for as long as he dared, the young man apologised to his sensei and rushed back home, to check on his cousin and see if the hometowns were still safe. Mikken hopes Kyo will get back his enthusiasm for martial arts and life in general, so his coz will be his old self again, and so he can actually fight at Kyo's side for the first time. Mikken hopes to impress Kyo someday and show that, while he never had Kyo's incredible talent, he's followed in Kyo's footsteps and overcome his old meekness. Yet Mikken still doubts himself, knowing he's not even half the martial artist his cousin was three years ago. Mikken practices every day he can with the few, aging warriors of his town, and while his smarts and earlier observations of Kyo allowed Mikken to learn a lot initially, his martial progress is slowing.

*Note from DM Jemal*
While Mikken isn't as good a fighter as his relatives, I'm thinking maybe he's a VERY quick learner. Bonus Feat and skill/level (same as human, but stacks with human).
Also, you gain an extra 10% from any COMBAT XP the party gains. (I will be employing different forms of XP. Combat XP would be.. obviously... the XP gained from defeating someone/thing in combat)
*Basic Concept*
Mikken, male human bladecaster
Concept: Cousin to the hero; a brainy mage turned reluctant swordsman, wielding samurai swords (mostly two-weapon fighting with short sword/wakizashi and bastard sword/katana; focused on mobility, occult/battle magic, and mixed tactics)
Likely Advancement: Wizard - Fighter - Eldritch Knight - Duelist
Personality: Bookish, clever, somewhat self-doubting, worrisome, loyal, trusting, and a bit feisty
*Invisible Castle links for Mikken*
Mikken's HP with 14 Con, 5 hp from 1st-level Wizard, plus 4d4 Wiz, 1d10 Fighter, 3d6 Eldritch Knight, and 1d10 Duelist (4d4.minroll(2)+3d6.minroll(2)+2d10.minroll(2)+24=65)
*HP from 11th-level (Eldritch Knight 4) (1d6+3=5)[/sblock]
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Frida Rasmussen
Neutral Good Human Female Cloistered Cleric 10

Age: 16; Height: 5 feet, 2 inches. Weight: Undisclosed!
102 pounds
Eyes: Hazel; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Caucasian (sightly tanned, freckled).

Frida is a gregarious 16 year old acolyte who has known Kyo and Mikken since they were kids. She is petite, standing at 5’2” (injury is risked by asking her full measurements or weight), with hazel eyes and mid-length pale, greyish hair. Her skin is lightly freckled from her excursions into the nearby forests. She has a strange dark mark on her forehead. No one knows what it means.

Frida is fond of colourful skirts and sashes, as well as attention-grabbing hats and hairbands. Her shoes are of the type that tends to add at least 2 inches to her height. Around her neck is a small silver trinket that was found with her when she was left on the doorstep of the temple. It’s unknown what it does, but Frida finds that if she just concentrates on it when she want to make a decision, her mind is clear. She’s rarely seen without some kind of book in her hands, whether a reference book, a diary to catalogue something she’s found, or her sketchbook. If given the choice, she’d rather be outside than inside.

She grew up in a small temple under the care of Father Mattheus, who taught her to read and write, eventually leading to her working a scribe for the temple. Spending a lot of time indoors and reading about the world outside led Frida to frequently escape and explore for herself. This was how she first met Kyo, and later, Mikken. She became fast friends with the cousins, since they loved to explore and discover things.

Frida has an exuberant and confident personality, and is prone to speaking her view. When she manages to hold her temper in check, she can be very charming. Since she has a broad field of knowledge, Frida is happy to share anything (and everything) she knows if asked. Her more extroverted characteristics became more prominent when Kyo became unwell, mainly to try and cheer him up. It’s her hope that journeying will bring him back to 100%, and isn’t above playing damsel in distress to awaken his knight in shining armour aspect.

She is clearly excited to be venturing away from the place she grew up, but wonders if she’s truly ready for the journey, or if the world will match up to her expectations. Frida also wonders where she really came from. Her job is to help keep the people in the caravan entertained and healthy, especially her friends.

Stats in sblock:


Ability Scores
10; Dex 14; Con 12; Int 12; Wis 18 (20 w/ periapt); Cha 18 (20 w/ cape)

HP 49 [6,3,3,2,2,4,3,4,6,6 + 10 (Con)] = 49

AC: 13 (10 + 2 (Dex) + 1 Deflection + ? Armour (bracers))

Initiative: +2

Saving Throws
+8; Reflex +5; Will +12.

BAB: +5
Quarterstaff +5 melee (1d6 damage)

Speed= 30

Class Features
Turn Undead:
16 uses per day. 4 may only be used for Turning.
Check 1d20 + 5 + 2; Turning Damage: 1d20 + 10 + 5

Lore: 10 levels + 1 (Int) + 2 History synergy

Domains: Good*, Healing*, Knowledge*, Sun**

*Cast Conjuration (Healing), Good, and Divination spells at +1 caster levels respectively.
**1/day, perform a Greater Turning, allowing Frida to destory an undead she would ordinarily turn.

1: Augment Healing: +2 hp/spell level cured with conjuration (healing) spells
1: Sacred Boost: Spend a turn attempt. Cure spells are maximised on next round
3: Magic of the Land: Make a Knowledge (nature) check to heal 2 hp/spell level to recipients of your spells when in a natural setting.
5: Touch of Healing (Complete Champion): Your touch cures 3hp/level of highest-level healing spell in reserve.*
6: Extra Turning: +4 turn attempts per day
9: Divine Ward (PHB 2): Create healing link with 1 person per turn attempt you spend. You can cast cures on such people at close range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels)
10: Sacred Healing (Complete Divine): Spend a turn attempt and give allies within 60 ft fast healing 3 for 1 + Cha modifier rounds.

*May not heal above 50% hp.

Skill points (104 skill points) = (6 + 1 (Int) + 1 (human) x 13 = 104 points)

Concentration +14 (13 ranks), Craft (sketching) +11 (10 ranks), Decipher Script +12 (11 ranks), Diplomacy +17 (12 ranks), Knowledge (Nature) +14 (11 ranks), Knowledge (History) +14 (11 ranks), Knowledge (Religion) +14 (13 ranks), Spellcraft +12 (11 ranks), Heal +17 (12 ranks)

Languages: Common, Sylvan

• Nightstick (7,500 gp)
• Cloak of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp)
• Ring of Protection +1 (1,000 gp)
• Strand of Prayer Beads (9,000 gp)
• Phylactery of Faithfulness (1,000 gp)
• Periapt of Wisdom +2 (4,000 gp)
• Heward’s Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
• 5 Scrolls of Lesser Restore (750 gp)
• 2 Scrolls of Remove Curse (750 gp)
• Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) (750 gp)
• Pearl of Power Level 1 (1,000 gp)
• Pearl of Power Level 2 (4,000 gp)

Total 35,750gp (250gp Remaining)


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First Post
4 Master of Many Forms, 1 Abolisher, 3 Druid, 1 Cleric, 1 Monk
Chaotic Good
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Green
Age: 7 Years

Base Stats (Blink Dog)
Str: 12 (10 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Dex: 18 (10 Base + 2 Enhancement + 6 Racial)
Con: 12 (10 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Int: 16 (16 Base)
Wis: 20 (16 Base + 2 Racial + 2 Enhancement)
Cha: 22 (18 Base + 2 Level + 2 Enhancement)

Fort: +12 (11 Base + 1 Con)
Ref: +11 (7 Base + 4 Dex)
Will: +15 (10 base + 5 Wis)
AC: 22 = 10 Base + 3 Natural + 5 Wisdom + 4 Dex
BAB: +5
Base Speed: 50 ft
HP: 64 = 54 (rolled ) + 10 Con
Melee: +6
Ranged: +10

Feats: Sun School, Divine Might, Track, Alertness, Endurance, Improved Grapple

Skills: (89)
Survival: +19 (14 Ranks + 5 Wis)
Knowledge Dungeoneering: +7 (4 Cross Class Ranks + 3 Int)
Knowledge Nature: +12 (9 Ranks + 3 Int)
Spot: +21 (14 Ranks + 5 Wis +2 Alertness)
Listen: +21 (14 Ranks + 5 Wis + 2 Alertness)
Tumble: +11 (7 Cross Class Ranks + 4 Dex)
Diplomacy: +20 (14 Ranks + 6 Cha)
Handle Animal: +7 (1 Ranks + 6 Cha)
Search: +10 (5 Ranks + 5 Wis)

Special Abilities: Fate Domain, Uncanny Dodge, Celerity Domain, Favored Enemy (Aberrations), Wildshape 5/day, Improved Wildshape, Shifter's Speach, Fast Wildshape, Turn Undead 9/day, Scent, Dimension Door, Blink, Unarmed Strike, Flury of Blows

Cleric (Caster Level 1)
0 (3): Light, Detect Magic, Create Water
1 (3+1): Ebon Eyes x2, Healthful Rest, (True Strike)

Druid: (Caster Level 4)
0 (5): Dawn, Create Water, Know Direction x2, Light
1 (4): Snakes Swiftness x2, Remove Scent x2
2 (3): Bite of the Wererat, Align Fang, Listening Lorecall

Ring of Cha +2/Con +2/Dex +2/Str +2/Wis +2 (28,000)
Wilding Clasp (4,000)
Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000)
2,000 gp

Little Girl Stats:
Str: 8 (6 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Dex: 12 (10 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Con: 10 (8 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Int: 16 (16 Base)
Wis: 20 (16 Base + 2 Racial + 2 Enhancement)
Cha: 24 (18 Base + 2 Level + 2 Enhancement + 2 Circumstancial)

Fort: +11 (11 Base + 0 Con)
Ref: +8 (7 Base + 1 Dex)
Will: +15 (10 base + 5 Wis)
AC: 17 = 10 Base + 1 Dex + 5 Wisdom + 1 Size
BAB: +5
Base Speed: 40 ft
HP: 54 (54 Rolled + 0 Con)

Melee: +5
Ranged: +7

Dire Lion Stats:
Str: 27 (25 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Dex: 17 (15 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Con: 19 (17 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Int: 16 (16 Base)
Wis: 20 (16 Base + 2 Racial + 2 Enhancement)
Cha: 22 (18 Base + 2 Level + 2 Enhancement)

Fort: +15 (11 Base + 4 Con)
Ref: +10 (7 Base + 3 Dex)
Will: +15 (10 base + 5 Wis)
AC: 22 = 10 Base + 4 Natural + 3 Dex + 5 Wisdom
BAB: +5
Base Speed: 50 ft
HP: 94 (54 Rolled + 40 Con)

Melee: +13
Ranged: +9

The land of Tarboness is a place where the spiritual energy of the world and the real world begin to blend. Here you find many unusual creatures, with a spiritual excisitance that transcends the normal world. Ghosts, Blink Dogs, Wendigos, and a huge assortment of other strange monsters wander aorund there. But the thing of most value to find is a group called the Tarboness Mystics. Living on a flatspot that for some reason is warm, with no snow, they continue worship of the planet. Druids and Clerics with a mastery of Nature, they stay away from the rest of the world. Their existance is usually considered a myth to the rest of the world.

Lilly was an unusual being. A Blink Dog found with a human heart. They raised her in the temple, and she soon began to share in the Mystics powers. She could shape nature, and even her own form, to her will. Embracing human society, she leanred and grew, but soon developted a lust for adventure the mystics lacked. Leaving her homestead, she travelled through the icy wastelands, searching for what was out there.

Lilly's fur is a black with pink stripes, and she finds she retains some of her features even when her form changes. Her standard form that she holds whenever she isn't fighting is a 7 year old human girl with pink hair and bright green eyes. Her only possesions include tattered black shirt and pants, a magical backpack, and a golden bracelet with a clasp she wears around her wrist.

Lilly is a creature of purity and curiosity. As such, if she found the party interesting, she would probably be inclined to follow them from the shadows for awhile before appearing out of the blue to assist them if they need a hand.
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Guest 11456

Leita : Love Interest

[sblock]Name: Leita
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 10
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Kyo’s age
Height: 5’-10”
Weight: 187#

Str 10 (+0) {0}
Dex 24 (+7) {Prime, +2 level, +4 item}
Con 14 (+2) {4}
Int 10 (+0) {0}
Wis 16 (+3) {4, +2 item}
Cha 18 (+4) {6, +2 item}

AC: 19 (+7 Dex, +2 dress)
Touch: 17
Flatfooted: 10
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 ft
ACP: +0
BAB: +10
HP: 10+9d10+20=10+42+20=72

Class Abilities: Track, Wild Empathy +14, Animal Companion, Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker, Evasion, Improved Combat Style, Favored Enemies: Giant +2, Aberration +4, Dragon +4.

Fortitude +9 (base 7, +2 Con)
Reflex +14 (base 7, +7 Dex)
Will +6 (base 3, +3 Wis)

Javelin +17 ranged 1d6 dmg x2 30ft P
Longbow +19 ranged 1d8+2 dmg x3 100ft P

Track (1st level bonus)
Point Blank Shot (1st level)
Far Shot (1st level bonus)
Rapid Shot (2nd level bonus)
Dodge (3rd level)
Endurance (3rd level bonus)
Mobility (6th level)
Manyshot (6th level bonus)
Shot On The Run (9th level)

Handle Animal +20 (13 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 item)
Hide +20 (13 ranks, +7 Dex)
Listen +16 (13 ranks, +3 Wis)
Move Silently +20 (13 ranks, +7 Dex)
Search +14 (13 ranks, +1 Int)
Spot +16 (13 ranks, +3 Wis)
Survival +16 (13 ranks, +3 Wis)

Language Known: Common

1: Jump, Longstrider
2: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

Efficient Quiver (1800gp, 2#, back)
-60 Arrows (quiver)
-18 Javelins (quiver)
-Longbow (quiver)
Babydoll Dress (worn)
Lace Gloves (Gloves of Dexterity +4) (16,000gp, worn)
Tiara (Circlet of Persuasion) (4500gp, worn)
Necklace (Periapt of Wisdom +2) (4000gp, worn)
Scarf (Cloak of Charisma +2) (4000gp, worn)
Leggings (Boots of Striding and Springing) (5500gp, 2#, worn)
Treasure (200gp)

2-Handed Weapon (Offensive, quiver): +2 Seeking Longbow of Precision (Provides Precise shot feat)
Babydoll Dress (Defensive, worn): +2 Glammered Dress of Innocence (Any being you are not actively being hostile towards must make a DC 20 Will save to attack you)

History: Leita has grown up in the same town as Kyo and has always secretly loved him. She is an accomplished woodsman and constant companion of Kyo. She cannot see herself ever leaving his side. She is even tempered and cheerful, except when it comes to her love for Kyo. The only time she ever leaves Kyo is once a year when she visits her rich uncle in the Capital. For one month every year since she can remember she has had to endure this full month without Kyo. When she had to leave just a week ago, she thought she would burst…[/sblock]
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Brother Allard

First Post
Lawful Good Human Knight 12

Str 21 +5 base 16 + 1 level + 4 enhancement
Dex 12 +1 base 12
Con 22 +6 base 18 + 2 level + 2 enhancement
Int 10 +0 base 10
Wis 10 +0 base 10
Cha 16 +3 base 16

Age 32
Height 6'4"
Weight 215 lbs

Description: Tall, broad, and solid, Aluf is an imposing physical presence. Balding, what remains of his jet black hair is pulled back into a ponytail. He wears a full beard which he keeps trimmed up off his neck, but which is otherwise left to its own devices.

HP 172 (12 + 11d12 [88] + 72) 123
AC 26 (10 base + 1 dex + 10 armor + 3 shield + 1 deflection + 1 natural armor)
DR 2/-
Init +1 (+1 Dex)
Move 30 ft

Fortitude 12 (4 base + 6 con + 2 resistance)
Reflex 7 (4 base + 1 dex + 2 resistance)
Will 16 (8 base + 6 con + 2 resistance)

Attack Bonus +12 BAB
Melee Attack +17 (12 BAB + 5 str)
Ranged Attack +13 (12 BAB + 1 dex)

Melee: masamune +18/+13/+8 (3d6+7, 19-20/x2, 10' reach)

1 knight 1 endurance, power attack
2 knight 2 bonus: ewp (masamune)
3 knight 3 steadfast determination
4 knight 4
5 knight 5 bonus: masamune proficiency
6 knight 6 heavy armor optimization
7 knight 7
8 knight 8
9 knight 9 greater heavy armor optimization
10 knight 10 bonus: weapon focus (masaumune)
11 knight 11
12 knight 12 armor specialization (full plate)

* diplomacy +15 (7.5 cc ranks + 3 cha + 2 intimidate + 3 competence)
* intimidate +21 (15 ranks + 3 cha + 3 competence)
* knowledge (nobility) +15 (15 ranks + 0 int)

Class Abilities:
* knight's challenge: 9/day
- fighting challenge +2: challenge one foe. swift action, lasts 8 rounds, if opponent has Int of at least 5, a language, and CR 10 or higher, challenge takes effect. Aluf recieves a +2 morale bonus on will saves and attack and damage vs that foe. If that foe reduces him to 0 or less hp, he loses 2 challenges for the day. May not challenge another foe, until first is defeated.
- test of mettle: challenge all foes within 100'. swift action, lasts 8 rounds, if opponents have Int of at least 5, a language, and CR 10 or higher, they must direct their attacks at Aluf (WillNeg, DC 19). Does not make opponents mindless. If a foe under this effect reduces Aluf to 0 hp or less, he gains an additional challenge for the day (limit of 1/day).
- call to battle: swift action. grants an ally who failed a save vs fear a new saving throw.
- daunting challenge: challenge all foes within 100'. swift action, lasts 8 rounds, all opponents with Int of at least 5, a language, and CR 10 or lower are shaken (WillNeg, DC 19)
* parry: +3 shield bonus to AC while wielding a 2-handed weapon with which you have the Weapon Focus feat
* bullwark of defense: if an opponent begins his/her round in a square threatened by you, he/she treats all squares
threatened by you as Difficult Terrain for the round.
* armor mastery (heavy): Aluf's ignores speed penalties for heavy armor.
* vigilant defender: any attempt to Tumble through Aluf's threatened area to avoid an Attack of Opportunity has its DC increased by 12.
* shield ally: as an Immediate Action, Aluf can take half the damage from a melee or ranged attack that is being
taken by an adjacent ally. The ally takes the other half of the damage.

Abilities from items:

* masamune sword
* full plate
* belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp)
* circlet of persuasion (4,500 gp)
* shirt of health +2 (4,000 gp)
* cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
* amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp)
* ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp)
* 3,500 gp yet to spend
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A little blue kitten...?

A little kitten that has blue fur.

Tiny magical beast (cold)
hit dice: 7d10+49 (99 )
initiative :+6
speed:40 (8 Squares)
armour class: 14 (+2 size, +2 dex)
base attack/grapple: +7/-5
attack: Claws +3 melee (1d2-4)
full attack; 2 claws +3 melee (1d2-4) bite +3 melee (1d3-2)
space/reach: 2-1/2 ft/0ft
special attacks:---
special qualities: darkvision 90, low-light vision, scent, cold subtype, SR25, spell absorbtion
saves: fort +4, ref +6, will +2
abilites: str 3, dex 15, con 10, int 14 wis 12, cha 12
skills: spot +9, listen +9, search +9, balace +11, hide +19, move silent+11, tumble +3, spellcraft +3, preform (dance) +4, preform (wind instrument) +4, climb +6, jump +19
feats: Improved Spell resistence,empower breath weapon, quick change, improved multi attack(B), combat reflexes(B), improved initiative(b)
environment:where ever he damn well pleases
organization: loner
chalenge rating: SLAG OFF!!!
advancment: by template
level adjustment: +5

Mitheral bells (bell) 3,700
bag of holding type one 2,500
hammer sphere 1,500
boots (anklets) of striding and springing 5,500
pipes (harmonica) of the sewers 1,150
healing belt (bangle) 750
everfull mug 200
magic bedroll (blanket) 500
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First Post
Ok, here goes.

Human White Mage ( Cloistered Cleric 6, Radiant Servant of Pelor 4)

Ability Scores
Strength: 	10	0
Dexterity: 	14	4
Constitution:	12	2
Intelligence:	12	2
Wisdom :	18	0 (Prime) (20 Enhanced)
Charisma:	18*	6 (20 Enhanced)
*Began at 16, increased at level 4 and 8

HP: 49
9d6.minroll(2)+6+10 → [5,2,3,3,3,6,4,5,2,6,10] = (49) HP!

AC: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Deflection, +?? Bracers)
Base Attack: +6

Initiative: +2

Saving Throws
Fortitude +8 (7 base + 1 Con)
Reflex +5 (3 base + 2 Dex)
Will +12 (7 base + 5 Wis)

Cloistered Cleric features

Lore: As bardic Knowledge. Check +13.
PHB2 Variant: Spontaneous Domain casting: Healing domain. (See page 37 PHB 2)
Turn Undead: 16x per day 3 base +5 Cha + 4 Extra Turning + 4 Nightstick

Turn Undead:[/B] 16 uses per day. 4 may only be used for Turning.
Check 1d20 + 5 + 2; Turning Damage: 1d20 + 10 + 5

Lore: 10 levels + 1 (Int) + 2 History synergy

Domains: Healing*, Knowledge*, Sun**

*Cast Conjuration (Healing) and Divination spells at +1 caster levels respectively.
**1/day, perform a Greater Turning, allowing Marriana to destory an undead she would ordinarily turn.

Radiant Servant of Pelor Features

Radiance: Double light radius and +1 effective spell level of [Light] Spells.
Extra Greater Turning: Greater turning domain Feature 3+cha times per day.
Divine Health: Immunity to Disease.
Empower Healing: Spells from the healing domain are cast as though empowered.
Aura of Warding: Marriana and all allies within 10 feet gain +2 morale to will saves.

Skills (all at 13 ranks)
Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Spellcraft

1: Augment Healing: +2 hp/spell level cured with conjuration (healing) spells
1: Sacred Boost: Spend a turn attempt. Cure spells are maximised on next round
3: Extra Turning: +4 turn attempts per day
6: Sacred Healing (Complete Divine): Spend a turn attempt and give allies within 60 ft fast healing 3 for 1 + Cha modifier rounds.
9: Divine Ward (PHB 2): Create healing link with 1 person per turn attempt you spend. You can cast cures on such people at close range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels)

Magic Equipment
Nightstick*			7,500 gp	
Cloak of Charisma +2		4,000 gp	
Ring of Protection +1		1,000 gp	
Phylactery of Faithfulness	1,000 gp	
Periapt of Wisdom +2		4,000 gp	
Heward’s handy haversack	2,000 gp	
5 Scrolls of lesser restore	750 gp	
2 Scrolls of remove curse	750 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds	750 gp	“Potion” x 50.
Miscellaneous mundane stuff 	0 gp

Total				22,000
14,000gp remaining.  Awaiting check from DM.
*This is found in Libris Mortis. It grants +4 Turn undead attempts per day. I'm happy to replace it with something else if inappropriate.
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First Post
Caen Curvis, level 10 Dark Knight

Race: Human
Class: Psychic Warrior

Str 22 (+6) (18 base, +2 levelup, +2 enhancement)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 16 (+3) (14 base +2 enhancement)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 10 (+0)

HP: 76 (8 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 10x3)
AC: 14 (10 base +2 dex +2 deflection)
Touch AC: 14
Flatfooted: 12

Init: +2

Speed: 40 (+10 enhancement)

Fort: +13 (7 base +3 con +3 resistance)
Ref: +8 (3 base +2 dex +3 resistance)
Will: +9 (3 base +3 wis +3 resistance)

Melee: +13/+8
Ranged: +9/+4

Autohypnosis(Wis) +16
Concentration(Con) +16
Ride(Dex) +15
Jump(Str) +11 (+5 competence)

Combat Focus (chara 1)(PHB2)
Psionic Weapon (PW1)(XPH)
Power Attack (human)(PHB)
Improved Bullrush (PW2)(PHB)
Blind Fight (chara 3)(PHB)
Psionic Meditation (PW5)(XPH)
Combat Stability (chara 6)(PHB2)
Deep Impact (PW8)(XPH)
Shock Trooper (chara 9)(C.War)

Backpack of mundane stuff
Gloves of Str +2, 4000gp
Amulet of Con +2, 4000gp
Vest of resistance +3, 9000gp
Boots of spring & striding, 5500gp
Ring of protection +2, 8000gp
Ring of counterspells, 4000gp
Belt of healing, 750gp
Lenses of bright vision, 600gp



Power Points:
42 (27 base +15 bonus)

Level 1 (DC 14)(PP: 1)
Precognition, offensive

Level 2 (DC 15)(PP: 3)
Psionic lion's charge
Strength of my enemy

Level 3 (DC 16)(PP: 5)
Dimension slide
Empathic feedback
Concealing amorpha, greater

Level 4 (DC 17)(PP: 7)
Freedom of movement

Caen was never the best soldier. But he held loyalty and honesty as his greatest value. Unfortunately, not everyone holds that as the highest value, some value competence more. So Caen was ordered by General Tyraeus to be posted at Standpoint 6, a rather small and harmless outpost where it didn't need much talent to maintain.

I'm thinking maybe, Caen could have been part of the same organisation as the reformed black mage, just that he was the muscle part of it while the black mage was the magic part of it. Yes another "reformed" villian to join the party.

I see Caen as something like Steiner from FF9, but with a slight twist. And less strict.
Dark Knight class, for reference.



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