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First Post
Nilbalion ‘Shadowleaf’ Sa’Avariel
Male Moon Elf Ranger 3
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Shar
Region: The High Forest
Height: 6' 1''
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair: Silver-white
Eyes: Red
Skin: Albino
Age: 124

Str: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Dex: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 racial]
Con: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 racial]
Int: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 10 (+0) [2 points]

Class and Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex, -2 Con, Medium size, Low-light vision, Immunity to magical sleep effects, +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks, Elven secret door sense (5 feet)

HP: 23
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 armor [MW Chain Shirt]) / 19 with Dodge feat
Touch: 14
Flat-Footed: 14
Init: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30ft.

Fortitude: +4 [+3 base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +7 [+3 base, +4 Dex]
Will: +3 [+1 base, +2 Wis]

BAB: +3
Melee Atk: +6 (1d8+3 19/20 x2, +1 longsword)
Melee Atk: +5 (1d6+2 19/20 x2, short sword)
Melee Atk: +4/+3 (1d8+3 19/20 x2, +1 longsword / 1d6+2 19/20 x2, short sword)
Ranged Atk: +7 (1d8+2 x3/110 ft., mighty composite longbow (+2))

Climb +3 [0 ranks, +2 Str, -1 AC, +2 feat]
Concentration +1 [0 ranks, +1 Con]
Heal +2 [0 ranks, +2 Wis]
Hide +9 [6 ranks, +4 Dex, -1 AC]
Jump +1 [0 ranks, +2 Str, -1 AC]
Listen +10 [6 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 racial]
Move Silently +9 [6 ranks, +4 Dex, -1 AC]
Perform (Dance) +3 [3 ranks (CC)]
Ride +4 [0 ranks, +4 Dex]
Search +8 [6 ranks, +2 racial]
Spot +10 [6 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 racial]
Swim +0 [0 ranks, +2 Str, -2 AC]
Use Rope +4 [0 ranks, +4 Dex]

Treetopper (Free Regional feat)
Simple Weapon Prof. (Ranger)
Martial Weapon Prof. (Ranger)
Light Armor Prof. (Ranger)
Shield Prof. (Ranger)
Track (1st level Ranger bonus feat)
Two Weapon Fighting (2nd level Combat Style)
Endurance (3rd level Ranger bonus feat)
Dodge (1st level)
Combat Reflexes (3rd level)

Languages: Common, Elven, Chondathan


Shadar – Light Horse (Black Silvered Dapple) (75 gp)
Carrying – 118 lbs. (Light Load)

Light Load – 150 lbs. or less
Medium Load – 151-300 lbs.
Heavy Load – 301-450 lbs.

~(On Horse)
Bit & Bridle (2 gp, 1 lb.)
Military Saddle (20 gp, 30 lbs.)
Saddlebags (4 gp, 8 lbs.)
Feed (7 days) (35 cp, 70 lbs.)
Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lbs.)
Rope, Silk (50 ft.) (10 gp, 5 lbs.)


+1 Longsword (2,315 gp, 4 lbs.)
Short Sword (10 gp, 2 lbs.)
Mighty Composite Longbow (+2) (Regional, 3 lbs.)
40 Arrows (2 gp, 2 lbs.)
Explorer’s Outfit (10 gp, 8 lbs.)
MW Chain Shirt (250 gp, 25 lbs.)
Arachnid Sash (Treat as Slippers of Spider Climbing)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, ½ lb.)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, ½ lb.)
Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs.)

Carrying – 49 lbs. (Light Load)

Light – 58 lbs. or less
Medium – 59 – 116 lbs.
Heavy – 117 – 175 lbs.

5 pp, 1 gp, 65 cp

Nilbalion, or Shadowleaf, as he prefers to be called (if he prefers to be called at all), believes he was chosen at a young age by the Dark Goddess, Shar. For what purpose, he is not sure, but takes great comfort in his Mistress’ shadowy embrace. Perhaps her moniker ‘Lady of Loss’ presents a clue, for loss has been a great part of Shadowleaf’s existence. Being the result of forced conception between a mad sorcerer and his mother destroyed any chance of him having a normal upbringing. To make matters worse, experiments performed on him while still in the womb caused his affliction of albinism which would lead to further ostracizing from society later in life. If that were not enough, his mother died during his birthing and for decades after his father continued his magical experiments. What further damage this may have done to Shadowleaf’s physiology is not known.

His natural aversion to the sun and any excessive light caused Shadowleaf to seek solace in the darkest areas of the dungeon in his father’s tower when he was not “needed”. This is where he imagines that Shar found him; that she guided him through the dark dungeon, to a hidden spot where even his father did not remember. It was there that he found, in a secret stash, a luxurious black silk sash. Upon tying it around his waist he discovered that he could stick to walls and ceilings, much like a spider. He considered this a gift from Shar and an opportunity for freedom as well. Crawling along the ceilings of the tower and keeping to the shadows in which much of his trust became placed, he managed to sneak past his father’s guardian constructs and flee the tower, never to return.

Unfortunately, escaping from his father introduced new problems in Shadowleaf’s life; mainly being, interaction with civilization. He had never been allowed to leave the tower growing up and so, as a result, was totally alienated from society. His father had at least taught him the few languages common to his region and race, but barely that. Consequently, another side effect of the experiments left his vocal chords irrevocably damaged, to a point where most of his speech tends to escape his lips as a hoarse whisper.

Possessing nothing but the tattered rags he wore and the gift from Shar, his first priority was to find food and shelter. He took to trapping animals and skinning them with crudely serrated rocks for food and clothing. Eventually he started selling the pelts in nearby cities for enough money to buy better tools, weapons and clothing. Presently, Shadowleaf dresses in multitudes of black clothing and differing shades of gray, the best suitable for his connection with the shadows around him. He wears a finely-crafted chain shirt underneath his clothing and constantly keeps himself draped in a large black, voluminous cloak; his hood drawn protectively over his head, keeping his sensitive red eyes from direct light of any kind. At his waist, under his treasured gift from his goddess are strapped two belt pouches, both situated at his back, hidden behind his cloak, and also two sword belts, which sheath his weapons of choice; one of which, is a magical long sword gained by besting a mercenary in combat, who he believes was sent by his father to retrieve him. A quiver rests at his hip and a longbow is slung over his shoulder. Over the years his language skills have improved somewhat, as to almost appear normal to people who’ve lived civilly their whole lives, but on the whole, Shadowleaf’s anti-social nature leaves it to no real consequence.

Foremost, he remains deathly loyal to Shar; grateful to her for his freedom, as well as having something familiar to fill his life with. It comes to no surprise then, that he is a very secretive person and is generally rather mistrustful of others; partly because of his relationship with his goddess and his misfortunate upbringing, leaving him wary of all those he has not dealt with on a regular basis.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Sebak of Gauros
Male Tiefling Warlock 2

Medium Outsider (Native)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Region: Thay
Deity: Cyric
Height: 5' 4''
Weight: 156lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Age: 25

XP: 3,000

Str: 10 (+1) [2 points]
Dex: 16 (+3) [6 points, +2 racial]
Con: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Int: 14 (+2) [4 points, +2 racial]
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Cha: 16 (+3) [16 points, -2 racial]

Class and Racial Abilities: Native outsider, +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha, Darkvision 60 ft., +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks, darkness 1/day as a spell-like ability, Resistance to fire, cold, and electricity 5, Automatic Languages: Common and Infernal. Eldritch blast 1d6, least invocations, detect magic at will. Ignore spell failure from light and medium armor (due to Battle Caster feat). Radiates a faint evil aura.

Hit Dice: 2d6-2
HP: 9
AC: 18 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
ACP: -3
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+0 base, +0 Con, +2 birthmark]
Reflex +4 [+0 base, +2 Dex, +2 birthmark]
Will +6 [+3 base, +1 Wis, +2 birthmark]

BAB: +1
Melee Atk: +1 (1d4/19-20/x2/S, dagger)
Ranged Atk: +3 (1d6/x2/60 ft./eldritch blast)

Bluff +16 [5 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 racial, +6 Beguiling Influence]
Diplomacy +11 [0 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 synergy, +6 Beguiling Influence]
Disguise +8 [5 ranks, +3 Cha, additional +2 synergy to remain in character]
Hide +4 [0 ranks, +2 Dex, +2 racial]
Intimidate +16 [5 ranks, +3 Cha, , +2 synergy, +6 Beguiling Influence]
Knowledge (arcana) +3 [1 rank, +2 Int]
Listen +1 [0 ranks, +1 Wis]
Spot +1 [0 ranks, +1 Wis]
Use Magic Device +7 [4 ranks, +3 Cha]

Dreadful Wrath (regional bonus 1st level) [DC 14, PGtF]
Battle Caster (1st level) [CA]

Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal, Mulhorandi, Rashemi

Invocations Known
Save DC +3
Least – Baleful Utterance, Beguiling Influence

Flame-heart, +1 breastplate – 1,350gp. This elegant breatplate is worked with subtle images of flames in various shades of red iron. Sebak claims it wards him against fire in order to deflect suspicion of his own heritage. He claimed it from a priest of Kossuth that put his armor down in order to walk through flames. Since he was no longer using it, Sebak made sure it didn’t go to waste.
2 MW daggers – 604gp
Scroll of invisibility and scorching ray – regional equipment
Backpack - 2gp
Courtier’s outfit and jewelry – 80gp
Disguise kit – 50gp
Bedroll 5sp
Waterskin 1gp
50 ft. silk rope 10gp
Trail rations (20 days worth) 10gp
Belt pouch 1gp
Tent – 10gp
Flint and steel – 1gp
3 bottles of fine wine – 30gp
Tankard – 2cp
Traveler’s outfit (Free)

Light warhorse, saddle, saddlebags, bit and bridle – 166gp

Birthmark - When Sebak was born, there was a birthmark on the back of his neck in the shape of black-nailed red hand, the symbol of Mephistopheles. Magical blessings would not remove it and while the priests said that there was no darkness in his soul, there was a spot of darkness on his body. As he grew older the marking has remained and at times he swears he feel its presence. It acts as a +2 cloak of resistance. However, if he is ever scanned with a detect alignment he does radiate a slight presence of evil.



Appearance: Sebak is a short but well-built young man. He shows his Mulan heritage with sallow skin and a smooth cap of jet-black hair, but there the similarity to his parents ends. His eyes are a dark red that glows when he is under the influence of strong emotions. And anyone who watches him speak for several minutes is usually a bit startled after a few moments. He has long fingers with black fingernails, and six fingers on each hand. He tends to wear red robes with black trimmings and onyx beads sewn into the embroidery, with elaborate rings on each of his twelve fingers. On the back of his neck he has a birthmark in the shape of a red hand with black fingernails.

Personality: Sebak presents a kind of arrogance and veiled scorn for most that he meets. He assumes most will assume the worst of him, and to a certain extent, he enjoys playing up to expectations. He’s gotten fairly far in life by lying and deceiving, and rarely decides to do otherwise unless he feels the person deserves his respect. He perversely enjoys cultivating an aura of menace, and gets some enjoyment out of frightening people.

Background: Sebak was born to perfectly normal parents in Thay, right on the boarder of Rasheman. His devilish heritage was apparent in his eyes, his hands, and his usual birthmark. As an only child, his parents chose to raise him rather than drown him, as his neighbors insisted he do. The priest insisted that there was no evil inherent in his soul, which calmed their fears somewhat. However, though his parents were somewhat afraid of him, they took him farther away from town to avoid taunts and attacks.

Sebak grew up in a household where his own parents were afraid of him, walking quietly to avoid disturbing him. Whenever he went into town, which was rarely, people pointed and stared, calling him “devil child.” Though it hurt him inside, he covered it by living up to their expectations, setting frights into those who ridiculed him. He was scarcely thirteen when he left his home, never to return.

He traveled as far away from Thay as he could, going north and east, lying and deceiving to get by. As he traveled, he began to pick up bits of lore about the planetouched and their magic, and was delighted when he began to manifest sorcerous powers. Though different than the other sorcerers he met in his travels, he nevertheless passed himself off as one. He was hired by a few people who could use a magician with flexible morals, and learned to exercise his power to line his purse.

However, he knew most people saw him as inherently evil and cruel. The birthmark that had branded him as some devil’s property seems to whisper to him in the darkness, trying to push him into acts of further depravity and heartlessnss. But Sebak did not submit to the taunts of children, his parents’ fear, or the preconceived notions of nations full of people, and he would not submit to a patch of skin!

Still, it left him feeling somewhat hollow and heartsick, and it was in this state that he ended up in Secomber, on the border of the North and the Western Heartlands. As usual he tried to find a mark to give him room and board, and had decided on the home of Rodel Vance and her guardians. She was blind, and did not treat him differently than any other lad from her village. For Sebak, this was a new, almost earth-shattering experience to be treated as someone… normal. She was kind, and her Aunt and Uncle treated him well. Rodel saw past his lies and smooth deception, but also didn’t seem to care when he finally confessed (a first for him) that he had come into her home under false pretenses.

From then on he treated Rodel as a treasured friend, one of the very, very few that he can count. She has given him perhaps the one true kernel of goodness in his soul, and it is that which he uses to combat the darkness within him.
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First Post
Idomeneus Deucalion
Lawful Neutral Male Human Fighter (1) Cleric (2)
Celebrates Helm
Age: 18
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 180lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Skin: Tan

STR: 16 (3)
DEX: 10 (0)
CON: 14 (2)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 16 (3)
CHA: 10 (0)

HP: 28
AC: 20
~Touch: 10
~Flat-Footed: 20

(7) Fortitude: 5 + 2
(2) Reflex: 0 + 0 + 2
(7) Will: 3 + 3 + 1

(4) Initiative: 0 + 4
BA: 2
~(5) Grapple: 2 + 3

Bastard Sword +1 - 7 (1d10+4) 19x2 (+2 Confirm Critical)
Heavy Mace - 5 (1d8+3) x2

(-5) Climb(cc): 3 + 0 – 8
(6) Concentration: 2 + 2 + 2
(2) Diplomacy: 0 + 2 + 0
(5) Heal: 3 + 2 + 0
(-5) Jump(cc): 3 + 0 – 8
(5) Listen(cc): 3 + 2 + 0
(2) Ride: 0 + 2 + 0
(5) Spot(cc): 3 + 2 + 0
(-13) Swim: 3 + 0 – 16

Improved Initiative [First Level]
Lightning Reflexes [Human]
Discipline [Regional]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) [Bonus Feat]
Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) [Third Level]

Special Abilities
Weapon Proficient
Armor Proficient
Turn Undead


Masterwork Full Plate
~Type: Heavy
~AC Bonus: 8
~Check Penalty: -5
~Speed: 20ft
~Weight: 50lbs
Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield
~AC Bonus: 2
~Check Penalty: -1
~Weight: 15lbs
Solanian Truesteel Bastard Sword +1
~Type: Slashing
~AB: 5 + 1 + 1
~Damage: 1d10+3+1
~Critical: 19x2
~Weight: 6lbs
Heavy Mace
~Type: Bludgeoning
~AB: 5
~Damage: 1d8+3
~Critical: 20x2
~Weight: 8lbs
Silver Holy Symbol of Helm (1lb)
Waterskin (4lbs)
Whetstone (1lb)
Traveler’s Outfit (5lbs)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Weight Carried: 85lbs (Medium Load = 20ft)
Light Load: 76lbs or <
Medium Load: 77lbs – 153lbs
Heavy Load: 154lbs – 220lbs
Lift Over Head: 220lbs
Lift Off Ground: 440lbs
Push or Drag: 1100lbs

GP – 453
SP – 8
CP – 6

Heavy Warhorse
Studded Leather Barding (80lbs)
Military Saddle (30lbs)
Saddlebags (8lbs)
Bit & Briddle (1lb)
Bedroll (5lbs)
(2) Torches (2lbs)
Silk Rope (50ft) (5lbs)
Grappling Hook (4lbs)
Flint & Steel

Idomeneus is the son of a minor lord of Cormyr, because of this he was destined at an early age to a life of military accomplishment. Growing up, he was taught honor and of nobility. He was taught war and of history. Foremost he was taught the ways of the knight.
Not being exceptionally bright, he retained only those things that each lesson had in common. Chivalry, honor, and the Code.
At the age of eight he was made squire to a knight whose allegiance was to his father, Sir Magon of Magondry. Under the knights tutelage Idomeneus' knowledge of war was increased and he was well on his way to becoming a knight himself.
At sixteen, a man grown, Idomeneus was made a knight errant, under the guidance of Sir Magon. He was charged by his father to reach knighthood by his twentieth nameday in order to inherit his lord father's title. He was not expected to do this barren of arms and armor however, his father gifted him with an heirloom from five generations past. A bastard sword made of Solanian Truesteel and magical, a weapon that was taken from the hands of a slain enemy of Deucalion son of Minos.
He was then awarded money enough to further arm and cloth himself in the proper raiment of a knight and son of a lord.
In the two years following, Idomeneus had gained some reputation in jousting tourneys as an always chivalrous knight errant, well on his way to knighthood.
Sometime while traveling between tournament grounds, Idomeneus accepted the faith of Helm into his life. Among his knightly companions, this was looked upon with great respect. To be able to harbor the Protector in your heart was considered a great honor. A great honor bestowed upon one still unfamiliar with the duties of a warrior priest.
At eighteen, Idomeneus was allowed to enter a tourney in Waterdeep, held in celebration of a lord's daughter's nameday. Him, along with many knights and knights errant, left from Cormyr three weeks before the tournament, making good time, and expecting to reach Waterdeep unobstructed.


Idomeneus is a lord's son and carries himself thusly, but only among those whose respect he deserves. Always, Idomeneus is chivalrous and kind, ready to defend the honor of even the lowliest wench maiden, protect those that cannot protect themselves, and provide justice in a world otherwise unjust. He is not without his faults though. He is quick to chastise those that are unhonorable and even quicker to defend his own honor. He has slain many in duels for the sake of his honor, and sees no evil in this. His faith is still weak and he is not overly-zealous, only calling his god when it is absolutely necessary.

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Barronar Warcrown
Male, Shield Dwarf, Fighter lvl3

Deity Moradin

Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 11 (+0)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 10 (+0)

HP: 31
AC: AC 20, Touch 10, Flat 20
Init: +4
BAB: +3
Grap: +7
Speed 20 ft. (base 20, medium load)

Fort: +6 (+3 base, +2 ability, +0 Magic, +1 Misc.)
Ref: +1 (+1 base, +0 ability, +0 Magic, +0 Misc.)
Will: +1 (+1 base, +0 ability, +0 Magic, +0 Misc.)

+9 Melee, Warhammer, 1d8+5, x3

Size: Medium
Height: 4'8” tall
Weight: 152 lbs
Age: 187 years
Hair: Unkempt long blond
Eyes: Light brown
Skin: Duty light tanned

Languages: Common, Dwarfen, Goblin

+4 Intimidate (+0, +4, +0)
+2 Knowledge (Religin) (+0, +2, +0)
+2 Perform (Sing) (+0, +2, +0)
+2 Survival (+0, +0, +2

-Improved Initiative
-Weapon Focus
-Power Attack

Regional Feat

Racial Abilities
-Stonecunning (+2 t search to notice stonework, sixth sense underground)
-Stability (+4 against. bull rush and tri)
-Poison resistant (+2 against poison)
-Magic resistant (+2 against spells and spell-like effects)
-Favorite enemy (Goblinoids)
-Dodge (+4 against giant type)
-Appraise (+2 with appraise stone metal items)
-Craft (+2 craft with stone and metalwork)




MW Full Plate with spikes (equipped, 60wt)
MW Shield, Heavy with spikes (equipped, 20wt)

Warhammer (equipped, 2.5wt)

Belt pouch, Equipped (0.5wt)
4 Potion, CLW (0.4wt)

Coins- 40pp, 140gp, 10sp, 21cp (4.2wt)

Total weight carried – 87.6 lbs (Light Load)
Light load - 100 lbs or less
Medium load - 101-200 lbs
Heavy load - 201-300 lbs
Lift 114 lbs, lift and stagger 600 lbs
Drag 1500 lbs

Donkey, “Dog”

Hackamore, Equipped (1wt)

Pack saddle, Equipped (15wt)
Bedroll (5wt)
Ale (1gallon, jug) (8wt)
Water Skin (8wt)
Flint and steel (0wt)
Pick, mining (10wt)
2 Bread, loaf (1wt)
2 Cheese, hunk (1wt)
5 Feed (50wt)

Total weight carried – 99 lbs (Medium Load)
Light load - 50 lbs or less
Medium load - 51-100 lbs
Heavy load - 101-150 lbs
Drag - 750 lbs
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