Final words...

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(Zook sees no magic items or auras on the man, nor does he appear to have been created by magic, as a figment would.)

The man frowns at Zook and shakes a warning finger.
"If your people didn't train you better than that, the last few days should have demonstrated it's not a good idea to write some things down. Put that down before you hurt yourself."


" Now spit it out, damn it. Dreams are too fickle by far, and you are no exception. Out with it, before the waiting wakes me up, " says Sedar impatiently.


The man raises his eyebrows.
"Your patience is almost dwarven, you know."

He leans back and sips from a hip flask.

"You may have heard some things about some colored scrolls. What color? I couldn't say. Let's just call them the 'Not White' scrolls. Those things were all made up. The 'Not White" scrolls were never scribed, stored, or lost.
Anyone saying otherwise would be contradicted by senior ministers of the Brelish government. Stories written about such scrolls would never be published in any reputable journal."

The man sniffs disdainfully.
"Disreputable journals are run by people prone to fatal accidents. As I'm sure Mr. Zook is eminently aware.
On a brighter note, the nation of Breland is prospering finely since the end of hostilities. Individuals opposed to necromancy -- be it focussed on corpses or distasteful topics -- could share in that prosperity.
We call it a peace dividend.

Am I in the presence of three such anti-necromancers-of-distasteful-topics?"

The man needs a deep breath after all those hyphens.


First Post
"I am a foe of necromancers good sir, as my handiwork back at the compound can be attested to by the guardsmen" confirms Rethlin.
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" Well, I cannot say that ' not-white ' magic is one of my hobbies, and I prefer not to make friends with people who spend all of their time digging up graveyards, " say Sedar cooly.


First Post
Zook smiles at the man,having a bit of fun with this little game " Well I am no friend of necromancers o the bleak nation of Karrnath. So tell me then,what do I write of this whole affair. The murder of the warforged and the apprehension of the wanted criminal Manticore who was behind it?


"I don't think anything regarding this subject would be well received in Breland. At all. But the Greater Sharn Journal is always interested in articles on 'Life in the Country'. Perhaps you could give them a short essay on berry-picking or the beauties of rural stone walls. The beauty of that is you replace Breland with The Eldeen Reaches, add a few commas here and there, and then you can resell it in Aundair.

I hope you and your people can extend this professional courtesy. I hate it when talented writers die young. So many words left unwritten..."

The man lets his words trail off, mournfully.

"Sadly, I have my obligations. Let's not have an artistic tragedy. Write about berries."

Voidrunner's Codex

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