Final words...


Sniffing, Sedar says, " Well then, perhaps we should let you drift off back to whatever dreamland you came from, so we can concentrate on waking up and taking care of business. After that, maybe I can go visit some ' friends ' in Sharn... "

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"Ah, before you go, was there anything else you could tell us about these agents of Evil and what they were up to? Never to be repeated to anyone, of course..." Rethlin asks.


The man shrugs.
"If you don't know you'll sleep better. Trust me. Those of you who know already will back me up on this.
Suffice it to say you can face the Flame with a clean conscience and will not be prosecuted today."

The man pulls a stick made of stacked copper and steel gears out of his coat.
"This concludes your dream for the day: if anyone asks, you had a healthy and refreshing sleep."

He pokes everyone with the stick in the shoulder twice, returning you all to full hit points.

"A package from a courier will turn up tomorrow morning: it'll have coach tickets back to Sharn and all the documentation you'll need to claim the rewards for Manticore's capture. I believe your addresses are all at the Tower's Shard in Sharn? Your peace dividends will be sent to you there in a few days.
There's a gnome restaraunt down the street: I'll have some takeaway sent in so you can eat decently."
He snorts.



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Zook continues to smile and waits until he leaves Cleric Rethlin, what is the answer to the moral crisis I have bee npresented with. Is the truth worth my life if it comes down to it? or should I take his advice and write about...berries?


First Post
Moggthegob said:
Zook continues to smile and waits until he leaves Cleric Rethlin, what is the answer to the moral crisis I have bee npresented with. Is the truth worth my life if it comes down to it? or should I take his advice and write about...berries?

Later, in private, long after the strange man has left, Rethlin advises his friend Zook. "Your life is something to be very careful with my friend. Perhaps the cause of justice can be furthered best by going underground with this writing? Use a secret pen-name perhaps, published only in certain religious circles? There has got to be a way to continue to fight the Claw without having these Brelish agents chase after us also.

Another option, of course, is to save this story for a later day. For now it might be wiser to pursue the Emerald Claw with sword and spell rather than pen and paper..."


First Post
Zook looks at the cleric " Rethlin, do you have an immediate supervisor? If so, give it to him, tell him to keep it on file, I will make a copy for my library and that way these events do not go forgotten."


First Post
Moggthegob said:
Zook looks at the cleric " Rethlin, do you have an immediate supervisor? If so, give it to him, tell him to keep it on file, I will make a copy for my library and that way these events do not go forgotten."

"Not here in Sharn" Rethlin shakes his head. "But we can seek out the Church here to find someone we can trust. The Church of the Soverign Host will no doubt provide a safe haven for enemies of the Emerald Claw as well. There are probably multiple deities in direct opposition to that accursed orginization, we will find them."


" I would not recommend pushing your luck, you two, " snaps Sedar. " Those working for the authorities have some skill with finding those who do not wish to be found. Be content that you will remember these events, and factor them into your future endeavours if you must, but keep it to yourselves, at least until you have sufficient steel and spells to back up your wagging tongues. "

" I would like just to get this over with, get paid, and get ready for the next job. "


Someone comes from the gnomish takeaway down the street and brings clay-pot chicken and root vegetables simmered in a medley of thirty-five magical gnomish herbs.

A few hours later one of the watchmen drops off an official watch report, stating that the three of you (well, Zook Archiwald, Rethlin, and "the bearer of this document") did take or attempt to take the assassin Manticore to justice for crimes against The Thrones and Peoples of Breland, Thrane, and Aundair.
In taking the aforesaid Manticore, that individual was caused to die in the course of his taking....etc, etc, signed by our hand and virtue of our authority from the king...etc, etc.

By order of the Crown, these individuals are entitled to the following payments.

1500 golden galifars for seventeen counts of murder in the land of Breland
500 golden galifars from House Sivis for 8 counts of armed robbery
750 golden galifars from the Kingdom of Aundair for 3 counts of kidnapping and foul murder
250 golden galifars from the Prelacy of Thrane for 12 counts of trespass in sacred demesne

The Sivis booth runs 24 hours at the train station, but they could only give you letters of credit. For real gold, you'll have to get back to Sharn.

Happily, a triplet of inside tickets for tomorrow morning's mail coach is under the watch report. You'll be back at the Tower's Shard in time for lunch tomorrow a little richer and more experienced, even if your adventure never makes the papers.

Zook, Veyk, and Rethlin each gain 1500 xp.

In the morning Zook's library book is on a table by the window.

Is everybody keeping mum, or does Zook want to bet the government can't stop the signal?

Voidrunner's Codex

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