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FIREBIRD #8 (monthly comic strip)


First Post

Welcome to Firebird #8, this was a tough one to get out and I'm running a little behind schedule on it. The first part of July I had a family emergency that completely took me out of the creative process (everything fine btw)~ didn't even get the script done until mid-July, then the last week of July there was a heat wave in Seattle that made it near impossible to work in my studio (which is upstairs in the house with no AC) the last week of July. So it was an interesting experience cranking this one out and good practice for me to keep 'em coming even during busy times. Okay, next episode we meet the 'Chinese-Ghost Lady' and then in #10 Linda is back in the Firebird costume! thanks for hanging in there, and hope you enjoy~


Link for larger version of current episodes~
Link to all prior episodes on Flickr~

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