D&D (2024) First playtest thread! One D&D Character Origins.


Highest attribute from the standard array +2.
When you are satisfied with a 16 then there is no reason to have floating ASI as you can put the 16 anywhere you want and there are no penalties anymore.
In all ASI discussions the pro-floating people in the end always said that "they want to play a race/class combination" and not suck, and sucking for them was not having the 18 you can only get with the correct +2 ASI.
Not if your max ability score is a 16 ;)

A house role I have thought about using to make 5e line up more with the bonus structure of 1e.

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I'm not used to seeing D&D games that do either of those. It feels more like the blacksmith gradually advances from being a schlub to being really tough by going on lots of Adventures (like Conan?) with no revelation of divine parenthood. The orphan gradually advances from being a schlub to being really tough with a bunch of progressively better magic items along the way and no big moment of becoming a future king because of one.
D&D games and the fiction D&D is pulling from aren't the same. And that disparity is actually my problem.

(The sword in the stone didn't particularly do much for Arthur's fighting prowess, did it?)
The sword literally just proved he was the rightful king. Excalibur inflicted wounds that wouldn't heal.

Is it a bit of a red flag to anyone else that the playtest material drops today and the survey opens on Sept 1st? Literally two weeks from now. That doesn't fill me with confidence that 1) people will actually playtest these things, or that; 2) feedback will actually matter.
Their “play tests” are not really that, they’re periods of time for the community to discuss so they can see what take(s) become most popular. Because what matters most is if the new ideas make people happy, are not broken being second, actually improving play not so important.


Why not? I'm not real familiar, but I will check it out now.
A monk with a sword is going to play very differently from a guy who can, for instance, make his enemies cower in terror with a battlecry, or move so fast he's effectively teleporting from point A to point B and hit every enemy in between with a sweep of his sword.


Not if your max ability score is a 16 ;)

A house role I have thought about using to make 5e line up more with the bonus structure of 1e.
Then people would complain that they "need" floating ASI to have two 16 where they want by putting their second highest stat in their +2 and use their free 16 for a secondary attribute.

Its not a rule problem, its a mentality problem. Too many people think the "role" in "role playing" is not "the runaway elf slave who grew up in a mine working every day" but "Two handed axe fighter going into great weapon master" and WotC is actively catering that.


ETA: Is it a bit of a red flag to anyone else that the playtest material drops today and the survey opens on Sept 1st? Literally two weeks from now. That doesn't fill me with confidence that 1) people will actually playtest these things, or that; 2) feedback will actually matter.
I mean the Next playtest had a similar format and it underwent a lot of changes in its development. Typical UA surveys are 1-2 weeks. Also, they have internal playtest too. Some of the posters here even participate in them (under NDA of course)

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