D&D (2024) Fix for the Druid's Wildshape: A limited number of beasts


I think the Moon Druid should just get a list of traits they can add to the basic wild shape templates to customize their beast form, along with generic upgrades that make them more viable in combat.

Things like Blood Frenzy, Pack Attack, Pounce, Relentless, Charge, Flyby, Spider Climb, and so forth. Perhaps the higher power traits would be level gated, so you can't choose them at first.

Secondly, I think Beast Form Evocations from 4e should be brought back; specific spells that can be cast in beast form (and only in beast form) that essentially replicate special attacks like web, poison sting, AoE attacks, elemental claws, etc.

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What if every Wildshape had to be prepared and preparing them took up a spell prep slot? Maybe the slot you use has to be higher level if the beast is more powerful? If you want more beast shapes you'll have fewer spells prepared. This would properly nerf the massively overpowered Druid class and explain the "never cast any spells" Druid in the movie; clearly she had used all her slots to prepare different animals.


Jedi Master
What if every Wildshape had to be prepared and preparing them took up a spell prep slot? Maybe the slot you use has to be higher level if the beast is more powerful? If you want more beast shapes you'll have fewer spells prepared. This would properly nerf the massively overpowered Druid class and explain the "never cast any spells" Druid in the movie; clearly she had used all her slots to prepare different animals.
That's a great concept! I'd give 2 or 3 always prepared (4 or 5 for Moon Druids), then allow the slots to fill in the rest, with the slot equal to the CR of the beast.


Wondering if it could be somewhat streamlined in the same way that the attacks/speeds/powers of Lycanthropes in their various forms are worked right into the stat block. Default to your PC's hit points, AC, stats, spell attack/save DC.

I picked giant spider for a complicated example:

Wildshape (Giant Spider): Become a Large giant spider. Gain 30 ft climb speed (Spider Climb, Web Walker), Blindsight 10 ft, Darkvision 60 ft (Web Sense).

Bite (Giant Spider only): Your melee attack deals 1d8+Str/Dex piercing damage, and 2d8 poison damage. The target takes half as much damage on a successful Constitution save. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.

Web (Giant Spider only, recharge 5-6): You can make a ranged weapon attack( range 30/60 ft), if hit the creature is restrained. As an action, the creature can make a Strength check against your spell save DC to escape. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).

Voidrunner's Codex

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