Honestly the original concept was going to be that it was an ectoplasmic construct. Ectoplasm in this situation being a semi solid psychoactive material manifested from the ethereal. So…not so much an illusion as a thought given mass.
I’ve trimmed a lot of fat off the subclass and it does what I want and envisioned but is it still too much?
Yeah, in this case it is a telekinetic mind that is manifesting Ethereal Force.
Ectoplasm doesnt really exist in 5e. However, "ether" exists, and the Ethereal Plane overlapping the Material Plane pervades matter with ethereal forces.
Plus, since "ectoplasm" is the stuff of ghosts, this too is ether anyway.
An ether Construct is the same thing as a Force Construct (which exists in 5e). A Force Construct might be the force of an Ethereal Ghost, the force of an illusory Fey manifestation or a quasireal shadowstuff of a Shadowfell manifestation, or the force of an artistic telekinetic.
Whether something is an Illusion (quasi reality) or a Dunomancy (force effect), depends on the nature of the effect. For example, the spells
Leomunds Tiny Hut,
Shield, and I add
Mage Armor are solid objects made out of force. One might think of these as solid Illusions, but they are simple force fields, so Dunomancy. I add
Unseen Servant to Dunomancy. By contrast, an effect that resembles the appearance of a material reality or even permanently becomes this, would be an Illusion − and
Mage Armor might be this unless understood as a repelling invisible aura of force.