D&D 5E Fizban Is In The Wild -- With the Table of Contents!

Some people have received their copies of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, and have posted photos (including the table of contents!) online!

Some people have received their copies of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, and have posted photos (including the table of contents!) online!





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BTW side note, the only types Dragons in this book as far as I know who have their origins in the Forgotten Realms books, are the Deep Dragon and Song Dragon, both originally conceived as shape shifters (although in 4e the Deep Dragon lost its shape shifting as default which I didn't like).

Sadly the Brown Dragon, whose origins is in the Old Empires FR book did not make it into this book sadly. They are the only true Dragons that don't fly, they are borrowers that mainly eat sand, but really enjoy horse meat.
Not sure if you knew or not, but brown dragons where given wings in 4e, and grey dragons (fang dragons) were given a breath weapon (IIRC - not as sure on that one).


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh and it's mentioned Moonstone Dragons can be Archfey, although how that works I'm not sure given they are Dragons not Fey. Do some choice to turn into Fey to create a Domain of Delight or as a side effect of creating one like Tasha did?
On page 16 in Chapter 1, there is apparently a table that goes over how Dragona can tie into existing Subclasses (like a Cleric of War that worships Bahumat, or what have you). For the purposes of this table, they suggest a Moonstone Dragon as a Patron for the PHB Gey Pact Warlock. The nature of the Patron in the PHB is left very open-ended, and Moonstone Drafons are powerful beings in the Feywild, so an Ancient or Greatwyrm who has ascended to Archfey status seems reasonable enough.


Ah, got you... Yes, by the current understanding of canon, if you consider that undisputed previous canon is automatically decanonized if not directly mentioned, none of that is canon...
Doesn't Rising and Wayfinder's point you in the direction of older material? Would that not imply that the older material is canon (exept where contradicted by the newer books)?

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