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Fluff me this: female tiefling + fey pact warlock!


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Klaus said:
As the title says, explain me a female tiefling warlock that has the fey pact.

Not having the specific Warlock or Tiefling flavor text at hand, why would this combination be so strange? I know that Tieflings are descendants of devil-blooded humanoids, and I know that Warlocks make pacts with otherworldly entities. Other than that, I'm not understanding why this would be so strange.

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First Post
GoodKingJayIII said:
Not having the specific Warlock or Tiefling flavor text at hand, why would this combination be so strange? I know that Tieflings are descendants of devil-blooded humanoids, and I know that Warlocks make pacts with otherworldly entities. Other than that, I'm not understanding why this would be so strange.
Just looking for inspiration.

Thanks for the great ideas, everyone. I think I'll end up combining the all!



First Post
"Hello and welcome to the Warlock Pact Fair."

She looked around. There were three booths.

"Hey, miss? Over here. Hi. Have you ever considered a career in the growing field of sanity-bending? We have many qualified Cosmic Horrors to choose from."

"Sorry," she said. "Constitution was my dump stat. Besides, radiant damage is for goody-two-shoes." The alien tentacled beast looked as disappointed as any creature pushing the limits of human comprehension could be.

"Heya, sexy. You gotta go with what you know, and you obviously know devils. Temporary hit points with every kill -- who can beat that? No one, that's who. It's not like you were doing anything with your soul anyway."

"Temporary hit points that never stack, hunh? Think I'll pass, my pitchforked chum. Too many monsters with fire resistance these days, and all that." The poor devil went back to playing a lament on his violin.

"Hi there, cute thing! You look like a girl with a high Charisma modifier. Now, I know what you're thinking -- like, oh my god, elves can be so stuck up! Girlfriend, that is so not true. Okay sure you don't have pointy ears, and yes you do have chunks of horn sticking out of your skull, and yeah that tail does make your butt look big..."

"Oh shut up, you tramp! Your mother was elderberry bush, " she shouted.

"Stop right there. Hold on to that feeling. You know what that feeling is? That's you wishing you could just disappear. Now with the amazing Eyebite, you can do just that! Also, it totally does not involve biting eyes. That'd be just grody."

"Alright, fine, if it means you'll shut up and leave me alone, I'll sign on. Just as a temporary deal, though."

And thus it came to pass that the tiefling woman became a fey pact warlock.



One thing to bear in mind is that tieflings can breed with humans, but the offspring is always a tiefling. So:

In the depths of the wilding forest, where the boundaries between one world and another are blurred at best, lives a community of humans who have honoured and communed with Feykind for centuries.

One day, a stranger came through the woods, heavily injured, pursued by some terrible fate - a twisted man, horned and tailed. The villagers would have turned him away, save for the pity of one of the huntresses, who took him into her home and nursed him.

As he returned slowly to full health, the stranger and the huntress became friends, then lovers. But the stranger was troubled by terrible dreams of pursuit and peril, and one night - fearing for the safety of his lover and her people - he struck out from the village and fled once more. Later that night, a pack of fell demonic fiends tore through the woods, just barely bypassing the village as they pursued their quarry onwards, into the night. The stranger was never seen again.

The huntress, bereft of her brief paramour, found that he had not left her entirely alone - she was with child. In due course, she bore a baby girl who, even at birth, showed some signs of her father's heritage.

As the girl grew up, she became a valued member of the community, and came to embrace their connection to the Fey. However, she always felt that there was something missing - some need or ability that she could never quite reach. It was only when, as a teenager, she strayed into the Feywild and became acquainted with some of the more powerful Fey that the source of her restlessness grew clear. They saw in her the capacity to access dangerous fiendish powers, a path strewn with peril if she should undertake it untrained. Instead, they forged in her a link to their own otherworldly power, granting her a lasting connection to the Feywild that supplanted her fiendish heritage, granting her special abilities in return for her freely-given devotion.

Doug McCrae

Let's call the tiefling Fay.

When Fay was a little girl, she found a door in a hillside she'd never seen before. She entered and discovered a magical kingdom under the hill. Everyone there was happy and beautiful and spent their days feasting, dancing and making merry. After a year there, Fay started to miss her family. The King Under The Hill told her that if she left she could never return but Fay had had enough of merriment and still wished to leave. The King granted her a boon, a gift of power so she would always remember the magic realm. When she returned to her family, Fay discovered only a day* had passed.

*Change to a hundred years and all her family are dead for a dark, angsty, goth Fay who hates Kings Under Hills and wants revenge.


Idea 1: a dark alliance.

Once a proud house, the Erdswar picked the wrong heir in an ancient dynastic struggle of the tieflings. First marginalized in politics, they soon found themselves under attack. They became war chiefs, mercenaries, and warlocks, distancing themselvs from the deadly politics of the old court. They reached the edges of civilization, and then the edges of the world. They forayed into the Feywild to forge new alliances.

Their descendents, masters of the blade and warlock powers, are more than passing familiar with the terrors and beauty of the Feywild.

Idea 2: an ancient schism

Once a proud house, these tieflings picked the wrong heir in an ancient dynastic struggle of the tieflings. First marginalized in politics, they soon found themselves under attack. Rarely party to the infernal pacts themselves, they were linked by blood to the other tiefling lords but themselves preferred fey pacts and wizardry. Over time, those who followed the infernal ways came to dominate society. While their blood is often disdained as "thin" and human by their rivals, in truth they are related to the ancient kings.


As long as I can remember, there have been the dreams. Dark, terrible, and utterly horrifying.

I can feel them watching me while I sleep. Whispering to me, calling to me. I just want them to end. Something big is coming, something ghastly. If I cannot escape the dreams, I fear it will devour me...

Her mother could not keep her safe, the same damned blood ran in her veins, and it made her powerless to help.

One night, when she had grown into a young woman, something came for her. But it was not a monster, at least in the traditional sense. It was a cousin. But this cousin, he had had the dreams too. And he had embraced them.

So she ran, she ran deep into the forest, deep into the shadows. But he followed, and his presence was like a tidal pool, dragging her aware from the safety of the shore.

As she looked back, she could see him. What she could not see was the tree root that suddenly lifted up and tripped her, sending her tumbling down into a ravine, and she lost consciousness. But not for long.

When she awoke, there was someone with her. She gasped, it must be him! But no, it was a strange looking little man and a mischievious grin.

" There is no way for you to escape them by running, you know, " he said. " They are a part of you, bound to you by your ancestors foolishness. "

" But, " he said, smiling wide, " There is a way to suppress their voices. Nothing is free, though; there will be other voices to haunt you, maddening whispers. But it is the madness in their voices that will stave off the hellfire and brimstone. "

She accepted. The man, a gnome he called himself, taught her the ways of the faerie spirits whom he lived among. The training was long, and arduous, but time seemed to flow differently when she was with him. Eventually, though, it did end...

Suddenly she was back in the ravine. She could hear him approaching, the other. But she no longer felt drawn to him, there was something else tugging on her spirit now.

" Oh, by the way, " said the little man. " You still have to live. "

Voidrunner's Codex

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