• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

For the Greater Good


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Staeven Myleron, human male Ft 5/AnnKn 7

Staeven watches the events transpire after the man Sebastian makes his... "request." The others look quiet, perhaps a bit restless, and unnerved by the varying presences within the room. His High Righteousness looks perturbed by the man Sebastian's forwardness, and Galdaron is clearly unhappy.

Always aware of Lyssia's racial heritage, he says or does little in reaction to it. Orshallan would not knowingly partner us with a warrior of darkness, he muses, and this one seems different from any other Fey'ri I've encountered. This fighting will get us nowhere...


Finally recognizing the unassuming man who originally sat on the floor, Staeven can barely conceal his excitement and wonder at the presence of a living saint. Careful not to offend, he keeps the excitement to himself. There will be another, better time for giddiness and theological discussion.

"Lady Sylinda and... Saint Norin are right," he says, after a moment of hesitation, "There is work to be done, and little time for squabble or concern for reward. While a test of abilities would be useful, do we really have time for swordplay and archery contests?" He sighs, running a hand through carefully-combed hair. "We know our own specialties well enough. I think formulating a plan might be the best course of action. I imagine time is against us in this endeavor."

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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Sir Staeven speaks truly, time is not with us in this endevor. Is there anything else you are in need of before you leave? Any additional way we can aid? I will have directions, of course, and the reports of our scout, as well as what information I received from Lady Halsorn regarding Wendare's potential capabilities," Orshallan says, standing.


First Post
"For my part, I will need an hour and some aggreement on a plan. Shall we simply ride through her lands, destroying the undead as we go, or strike swiftly and silently for the heart of the corruption? Personally, I would like to bypass the unfortunate wretches until their mistress has been captured. I volunteer for the lead position, as I believe myself able to either evade or deceive those I would encounter. Any other suggestions?" Darren looks around the room at the varied group gathered there, giving Lyssia a quick wink as their eyes meet.

Lyssia winks back to Darren as she crosses the room with a smile. "Till we see one another again my Lord Orshallan," her wings a bit afflutter as she offers him her hand while giving a quick curtsey. She seems.. almost shy around the Lord, but quickly recovers (no matter what he does in response) "I shall try to bring in your renegade lady, and with hope there will be as goodly a resolution as what happened with me." nods to him and heads towards the door. "I will be back with my gear within an hour or so, it might take a bit longer to get a horse but I am already packed and ready to go." She says as she takes to the air and heads to the temple to pick up her gear.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Sylinda Human Druidess-ish

Amused at the interplay between two of her new found companions, and not at all worried about the upcoming adventure with such champions of goodness alongside her, Sylinda too stands with what seems to be the end of the meeting. "One hour should be enough time for me to find my friend Aeric," she says to the group. "Where shall we meet? I suggest that we talk and test amongst ourselves as we travel rather than spending valuable time here."

*With that Sylinda goes to Orshallan and hugs him: "I shall see you again upon our return OC! Pray for us and our journey even as we pray for you here in this place." Looking with a sly glance over at Galderon she says: "Fair weather and bright light until next we meet gallant knight." Sylinda then turns to walk with the others out of the meeting place, trying to firgure out a rendevouz for departure.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Orshallan and Galderon give bows and return hugs as the assembled heroes leave to get ready.*

"I shall have all the information I promised prepared for you all when you return. May the valor of Heironeous be with you," Orshallan intones, raising his hand in a gesture of blessing.

*As you leave, Galdaron suggests the training yards of Heironeous' temple as a staging area, as it will be secure.*


Nessa Caoilfhionn, Female Aasimar Arcane Disciple

*Nessa bows, but remains once the others have departed so she may speak with Orshallan.*

"Unless you have spoken with Spell Lord Tellaqu already, I should inform him of my plans to be abroad from the city before I leave. I am currently given respite from my normal duties, but I should make the Spell Lord aware of where I intend to travel."


First Post
As Sebastian stands, he sends his thoughts afar, to the stable at the inn. Come, Lady Aerofax, there is killing to be done. I have need of Foesmiter. He is heedless of the fear and concern that comes from his mount.

"I am prepared to leave at the moment," says Sebastian, "as soon as we have a plan of attack. If my plan is acceptable to all, then Darren, Lyssia and I have much to discuss together. If it is not, we must arrange an alternative means of getting into the 'fair lady's' estates."

Sebastian sends a searching glance to Lyssia and Darren.

OOC: If the temple of Hieroneous is more than a mile away from Aerofax, Sebastian will have to walk to within a mile of the stables to call her. He will do so after making his exit.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Nessa, Orshallan turns his gaze to you.*

"I have already spoken to the Spell Lord, your absence has been planned for. Fear not, I would not try to make you choose between the churches," he says the last with a bit of a smile.

*Sebastian, Aerofax shakes herself loose from her stall and makes her way to the temple, startling no few people in the process. Coming to the temple gates, she looks at you, her eyes full of concern.*

Lyssia arrive a bit later, a pack and cloak thrown on, as well as any horse she can borrow from the temple. With a smile she looks to Lord Orshallen. "I don't suppose a lady can request a token from a man before she goes on a quest?" she says with a cheeky smile and light tone.

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