• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

For the Greater Good


The Dawnkeeper is first to the rendezvous point as he has nothing to bear or spells to contemplate over. He will greet each of his new companions with a genuine smile and inquire as to their well-being and readiness.

"I am as you see me," he'll say with a shrug, "a man with only his faith to call his own. Heironeous willing, our journey will require minimal violence and I will not be required to prove this faith."

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First Post
Darren will head out to pick up another sap (having lost the old one in a mad scramble over a wall ahead of a very angry group of now-leaderless bandits) and a horse. He will also stop at the temples of Sune and Lliira to pray for guidance and blessing, then head back to the meeting.


Nessa Caoilfhionn, Female Aasimar Arcane Disciple

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Nessa, Orshallan turns his gaze to you.*

"I have already spoken to the Spell Lord, your absence has been planned for. Fear not, I would not try to make you choose between the churches," he says the last with a bit of a smile.
*Nessa shifts uncomfortably at Orshallan's words, recognising their truth. She bows again, and leaves for her chambers in Boccob's temple.


*Nessa arrives back at the meeting ground, now dressed in sturdy traveling clothes, her haversack on her back. She smiles at Lyssia's words, amused by the woman's levity.*


First Post
Sebastian remains at the temple with Aerofax until the others are gathered. As Aerofax approaches the temple, Sebastian closes his eyes and chants ominously, "So'vee-el nos var-thruk! E'vee-el nar garthok!"

Shadows from the dark places of the street, such as the alleys, fly across the square and meld with Sebastian. He is covered from head to toe in total darkness, which coalesces into cold, hard iron. Sebastian is now wearing the Harbinger of wrath, his dwarrowcraft full-plate. He takes Foesmiter from Aerofax and straps it to his back.

The faithful commoners who come to visit the temple gasp and crowd away from the tall black knight as he stands, silently awaiting his new companions.

Sorry, old girl, Sebastian states empathically to Aerofax, but we're either going to have to get you glammered into something more wicked looking, or we're going to have to leave you behind. Otherwise our attempt at subterfuge will be cut short.

When the others are gathered, Sebastian states, "So... anyone know how to make my faithful mare less... how should I say... radiantly shiny?"
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Assuming you can figure out disguise matters on the road, an acolyte give you a scroll tube with several papers in it to Norin. Inside you find directions to the Baroness' home, the current state of things as was reported by the scout, as well as an outline of the kinds of things powerful necromancers are capable of.*

*The Baroness' lands lie over three week's ride to the west and north, beyond Ice Lake, and north of the Sea of Song. Setting out from Andeluvay, you make good time, though you also attract a fair amount of attention from the heavy traffic on the roads. From your first day's worth of travel, you make decent time, though the roads are full of caravans and other travelers.*

*You make it to Day's Crossing, a popular caravan stop. A city full of inns, rentable fields to store caravans, and stores full of things that travelers need, it is a bustling little town. It boasts almost as many guilds as Andeluvay, and a great many temples (though the ones to Fharlanghn and Tymorar are particularly nice).*

*You can find almost any kind of inn here, from the most elegant to the most squalid. Possibly you could stay at one of the temples, but unlike the ones in Andeluvay that are set up to house a great many acolytes, the ones here will have fewer beds, most of which will be filled by itinerant priests.*

*However, there's more than one inn that caters to holy men and women, considering the number that pass through here on their ways to the grand temples in the capital. The Golden Chalice is run by Tymora's church and tends to cater to those faiths with larger tithes and donations. The properly-named Pauper's Purse caters to the pentients, astetics, and those faiths that don't dwell on material wealth. There are of course, a host of various other inns, some caterings to merchants, others to tradesmen, some to adventurers, one to nobility, and some to simple travelers.*


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*You can find almost any kind of inn here, from the most elegant to the most squalid. Possibly you could stay at one of the temples, but unlike the ones in Andeluvay that are set up to house a great many acolytes, the ones here will have fewer beds, most of which will be filled by itinerant priests.*

Staeven dismounts from his horse, brushing the his plain cloak aside (having packed the obvious Phoenix cloak away). He turns to the rest of the group and leans in closely. His long sleeved tunic is finely cut, and he wears riding gloves on both hands, his outfit hiding his powerful mithral arm.

"I suggest we try not to flood one inn. Sticking together might be the safest course of action, but it will also draw a great deal of attention," he says, "Perhaps the best course of action would be to find inns close to one another, change into clothes less conspicuous, and met up from there."

His eyes narrow and his hand drifts to the hilt of his bastard sword, barely hidden beneath his sweeping brown cloak.

"Demons have many spies."

His jaw clenches for a brief moment, his face stern and cold. Taking the mare's reins, he turns back to the group. "I will be at the Pauper's Purse. Do not ask for me by name. I will keep watch for you in the common room. I suggest we try and keep our identities to ourselves as best as possible. I hope to see you shortly."

With that he turns and leads his horse to the tavern district.
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Saint Norin, "The Dawnkeeper", Human Ascetic

~~Back in Andeluvay~~

Norin reads from the scroll very carefully, noting landmarks, relative positions, approximate distances, and every note he can absorb. When he's done, he hands it gingerly to the closest companion to him,

"It would not do to have this fall into the wrong hands. May I suggest we destroy it once everyone has finished. Set your minds and hearts to these words for they offer a light unto our path."


"He speaks wisdom. I will sleep outside this place for I enjoy the company of starlight and the hymns of the night creatures. Shall we continue on from here at dawn or do any of you have business to settle here?"

Norin sits down on the ground cross-legged and leans back on his palms. Though in truth he feels no discomfort, (he prefers running to horseback) he finds that the sitting position puts people around him at ease or better, him below their notice.


First Post
Along the way to the town, Sebastian flys on Aerofax low overhead to scout for trouble, and to the verify the path. He will not approach the town, however, to prevent notice. He returns to the party and travels with them on land until they can see the town, at which point he dismounts and directs Aerofax to remain outside town (big, shiny winged horse might draw attention), but within distance in case Sebastian needs her.

Sebastian takes the scroll from Norin. "I have no business here, yet."

OOC: Have we actually travelled three weeks, or just a day? I'm trying to determine if we're in the barony yet, in which case my character pleads strongly for acting our parts.
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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Sylinda human druidessish

In Andeluvay

Sylinda quickly leaves the temple and sets out finding her friend Aeric. When she finds him, the meet up with the part and fly above them also keeping an eye on the terrain.

At Day's Crossing

"Sylinda and I will stay out of doors with you Norin, right Sylinda?" Aeric says to the surprise of her new companions. "Yeah, that would be nice, one day in the city is a bit too much for me thanks, if you will have us Norin, strength in numbers and all of that, my friend Aeric and I would love to join you out of doors."

Voidrunner's Codex

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