And I hope they do more proofreading before releasing the paper version, because I downloaded the Druid Preview PDF and found mistakes such as:
(1) Under Druid, Summon Animal Companion, Wolf: "When your bear is hit by a . . . succeed, your bear is unharmed. . . . checks using your bear." (It should be "wolf" instead of "bear" in each case in that paragraph.)
(2) New Keyword "Summon" or "Summoning" (both are used): Level 1 Encounter Wilding "Courageous Companion" has the "Summoning" Keyword; Level 1 Daily Wilding "Summon Swarm" does not have either one, but has the "Conjuration" Keyword instead; Level 5 Daily Wilding "Summon Treant" has the "Summon" Keyword. It's inconsistent: if a Summons can be a Conjuration, why define a new "Summon" Keyword at all?
Personally, I would have expected a 3.5e-reminiscent 4e Druid to have Light Shield Proficiency; but I know it only costs a Feat, so no problem.
On a fluff note: what font size is used to carve 50 Rituals (using Runes) into a single Fetish? Font size 0.05? Where do Druids get the microscopes needed to read that? (Rituals take many pages each in a book.)