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Forgotten Realms Cast


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Wikidogre said:
Drizzle- I think Toby McGuire could pull of a Drizzle, he has the height and build along with facial features of an elf to me.

you mean Drizzt,right?
or as the kids in the novel call him Drizzit.

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Re: I should have had a warning...

Upper_Krust said:
I nearly wet myself when I read this... :D

...oh and thats Dame Maggie Smith to you! ;)

Oops, I forgot. Sorry about that. Apologies to the Dame!

But, can't you just picture Drizzt sitting down for high tea, and mumbling witty barbs about everyone else under his breath? I always suspected Gosford Park was really symbolic of Menzobaranzen....

Sorry, but I can't take a FR show seriously. And the reason for that is the budget.

It will look cheaper than Xena's first season (which Mad Magazine parodied with "The Canyon of Bad Special Effects"), which is pretty bad. Now, I was a Xena fan, at least for the first few seasons. It was good cheesy fun. And looking at Lucy Lawless didn't hurt, either.

But a show about the FR with a similar budget won't work. I fear those involved will take themselves waaaaaaay too seriously. Combine "epic" stories with no budget and people who take the task too seriously and you'll get--the later seasons of Xena. Ick.

But, if they do follow my brilliant casting advice, I can't wait to hear Gary Coleman's voice (slowed down to a deep base) as Bane: "What you talkin' 'bout, Fzoul?!"


First Post
Skullfyre said:

you mean Drizzt,right?
or as the kids in the novel call him Drizzit.

Yeah, i love the books and the character, but i have always refered to him as Drizzle, just my pun, because when i first read the books i was not sure how to say it.!! :D :cool:


Re: Umm...

wallshot said:
so what is everyones major grievence against the realms

Do we really need another thread on why people hate the Realms? Let's stay on topic here.

Lucy Lawless would be better as Queen Zaranda of Tethyr than any of the Seven Sisters, IMO.

Alan Rickman as Sememmon and Christopher Lolyd as Halaster are certainly appropriate, although I'd actually prefer that Halaster didn't appear at all.

Christopher Walken could work as either Manshoon or Fzoul.

That cheesy guy from all the romance novel covers would have to be Wulfgar (let's face it, this show is going to be campy as hell no matter what you're hoping for).

Bob Aberton

First Post
U dont like how indestructible the characters are? Well guess what...its fantasy. Do me a favor. Go to yor bookshelf and pick up a fantasy novel (if U have one). Flip to the end. Who is alive? I would guess that 99% of the time, its gonna be the main character and his/her companions... +/- one or two. U know why? Thats right...its Fantasy.


If that's what you think, try reading any one of the "Song of Ice and Fire" novels, by George R.R. Martin.

Those books have a ridiculously high body count....:D


First Post
Bob Aberton said:

If that's what you think, try reading any one of the "Song of Ice and Fire" novels, by George R.R. Martin.

Those books have a ridiculously high body count....:D

um...ive read those :p. did a little playtesting for the CCG that is coming out. that falls into that 1%. :p

i really liked those books, and that was one of the reasons...it was more realistic...for a fantasy novel. But there are times when i want high-magic fantasy and Uber-characters...and that is when i turn to the realms.


First Post
Re: Re: I should have had a warning...

Barendd Nobeard said:
Sorry, but I can't take a FR show seriously. And the reason for that is the budget.

It will look cheaper than Xena's first season (which Mad Magazine parodied with "The Canyon of Bad Special Effects"), which is pretty bad. Now, I was a Xena fan, at least for the first few seasons. It was good cheesy fun. And looking at Lucy Lawless didn't hurt, either.

Personally, I preferred Hercules to Xena (which I totally gave up on once they got to India).

But a show about the FR with a similar budget won't work. I fear those involved will take themselves waaaaaaay too seriously. Combine "epic" stories with no budget and people who take the task too seriously and you'll get--the later seasons of Xena. Ick.

It doesnt have to be. There are a whole host of options that wouldn't be as hugely expensive. One being have the whole series set in Waterdeep.

Simon Magalis

First Post
1. No well known actors will be in this... period. I'm surprised that is even up for debate.

2. Salvatore is simply writing the pilot. He would be a TAD bit overpriced for a syndicated TV series, dontchathink?

3. Does anyone have any idea what this series is ABOUT? I haven't seen much info at all. If I had to guess, I would think it will involve a party of four or five brand new, never before seen characters who will ramble about the realms and the more famous characters we have all been speculating about will make cameo appearances from time to time, like the gods in Hercules did.


First Post
Simon Magalis said:
1. No well known actors will be in this... period. I'm surprised that is even up for debate.

2. Salvatore is simply writing the pilot. He would be a TAD bit overpriced for a syndicated TV series, dontchathink?

3. Does anyone have any idea what this series is ABOUT? I haven't seen much info at all. If I had to guess, I would think it will involve a party of four or five brand new, never before seen characters who will ramble about the realms and the more famous characters we have all been speculating about will make cameo appearances from time to time, like the gods in Hercules did.

1. this initialy was posted as a wish list, if we could pick to play certain parts, not who is.

2. True, but i read somewhere he is slated for more than the plot, but actually a few episodes.

3. Nope, but i wish i did, so i could get more excited, i just hope i does not suck to bad, kind of like Xena! Herucles (whatever) was ok, but started to stink after the first season. IMO

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