Forum Subscriptions?


Subscribeing to a forum or thread will enable the automatic emails to be sent to you email address every time their is a responce to the thread. It's not all that great unless you really want to know when something's changed.

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graydoom said:
How I did is a long story. I wasn't able to find any way to do it by changing options or whatnot, so I had to use the Proxomitron. The Proxomitron is a great little program that filters out thing like banner ads, intrusive javascript, and pop-ups. You can also add custom filters to it, and I added in a filter that changed the Style Sheet that the forum pages use.

I don't know of any other way to do it. If you decide to download Proxomitron, I could help you set up a filter that would do what you want.

Well its not bugging me quite that much - but thanks for the offer

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