Fragarach and the Swords of Answering


First Post
Hello one and all,

Just picking the collective brains trust here; how many swords of Answering are there?
7 or 9?

Regardless of the amount, what are the names?

Any takers?

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I lifted this from another place, its someone's post:

Are you takling about the Swords of Answering? If so, these will probably not appear in NWN2 as they are Greyhawk specific items. They are mentioned in the 1st Edition Temple of Elemental Evil module.


GP Sale Value: 90,000 XP Value: 18,000
(plus scabbard: 35,000 hp)

This hefty broadsword bears a mighty enchantment. It was originally fashioned for a demigod of elsewhen, and eventually passed into the World of Greyhawk setting. It served well for a short time, all too soon falling into the hands of the minions of Chaotic Evil. It has been in their grasp for a decade or more, resting in hiding in the Temple of Elemental Evil, guarded by the worst of elemental grues. Fragarach means "The Answerer."

The sword is of Chaotic Good alignment. Any Lawful creature trying to grasp it takes 1-6 points of damage and falls senseless for 1-10 rounds. A Neutral creature holding it takes only 1-3 points and swoons for 1-4 rounds. In evil hands, Fragarach has no "to hit" bonus whatsoever; in Chaotic Neutral hands, it will strike but one opponent per round. The sword functions perfectly only for a Chaotic Good user. In such hands, its +4 bonus always operates, and will strike as many opponents unerringly as have struck at its possessor. Fragarach always hits all such targets, the +4 pertaining to additional damage only. Note, however, that The Answerer always strikes last in a melee round. Against evil opponents, the bonus doubles (to +8) whenever a natural 20 is rolled for "to hit" determination.

The sword has a hilt of silver and gold wire, most cunningly wrought. Its guard and pommel are set with perfect emeralds (corundum) - 7 gems, total value 65,000 gp. Its scabbard is likewise trimmed with precious metal and decorated with many gems of green and golden hue, worth another 35,000 gp.


GP Sale Value: 50,000 XP Value: 10,000
(plus scabbard: 16,000gp)

When Fragarach first came to this world, it received immediate attention and quick renown; so much so, in fact, that six other swords like it were forged and enchanted. These are lesser weapons, of course, and their alignment vary. Each has a +2 bonus (and cannot hit opponents struck only by +3 or better weapons). On a natural "to hit" roll of 1, no bonus applies; on a natual 20, like their predecessor, the bonus is doubled (to +4). These lesser swords are identified by the different gems set it guard and pommel. They are reported to be amethyst, aquamarine, garnet, peridot, topaz, and tourmaline stones, with combined value of about 24,000 gp per weapon, 16,000 gp per scabbard. These weapons are named Rebutter, Scather, Replier, Retorter, Squelcher, and Back-Talker, in honor of Fragarach.

Oh, here is an actual ToE link where that persons post came from:
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Not An Evil Twin
Nine; one for each alignment.

Can't recall the names, though.

[Edit: Wife found our old UA. The full list is Answerer, Back-talker, Concluder, Lastquip, Rebutter, Replier, Retorter, Scather and Squelcher.)
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The Final Word Swords were created by the hero-deity Kelanen, the Sword Lord (except for the Answerer, which Kelanen wrested from an alien god). The name Fragarach means "final word" in Ancient Oeridian.

Ripzerai said:
The Final Word Swords were created by the hero-deity Kelanen, the Sword Lord (except for the Answerer, which Kelanen wrested from an alien god). The name Fragarach means "final word" in Ancient Oeridian.
Personally, I think this is what the title "Book of Nine Swords" should have referred to.

Erik Mona

Actually I think it is just a weird coincidence. It would, however, be cool to develop warblade maneuvers based on the nine "final word" blades. That'd be an auto-accepted Class Acts query, btw. I'd write it myself if I had time.

--Erik Mona
Dragon Magazine


First Post
Interesting fact I only found out relatively recently - Fragarach is named after a "real world" mythical sword of Irish/Celtic lore...

Anyway, as to the alignments:

Answerer - LG
Back-talker - CN
Concluder - LN
Lastquip - NE
Rebutter - N
Replier - NG
Retorter - LE
Scather - CG
Squelcher - CE

...does that sound right?
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First Post
Erik Mona said:
Actually I think it is just a weird coincidence. It would, however, be cool to develop warblade maneuvers based on the nine "final word" blades. That'd be an auto-accepted Class Acts query, btw. I'd write it myself if I had time.

--Erik Mona
Dragon Magazine

When you put it like that, I imagine you'll have a couple-hundred queries in the next hour. :)


The EN World kitten
Thurbane said:
Anyway, as to the alignments:


...does that sound right?

Actually, no.

The swords (except for Fragarach) were detailed in 3.5 stats in Dungeon #106 (which also had one of the best covers ever!), in "Critical Threat: Dantalion." It lists not only their names and alignments, but powers as well (they all have the same powers, just for different alignments). The nine swords and their alignments are:

Answerer - LG
Back-talker - NG
Concluder - CG
Last-quip - LN
Rebutter - N
Replier - CN
Retorter - LE
Scather - NE
Squelcher - CE
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