Free RPG Day 2011


I crit!
Up on the Free RPG Day face book page are some images of some of the 2011 products.

Free RPG Day's Photos - Wall Photos | Facebook

Free RPG Day's Photos - Wall Photos | Facebook

Free RPG Day's Photos - Wall Photos | Facebook

Free RPG Day's Photos - Wall Photos | Facebook

Around here there are two (maybe more) game shops participating that are going to make a day of it. I guess there is still time to get stores signed up.

Should be a ton of fun. I can't wait to run 'We Be Goblins' or play in the 40k adventure or try out the new DCC rpg.

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My big question is... when they list "World of Darkness Quickstart" on their site, does that mean White Wolf is rebooting the franchise again, or just that they're trying to reinvigorate sales of nWoD?
Alternatively, by "World of Darkness Quickstart", might they just mean "Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition Quickstart"?

Sorry if this is a thread derail...


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Yay! Hopefully I can get a chance to play this year. It was depressing to just be able to run in and look and miss all the excitement. :.-(


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My big question is... when they list "World of Darkness Quickstart" on their site, does that mean White Wolf is rebooting the franchise again, or just that they're trying to reinvigorate sales of nWoD?
Alternatively, by "World of Darkness Quickstart", might they just mean "Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition Quickstart"?

In case anyone else was curious, I got a response on White Wolf's forums.
Apparently it's a new quickstart for the current World of Darkness.

As for Free RPG Day in general, I'm glad to see it's still running, and seems to have some good stuff lined up for it.
I wish there were more retailers participating near me, but... I can probably make plans to venture forth into gaming stores unknown when the time comes.
At the very least, it might prove a lesson in RPG geography.


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Free RPG Day is available to any game store throughout the world. We have many stores outside of North America that participate. We send out the announcement to a large list of stores...including those in Asia. Unfortunately, participation is up to the store. Either way, we are sold out for 2011. Hopefully, your FLGS can look into 2012.

Unfortunately, this not available in Japan, or I would give it a shot. Seems like a good way to try a new game.


I crit!
What are people running for the day?

I'm going to run the DCC quick start and the Goblins Pathfinder adventure, someone else at my FLGS will run the 40k adventure. Should be a full day.


I crit!
Almost there, almost there!

Here in Omaha there are four stores participating in FreeRPGDay.

The Game Shoppe, where I'll be running, will have DCC, 'We Be Goblins', 4e, 40k, and possibly Dragon Age. Times are 10am, 3pm, and 8pm, though I think games will be run all day. Hopefully I'll have certs for the Pathfinder mod.

Ground Zero Bellevue will run the Arcanis and 'We be Goblins' and possibly others. Always some great GMs there.

Grouns Zero Omaha will have a slew of things on offer. AFMBE, Savage Worlds, Pathfinder, Munchkin, Dragon Age, and Arcanis at midnight.

Dragons Lair Millard is participating as well, but I haven't heard about any games yet, I bet there will be some.


who else is going, playing, or running? What do you want to play or run.


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I am going to our nearest gaming store, which is about 50 miles away in Fresno, CA, Crazy Squirrel Games.

We have 3 (oddly timed) slots of gaming throughout the day. I will be running the Pathfinder Quest: Ambush in Absalom in the morning. Then playing We Be Goblins & PFS's Slave Pits of Absalom.

There will be different games systems running throughout the day: Pathfinder, D&D 4th ed, CoC, Savage Worlds, Cyberpunk & WoD.

I would have liked to play All Flesh Must Be Eaten, sadly no games are being ran of that. Out of the traditional stuff, that one peaks my interested.


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From my perusal at my LGS (and by the way, the retailer does have to pay for this stuff, so it's not "free" for them!)

The C&C offering is pretty pathetic -- it looks like a few 11" x 17" sheets photocopied, hastily folded and stapled.

Mayfair Games supplied a one-sheet advertisement printed off an inkjet.

The Fudge dice that were supposed to be included were removed from the FRPG site after the order and, of course, didn't come.

The Dragon Age, Pathfinder, All Flesh, D&D, DCC, 40k Black Crusade, Arcanis and Aspect demos are all really nice looking.

The World of Darkness booklet is the real stand-out in the bunch.

There was also a Dice Tower (in a bag, I have no idea what it looks like) and some Q-workshop dice.

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