Free Stuff During The Pandemic!

Some RPG companies are making materials available for free to help those staying at home during the pandemic, or moving to online play.

Some RPG companies are making materials available for free to help those staying at home during the pandemic, or moving to online play.



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I crit!
James Introcasos adventure for Critical Role and WotC wildmount is free on DnDBeyond and Roll20


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Guide of Modos
Modos 2, Free Edition is now marked down from $4.99 to free! (Yes, I realize that $4.99 is not free, and no, I have no idea how/why it was marked up to $4.99.)



Got an email with even more stuff, this time from "Up To Four Players".
They've got a webcomic that goes over playing some games. (Great into to a system.)
Their Savage Worlds strip was played in their own setting, Crystal Hearts.
A kickstarter made it available for everyone, and right now they've got some of it for free for anyone.

Crystal Heart (this is the main book)

Mixed Heritage (one shot adventure)

Crystal Heart Tokens for VTs

Read All About Death! (another one shot adventure)

Crystal Heart Starter Set (good to have, but it's not the core book)

Crystal Heart #1 (compilation of the comic)

Crystal Heart #2 (compilation of the comics)

Crystal Heart #3 (compilation of the comics)

I know the comics 2 & 3 are links to drivethru comics instead of rpg, but it was much easier to find them on their, and both sites are actually the same company, server, and account, so it's not a problem, just a visual thing.

If you want to learn to play Savage Worlds (they've been updated to Adventure Edition already), the comics are a good start. Can't go wrong with this set, unless you don't like SW, in which case I don't know what to say but tastes vary :)

If I get any more, I'll post those too.


Wish I had been able to snag Vampire. I have never played that game, and it is unlikely I will in the future, but I would have liked to see the guts of the game.

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