Free Stuff During The Pandemic!

Some RPG companies are making materials available for free to help those staying at home during the pandemic, or moving to online play.

Some RPG companies are making materials available for free to help those staying at home during the pandemic, or moving to online play.



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Modos 2, Free Edition is now marked down from $4.99 to free! (Yes, I realize that $4.99 is not free, and no, I have no idea how/why it was marked up to $4.99.)

I don't know much about this game; anyone tried it, or at least read it? What's it like? (I know I could just download it, but I'm curious about other people's experiences.)

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I crit!
Drokk it!



Guide of Modos
I don't know much about (Modos 2); anyone tried it, or at least read it? What's it like? (I know I could just download it, but I'm curious about other people's experiences.)
I've tried it, read it, and written it. So I might be biased. But the lone rating on DTRPG of 3 out of 5 stars is fair - it's designed to be the average game that you customize until it becomes 5 out of 5.

What it's like in a nutshell:
Rules-light, theatre-of-the-mind combat, characters a-la-carte. GM (or players) can skip rolling for convenience, players are invited to narrate a bit, rules are laid bare so you can tinker with them. More here: Modos RPG | Obsidian Portal

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