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Freeing the Might (story with Fighters,Paladin,Theif,Bard)THE FINAL ACTIONS 3/7


First Post

Led to investigation by the swinsty maliced looks of the villagers,Taiken,turned his view,in regaurd of the last few passer bye’s-and viewed the item of interest.It twinkled gold and was just beyond the main fareway in an alley,the back of a few shops the only portal to it other than his,a certain take,-a stolen item,though innocently found.He thought of this as perhaps the first step in the beginning of what may prove to turn around the ill fated path of his life-and start a destiny with greater fighters,paladins even.That was his calling,a need for magics was always a cold coursing through his blood,scince the days before his teens that he had fought off roving bands of orcs with the help of some strangers that offered their might,three of which were wizards,and 1 a paladin.The last sneering look of a contemptious,palace guard,flaoted past his now unified visions,and making to the object –a quick swipe and it was in his grasp.

What is this,a golden pendant,no a religious artifact,not simple at all to be sure,it had cross etchings,and magical wards,and a small hole in the center-perhaps for a gem to bring about even greater magics,one that Taiken could muster through his own sense of practice and by the end of his tryings he could have a spell ward,and the ability to fight with a sword(that wich he was already able to produce)and be justly so named a paladin.

“hey Kenny(as some who blighted his sense of presence often called him)-what’ you doing lookin around all frightened spent into a cobbweb,steal something?”Marty asked.
Marty was a teen bravado of adventures scorn as well,but he had it in for being a thief.Though the first few encounters Taiken had with him ended in a fist brawl,now adays they looked at eachother with some regaurd,though Marty thought himself to be the more likely canidate of the two to find glory at the world of battle’s opportunities.

“shut-up!I don’t need you to make a good day turned to not-my excuse for being self-wholesome when you interupted me are my own”Taiken felt the evisiveness of use of the new gained power should wait,the magic thunder would be fully active and more promising at the time,if only he could avoid trouble for awhile.

“well,fine,suite yer’self I was just about to have in for some ale and steaks at the ol tree with a few of the coots who always scaff me for survival,thought you’d fit in,besides we haven’t drunk together scince I pick pocketed that guard and you had to deck him for the get away”

“hmmm,well an ale sounds good,but I don’t want any trouble out of this”

“no,trouble,no trouble to come of it at all,just uhh…some planning”

“great”Taiken shifted the pendant into a safe inner pocket without removing it from under his tunic,and trodded on after Marty,with a disdain for the idea of planning,other than what was to be of the future for a brave,strong new paladin.

There at a grande oak,with some searing scars from some Cleric ceremonies that had made use of it stood,two young elves and 1 gnome.The two elves were brother and sister and often wore studed leathur much to most of their races disliking,however for them,the real way to take on the world was to go at it your own way,and as they practiced sword fighting,which sometimesTaiken was invited to,the tricks of the trade fell in between the seams like broken branches of kindling to a fire.Marty was no help-in the views of an alignment favoring good iether-as the gnome,Mif Yatter, made his own goals of being a bard in retortant ways,often Marty was there to steal a few of the coin tosses at Mif durring the tell-tale sessions of offering public entertainment.That in turn led to Mif asking of Marty to just as well as take them from the persons themselves,who then may have not returned to Mif’s occasionly ‘tunes on the streets’,and bypassed his own right of passage in that regaurd.

“though a stay of tunes may be so eloquent on this night,I must say Taiken you do not ‘la,la,la’ look to be quite right,and mustering a disease of the mind dear Marty,you also seem to have strayed from heaven quite fine”Mif tin eyed and glouting mused a diddy as the two approached,considering making an effort to integrate a harp,but then decided not to be to brash,after all Marty was like the leader-of these occasionly fighting swines,and no place to fall back on ment that some gratuity had to remian.

“well,well, a tune of misbegotton sensations,for that I lend you no coinage,Mif Yatter,and dear Kliza,and Morigin,you have any distastes to air at me?”Marty responded as he opened the chest sitting there and inside was a full meal and three jugs of ale.

“thanks Marty-thirsty myself,let’s cut it with the friendlyness,and if you must reveal a bestranged plan of yours,well then I bet we’d all rather learn about it with a bit of the spirits to toast”Taiken took one jug and downed 5 gulps as the others looked astonished and as if that wasn’t enough he looked at them in shore-shock and belched loudly.

“ha ha ha ha”they all found the stale air much more responsive after Taikens display and set to diner and drink,like crooning mighty adventurers on the breast of a campaign,with only 1 cue for comprimise,that being what Marty had in store.

“so it is with great-zeal of our mutual joy I offer this to thee,my party of warriors,and magicians alike(to Taiken)-as soon as tomorrow begins I will be leaving to venture to a rune,there one can find some treasure-I’m led to belive,but more importantly,there is also certain to be roving beasts,and fights to blooden our swords and make true our strengths as we each-and I know this to be true,get more and more impatient to take on the world”

“sounds to me like a living death trap,why of all places a ruin,should be left still with treasure that others have not found?”Taiken asked getting frustrated the more he thought of it to see just what exactly it is he had.

“no,no it is true,and don’t take my word for it –you’re all invited ehey-10 percent of the treasure each-leaving 60 for me-“

“nope-20 each leaving equal for each of us,then you got a deal”Kliza said in a rotund affirmation of her taking the sword she carried and swiping it in the air.She was a deftly sort,and though she didn’t start fights she usaully won them,and staring her down with a sword in hand was a problem to most who knew of her talents.

“well-ok so it’s settled,meet me at the north city gate at sunrise,till then you wallowing warts-I’ll be getting some rest myself”with that Marty dissapeared,all to fast-like a thief,for that he was,though now too each of this mishappen lot was turning a new leaf.

Steal and steal again,as that was all that practice and preaching had ever been lent unto Taiken,the acts about to be taken into suppositon for what he had as a new rank pleading toy,were easily twice the lust of mithral endaveour of his own ability,and ½ the courage of all of life’s experiences he’d ever taken in.Confidence,however was not a game in the world of sorcerery and learning,and the billowing checks of the superflous wind and his own dignity thrust the might of the first view layd on the magical item.Golden,and fore sworn of loftier times than that of a Paladin fledgling,the cautered wounds of thousands of evils legions,or shrill confused demons,or defiant she-wraiths were surely expunged by the user of this-and an art of such powers used wisely passed on to him,was in the right place of those who set fate,or looked upon him in the multi-planes,seeing to it that it was his.
He held it with one hand,pinched with all the fingers aginst the thumb,and mal-turned it about as though it was pushing a course against an awkward broken arm.The shacks left unattended durring the evening hours nearest the back gates that were used for simple passings of grains merchants and that lot,made a fine place to be in solitude and respect for that which was all that could be as Taiken –for surely would open the ways of respect of the course of mastery surging through his novice abilities.Who else could be so bold as to conquer the deadly,yet fruitfully left magi-blessing ,waiting like a perplexing puzzle abondend in the alleway of this slip-shod village.
The wallows of the serpentine airs,and the dancing flutters of unseen fairy forces,were ceratinly considered the type to reveal the way to a new beginner on the path and order of ritcheousness as he.Hail-demands of dieties shriek in lust-gods throw torrents of spells in hate,wizards recurl into their keeps-for I Taiken now have the key to the ways of great mastery of necrophilia-,…or so it seemed.
The fused source was there,not against the wings of a beating Wayverns distaste at a cleric or mage that branded the golden might in a feautal way,but in fractured surgance:each branch of the tree searching past flatulant lord,and derrived evil ones,the orders of good,the alignmemnt of a Paladin,-was this too strong for a simple scattering of one burst of knowledge.The thought of a shock rang into Taikens self,as the sensation that livened grace was making it’s purchase of his deign to gain it,and doing so of a dance of harmonies like archer to battle bugle,or bard to elven silver flute.Searing from the lift of desperation to drop the pendant,he fixed to the structures about-‘perhaps if they stand against the rays of disease-or poisen that first look to question my soul’he thought,scampering about in confusion as the world of unmaterial turned to sorcery and electric elements of ethereal whippings began to effuse all about.The ,mind will bertray,is the ultimate fear Taiken had tasted,the young Paladin who uses a curse or blessing in a stupid act of miscomboblry will pay for one such loss-or no the arc of revelation still was in his favor.
Kliza was never too fond of taking the if’s and that’s off of someones mind she read and go for a date with the flounder of their profligation;but-however foolish Taiken was,she saw that his desire to breathe the nobility of greater fables,of the midevil fortune,and fates of the warriors of now nearly lost chivalry,equeled her own.The care made by him to act normal about their informal party at the oak gathering place,let all to futile a sound breach to her intrinsic,scatter-calm,of the show of her eleven-ways.The dark was near,the night showed little regaurd for a simpleton trapped in a problem,bemusing or not,which surely Kliza sensed was percievable,now that she saw what Taiken was going through.
Timid concentration as the energy flowing about looked to be more and more a cause for alarm,soon found Taiken at more a beligerent triumph,as the sensation that control was being generated to his call finally took place,and as Kliza watched astounded as Taiken fell to his knees,one bolst of an acid like stream flew from him into a shack,the panel being sliffed right through,maybe even across the 20 ft of it,and out the other.She gasped,with a hand at her mouth,a column of wit washed over her and she knew that now she must decide to step in if it was unsafe-to destroy the bonding.But no,that was just as Taiken had hoped,the lashing strength of a source of zeal so great could now be derrived in greater effort of his own controls-the acid was a defiant measure which told the new user that the task of mastery will be as golden and estranged as this magi-binding pendant.So with that,and Kliza resconced to just catching glimpse of his actions in thought of that she’d just assume let this Paladins path begin and play out-a surge of tendrils evoked of an offensive wizard spell type furry-seiged his arm holding the item,then he stood-un-calm-but nearly dogmatic in that same way-and sent the ray of electro-lightening flying to a tree just beyond the mortar wall and gate several feet away.
Zweeich!the cast had been mighty-and left swifting smoke responses at the ½ ft blemish,while Kliza took the oportunity to prance over to him and seal the delivery of faiths with a tremendous hug.
“wow!you tricky ol-human-what in god’s name did the heavens bring you?”Kliza asked in completely void of accusations snipet.

“that is,my dear fighting wench with the fearsome blade and taunting liberty of skill,my own answer to the calling to make myself a namesake-a magic twist to illuminate that which the sword fighting doesn’t”Taiken,still held the amulet-pendant-only with a powerstrewn regaurd now.

“that’s quite-fine by me,shall I be the one to let the others know,or is it to remain a secret,sort of like the way I see you watch me undress at the river sometimes”she crafted a interesting appraisel at him.

“stop it-I do not!(he slapped her shoulder playfully)come on I have to find a cord to fasten this to a necklace-so it can be used whenever –it can be”he responded making a hop to a jog-and she flitted afer him.

The group set out from the homestead,little comfort though it was,most of the 5 using shambled abandened places to stay,which provided wood for warming fires from their own walls,and the gruff bunch had much in the way of whimsicle nature and confidence tallying the morning air.The path was certain,that much at least Marty knew,the two forks they took would eventually put them into the places of wilder battle’s and roving chaos that yearns to kill fresh underlings such as they appeared,however,as trust and fortune seemed high in the group a quick striking of their talents could probably bring them safe passage,…or so they presumed.

“I don’t care for scaled beasts that walk as beings,if any should attack,I’ll be certain to stab and stab again even though it has fallen-that’s my vow what about you”Kliza fromped a supplicant of their courage.

“well I can kill any form of beast-that doesn’t have the wits of resourcefullness,and as to that I can be sure quite a few of the bandits are the same swill”Marty offered first.

“or be it so bold of me to say,the power struggle of the common law abiding folks have found a true protectorate in my own abilities-..hmmm”Taiken said,also proudly looking to Kliza as a hinter to keep it shut.

“actually,the spell of sleep will work just as well as any of you’re foolish swordwork,if a stupid bunch of attackers takes to us-simple safety-I vow to that”Mif said and played a quick sprite on a pan,made of metal’s of some acient crafting technique.

“no-just good clean ability to take the war as it hits us,maybe 10 or so,even strong maligned beasts will answer to the grave,all of us to be thanked,though a mighty chromatic dragon,or a score of undead and we’d be done for”Morigin slighted their work of immpassive confidence,but not as to be unwarrentedly bleek,he was a step in the other direction than Marty about taking a lead of this group from time to time,but his sister was the wild acting one,and the thought of going into a discussion about the issue was easily a distastefull notion to any of them.

The day passed on with little befoulery,this type of merchant band,or that type of village guard unit made little attention of them,and they found the next turn to make by the time the sun began setting.Suffered feet,to be sure,as of marching for distances none of them did often,however guilded with hope and the desire to start the campfire,they all passed into various duties unchided by any comments about the length of the walk.And as so it passed from a setting about the crackling campfire,to finishing of stew,and some cheapy pub wine Marty had obtained,they shared a few words on the planted brilliance of their journey thus far and what was to be,and cut their attuned senses out from the rest of the woods about them…

“hey,but what can I say to thee,my fine warriors,6 coppers for wine,or 2 golds,for the-ehy you know-I did what was right for the best of us-“Marty spoke as he finished a mug,smirking in a bit of drunken lightlyness.

“no-that’s great,we can hope for another day before we get close to the ungaurded areas,though so you’ve said-“Taiken spoke,knowing it was dark enough for him to touch the amulet,and nearly bring it enough open to meet his intensly interested eyes at it.Kliza of course,played the part of unbegotton spy,making no hints about it,and all was on the way,fighters,theifs,bards,paladins-who could have matched the wit of this group when their great quandries of battle and war had formed a name-as so keenly they had hope for a great making at this rune,and a show of skills pronouncing their worth to the chumps and braggards who payed little attention to the novices of the ‘fine’ skills.

The Kaitheyn had arrived,an unsuggested clipping through perimeter shrubs;as in no foresight the young adventurers were claimed oathenly to drabble and a drunken
stuper.Fear gains the reasonous hold on the frightened,murder upon the suprized,death’s toll an easy slice of the blade away – for the formidable Kaitheyn band scouring for just such trouble at this group of fledglings.Fearsome leathur and thin plate covered sections of their muscular front,as a fine sword was carried by each and their blackened,occasionly with pink and green blemishes,-appearance fell an opponents vision to respect for those that looked to be from an evil keep with horacious cavitures to wizard enthroned futility.

The dazzling crafts of bard entwined severed worlds of ethereal control and the proudly usurped and equelly as demeur amulet worths of the novice paladin were about to take their turn of fate into the first conflict;slighted by the encompassing notion of simpleton ability and ill founded imerrsive elements of being thus so-they were sent to a clashing that blade and fury alone could not preserve their lives.A sudden tearing sound wether it was the foliage just at their camps border or that mixed in flounderance of the steady approaching Kaitheyns gaffing slights of battlcries-broke them from a denial and calm of the world about them.Quickly drinks and other items spilled off from them as they lept to the obviousley evil intended raiders.Sword fighting and bravery was washed across Kliza’s looks most of the four that had swords-Marty,Kliza,Morigin and Taiken.All was not foresaken,Taiken had been escue about the path they took scince a few passings of crossways from the village and had his sword next to him-and Kliza and Morigin slammed their swords in defense against the first strike,-Marty moved several paces to a pack and retrieved his as 2 Kaitheyns rasped in at him,swashing the air as if a taste of victory was to be theirs.Using the search for solace that had problemed Taiken the minutes before the attack-his soul was set to fire the amulets power at the foes-and cleving hold of it as worrying a quandry of physical defense in the theretofore he called out loud,and passed one Kaitheyn making towards Marty who was in trouble for certain;2 slashes were on his arm,and though some blood dripped from the stomache of a beast,he stepped back and back towards the outskirts.

“hail all sources of this magic-bring me the spell of acid!”Taiken shouted now a mere 5 steps and standing at the back of Marty’s attackers.

The looming tressle of winded magics spun their response,as flits of power went through his arm at first-stealing his concentration for half of it was looking upon the now pounding swordwork of the beasts-but the next response was of conjurer and miracle-or fledgling and sources of doctrines of spellwork from higher places and the ray skewered through the meat of the two beasts-scorging a mist and making dribbles of flesh appear on their fronts.It was no lucky strike though,because Marty had seen this strange attempt at a spell Taiken was throwing,and battled one last push to make the beasts stand one before the other,the first nearest Taiken a 4 in hole and the second also killed,with the ray stopping before blasting into Marty easily.

Kliza spun 1 time and confusing her foe spun again after a quick stab,reposte and stammer(of dueling skills).The slash finaly sliced open the neck and fell the Kaitheyn grabbing it’s gurgling demise-sufferage of violence like this never had Kliza witnessed before-but that was a certain befined vail of drat for any stepping to her to allow a kill on her way to a well and good yet fearsome bransting into a fighter of prowess.

“he fiddle fee hey the light which blinds the eye to heavens of the sea I sing to praise thee,befall our victims ruthlessly”Mif Yatter,was pronouncing the words as the un nominal to be sure trick of an integrated floating harp was before him played with skilled quickining fingers-the medivial scants of notes slurred like a battle hym to dieties and the sky swirled above the battle area-finally washing a blanket of water over the 5 Kaitheyns still alive.However this was not any sort of sea faring swindle-or blanket of farming luck-the smell was not unlike a contemptous rusting of corpses and graves,and the liquid shed the beasts to the ground with bruises across all their bodies.

Now was their chance-2 had dropped their swords and within several strikes though 1 tried to stand and with a rage of chaos attack,Marty, whos back was turned defending Kliza as she ‘dehearted’a grounded guff-Morigin threw his sword with a touch of strength that may not have been obvious from his phsysical derrivance,and skewered the
damned ruff house raider….they had victimized with ferral death those that looked to do that unto them.

“wether I stand to make a new life was never a problem of mine,but this attack has
made me realize that the Gods who divinate fate have been truer to the ways of
fighting and determination than I may have percieved-originally”Taiken spoke to the others as he followed Marty,Kliza and Morigin behind,and Mif Yatter at the back.

They were taking the incident at high hail,and the doctrines of truth that lay before them were all curling into a weave of littany initself a miracle from that which was their borring lives at the village.Kliza had been the first to speak concerning the spellwork used by Taiken,saying that she has seen the act of practice(not really,but a propensity for competance scince there was success was the least she could do)and when the vile discernment of using it’s powers was in hand he did a true Paladin formed casting.Mif was also implied as a favored element to the battle,having sent the 5 Kaiytheyns in dour
impression(pun)to the ground,wounded and unable to defend ending the problem.Though taking the responsibility of the main arcane arts party member was not really a problem he voiced his concern and interest in the issue after Taiken spoke as they began the path to the ruins once again,the new day arrived and the sworn taste of adventure bitting at their heels as never before.

“well,the tunes of damage rather than,defense are really more pleading or derried upon the complex nature of taking that witch is unseen and making it material,and sending the blessing in a crafting of sounds and lyrics,as untrue of myself however it is-this I say in truth,though I mean if you aren’t following the idea of confusing the isuue of summons,I can attack for sure but the reliance on more effort-it’s silly-see what I mean”Mif was squeeling away as a bard might about the ways and woes of the art,and trying to dance his tune of fighters dauntless sense in with the statement,the others played lame,and shirked the contraptive facade of Mif’s bragging.Though finally Marty made a thought about it,to Mif and the group.

“so if you want to be a slayer,you don’t have to take that bile clout about dieties of bard patronage,so why worry at all,we’ll get a sword for you-eh Kliza and she’ll make the first step as easy as Mullberry pie”Marty retorted with a laugh,and keeping the pace at the quickened state it was waited for the answer.

“I can not teach Mif to fight,what a joke,or more like he’d be telling jokes before we were through with how to even hold a sentient steel weapon!”she gaffed loudly,and pushed her brother who started to laugh retortent as Marty had,and they all found the issue amusing,and even Mif was any more compliant about being content about what they had for now-the efforts of timely practice for each of them in some ways were going to unfold into the brilliance of the truest of warriors,prides task of learning more about what each class ment to these individuals was really only a quest away.

The countryside dipped and rolled away to flatland forests,skathing with evergreen trees like odes to darker tales,wars and beasts,and the sky flew through the maze of natures greens and earthen conflictions,as though the sleeping energy of the unborn world was a temple of fear and strength to be carried from lands to the stratosphere.Lackeys,bandits,Kaitheyns,thiefs,what unbetold mystery could strengthened
wayfarers taking lifes breathe of the unprotected lands think to gill and court of these told horrors,and murders cost at any time-alluring to the thief,paladin,fighters,and bard,and a valiant pact of enterage to the climbing constitution and mid-swept acclimation to surface to a great adventurer and advocated martyrs to treatcheries call against the simple folks,and their lands.

As they began admiring the golden wisps in the flattened barrier of cloud embankments,through which the sun had passed and began it’s course to far below the ranges,they stood still,simple answers to the next place they would camp-and a final breeze flushed their concentrative newly alive minds-and set the ching chang work of getting the fire prepared,the dinner boiled,the cots set,the weapons at close avail.But this was not the only activity in the region,scince first passing over a hill towards the area,a group of beasts heard the warning sounds(for that which was an outsider was an intruder),and making tuff on the call to destroy these young gallants,the Betriens began to lithely float their way-in anger and need to kill towards them,much the same way that the first raiders had made a torrent of the first place,this camp too-was about to be alive in slashing,spells,and gruesome warfare to survive.

The monsters,all 7 of them,had their corrosive and damage dealing poisen strike limbs of puncturing bones swinely and yet supremely set to make a first suprize attack.Though it was not to be,Mif was alive with eyes of searching and sense careening concentration,for though these Betriens could dispell a flurry of magics bane,they couldn’t undo the scanning spell Mif made true and strong this time,unlike the last to avoid what just was exactly as that-and about to happen.’tle tlii te tee teie tiee’the harp was beautifully claimed to the wonders of arts of more than musics and the answer arrived,hailed to from an illusion of the harps spirit(a robed angel in ether form,of blue and grey wisps flitting in derrivance to make her appear,as though the strings themsleves pulled her together)-‘warning young bard friend a group of floating monsters moves to attack you within the moment’-she dispersed and the harp dissapeared as he turned a few steps towards the campsite itself from the perimeter and shouted the warning.

“attackers,attackers beasts-take your weapons”Mif Yatter ran to them as they spoke not a word but stratified and gleamed with weapons and futitlity at bay,set for the battle.

Kliza jumped in front of Marty seeing the first of the Betriens arrive,and spinning sliced a fine cut into 1 at each side of her full revolution.The suprizers were instead the foiled and taken at the first dance of death upon this eve-the skies scouring dark blue into the shadow realms of warrior and beast at cantankersitic wilding.But so as to be over confident soon many strikes and swaths were missing,the nimble reviele of these pests was nearly beyond comprehension.Morigin after killing one with his sister,was stabbed with the poisen,and felt a draining fuse of blood from his legs and saw the cloth about them foil in as though he was taking a spell of high calibur on,looking at the wound one could see the blood from the wound was now green and black poisen dabbles staunched at the flack like some mischevious other world molten.

“no!Morigin,stay next to me,do try and stay standing-I will fight with twice the effort”Kliza cries out,and thusly Mif new it was time for a casting,and Taiken too was now about to invoke the amulet for a treaty of arts and metal technique.

“silly-it’s a mere-fruity poisen-non that could hurt good Morigin”stated in a superficial lie,and they new it,but it was not fatal.

Thump!Thwap!the limbs of devil-do failed twice by separate Betriens to go through the leather armour Marty had,in flying bades to maneuver dexterily from them.A quick roll and at his feet he was able to take one to hell that was not facing him,the sword slashed through it as it yeipped-‘eeighiriyygh’,chains of the magic world were too also about to make 5 creatures be helped to meet a same fate.

“hail great friends of the arts cast lightening as never before!”Taiken bratched very loudly,one sword block defense the only bite against this ever strong contention.

“there as fine as the sky –my sweetest angels-send darkened matter to enemies that fly!”Mif Yatter had the integrated harp once again,and the tune a new attack power,and quite an interesting sight took place immediatley.

As black clouds formed around the 5 Betriens,one of which was making scrape wounds on Kliza finally as the other two she mostly stayed off,had made the hole for which it did so-the paladin smathering of lightening whipped across to 3 of them,and confused and unable to do much-the Betriens screetched unendingly,the compensation for warding off strangers tonight-certain death!Soon all five were killed,as unremittedly the proud party
looked upon the corpses in bewilderment.The forms skittered and lost the liquid of blood and poisen which lay within,spilling to the soil.Failed gaurdians of the ruin,sent to win,sent to do the necessary and when death was taken,they were scurged to the plane of undead,to begin a new servility,-maybe that was so,the young ones,never have seen this after death animation and body purge before.
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First Post
the ruins shall be even a greater challenge

well.....if anybody catches this story.....

the next bit they will have to use wit about the enviornment as well as more fighting,that could bring about wounds that need a healing spell,and the amulet will be used....lightening....acid....what's next,theivery at the locks.....the elves may be in leathur however traps can be worse than that AC help.......


First Post
The following scutter flaup,dissettled preening eyes,-couraged and incouraged waivers
from the mishappen truth of the attacks,left the vanity march –not unlike the setiment from the first croppings of this journey-with a strange strong yet devious whelping pup
to the hell dog mother from the ‘well of souls’.Status of the victorious,yes-such was
certain that only darker roads traveled were those that lead victory to downfall-disturbance of the normal claims of the efforts of say….’average adventurers’-possibly quite a make concerning that and Mif Yatter just as well incouraged ‘I hope so’-…

“well told and true fie fie the followors of the sky,fay lay fay hey hey,those who wonder alone in the breachs of the ruins…are sure to die(then taking harp,for added effort to the
defference from calm the tune was about)-yet we’re not the same la te da we’re the reapers and –hey te ta hey tete God’s ruling shames,sent to kill to go past the commoners
will-oh what a swill am I!? Da de!”Mif was in fact the fluent egression of the bard.

“well I don’t do that type of preying,so let’s keep this easy,and resolvent”Taiken answered to the flicker of distaste at everyone’s conciousness,concerning their progressions and goal,theretofor certain to arrive upon the late afternoon.

Squalers of the broad winged Raven birds that layed shallow and in waiting about ruins
made their appearance as sunsets deigns begin to rule the air-and but a flatch of insect was all that cut the air otherwise.Doctrines of light were far from available,if this place truelly was once a temple,-a foresight of the repulsed nature of this place of meals of abblutions,words of solace,and ceremonies of finer goods;was left with no trace.The female of the group,suaght her own separate fealings when first looking upon the building of mossed,rotted and broken works of architecture.The sky was severing the
beauty of it’s color washes,though while in fact the settling of the elf girl’s look into
the reasons for the temple or it’s rancor were in fact –a vision – a’divination’ or pathos
message,-girls killed,sent the gods after starvation,beating,whippings,blood spillt as milk to the bowls set upon altars….for some reason Kliza sensed this all while the others cried a cheer of glee and jogged quickley the remaining hillway that set about the unwholly grounds,a pit for the consessions of defilement that forswore the ways of religion of this place…..though that may have been after the first followers of purity
to some cause-rather than evil,had made alive this forbidden realm consecration home.

next they will fight unded prietesses,angerered,or flying aboniations,or explore....


First Post
Hi Felikeries. I hope you don't think I'm being deliberately rude or trollish, but I started to read your Story Hour... but had to stop after a few paragraphs.
I've tried my hand at a Story Hour & failed miserably, so I know how hard it can be, but I think I'm still within my area of expertise as a reader to strongly suggest that you review your posts in the 3 following areas:

Spelling- a spell checker will help you out here, so it shouldn't take too long. Add to the Dictionary any words/names for your campaign so they don't keep getting caught by it. (Oh- also, make sure the dictionary is set to UK-English, not US. It's the original and the best ;). )

Grammar- I'm not sure if grammar is the right word, but I just mean reading each sentence to make sure it's making sense, then read it in the context of the sentence before it to make sure you're not jumping from one idea to another- it's very easy for a reader to get lost when that happens.

Layout- Split ideas/contexts into paragraphs, start each spoken sentence on a new line (unless it's more dramatic to keep them on the one, it's a device used to indicate short-sharp conversation.)

I hope this helps, and if English is a second language for you then all I'll say is that you're doing better at learning it than I would be with yours, and practice makes perfect!
Thanks for sharing your story


First Post
...with lightened platemail,the lights of magic still flighted about,and faith floated through their green and blue casts flitting her wings for a brief second...

-that will answer the trick of the worthyness of 'freeing the might'....'sevy te eth trice upon word {} vicious of metal create a cevias sword!'

i'm a fighter too,if you indeed didn't want to ask that friend

the spelling program i have is nasty,so i usually just go through myself,however there are instances that i forget,but that can be re-pasted after an edit,so it isn't that horrorous


First Post
Paladin 4th +1 dex
Fighter 4th +2 str
Bard 4th unknown
Thief 4th +1 dex

critical damage goes alive at 4 th level,unless you're a weirdo and don't
set traite scores to make the 17 neccesary,though that's after 6 melee's

so.....Kliza blocks,priestess kicks(multi-attack,boots of vanity with daggers),Kliza slices arm,preistess 2 swoopes and claws,Kliza spin kicks another sneaking in,priestess casts spell,.....

Kliza slices arm and skewers it this time as well, 3D6 =14 ,3D6 =10=5
19 only a few more
suddenly the thre priestesses surround her,she's got to kill the hurt one,
misses critical re-roll...oh no....

...wait she has a chance to defensive action,4 melees,then maybe the party can help her....that's being smart / oh no magical multi attack(though rolled at the time for return to regular combat,stays;this campaign defensive taken on a multi attack doesn't garauntee 4 rolls,),the only chance is if the preistess is stupid and places the multi attack at the first defensive action....

we've all seen this before...i say that regular combat roll for defensive action on multi attack should take place,specifically,modifier roll is exempted


First Post

The fleuncey of dracnire preistesses in ghostly form scrooned through the temple in places,searching for victims inheriting the trails of death of this forbiden ruin,as meandering through the plight of eventualism and respect of this,Kliza was swept with a tear and soon spoke to the others as they began towards it.

“stop!we must be carefull,there is an evil …an undream and turn of ills awaiting ot arrival to bring death and revenge…preistess..”Kliza skratched the words forth in a bemuddled state.

“oh my lying waste,fear and order seeking haste,we arrive to ruin the ruin and what’s more slaye the fuetals that lie from the arch of the front door!”Mif Yatter responded first even though all did begin to walk once more towards the home of undead.The seeking tune of ryhme and pan playing had begun a casting of dispell alter-plane beasts,or as hoped ghosts.

“see,there is much strength within us,I have the most faith in ever the powers of the amulet,and Mif has discerned a spell it looks like for just such an attack….please we need you skills”Taiken forced a rallying speech into the air as they began to nearly jog to the next battle.Amatures with no resolve may have been theory in practice but a few days ago but this was untrue of the budding warriors now.

The broken walls felt dutysome still in their dilapitated state,with frail summons still appearing in the mithral and astral from the sight of it’s contortions of carvings and craft.All those that were from the great harvests of spirit strength and later soul diseases must be bound with visions in the beyond,of heaven or the abyss,classifying the needs and wholesomeness that may settle and acost the pathgoers wondered unto the lay of this castle to religion.Who so keenly may fight to survive ,may be cursing the next,-to forgo such slaying,-and reach the next victims may easily rest on the never dieying wraiths that spun their weave,and murderous plots from images of the innocent and the demi-god blessings of keepers that insured the deaths were fealty to evil-and once in days far beggoton now to purity and learning of the ways of principles in shining armour.No spell from a frivolous bard,or eyes of a fighting elf,nor powers of novices could prevent the slaughter as now indeed only evil relied on the means to shub and prayer at the ruin.

“please,we must think about our actions,there…there are-….there!they’ve found us”Kliza though several steps away found the first sight with her consisive looking,and took the sword she would rely on for battle at this hour of war,and so too did the others begin to make alive the fracas’s storm.

“casts of might I call to thee in purity’s fight-send acids upon these undead!”Taiken used the first open moment when each side neared so slivery from one turn of time that slashes and screams were filling of the air.

Billowing rays of more than one acid stream,rang forth,as swordwork that swiped in desperation to no effect started,the friend to a source of power;a paladin in eyes of favor,a respected foe now amusing to some of the preistesses,sent the dooming effect with ferver from the angels slueicing through 5 of the 10 foes,causing gashing wounds unlike that which was from the material plane.Kliza was a step beyond the others in reaction to this problem,with a quick slip of dexterity she ran a mixture of blood and wholly water over
her sword from a vile,and motioned to Marty who was nearest and he understood.

“it is Betrien blood and wholly water,pass it forth to Taiken and Morigin!”she twisted once and realized as Marty moved to do so,that 4 evils were surrounding her.

“help!oh god!”Mif Yatter had been a great advantage when first they began,for it was 20 that had waited to kill the frivolous band of 5,but many were dispelled;now he was staked to the ground with an alterplane spike through his gut,as one held the magics that bound the item,another was getting to tear apart the being,unable to push away or for that matter even understand the wound that was pinning him so cruelly to the earth.

“watch that-fools of disorder-I’ll make this a graveyard!”Marty first of the 2 others moved to help Mif,and swashes 4 times across and back again at the neck of the first shocked to stillness the ghost-and each time the magics of the potion gashed and harnessed a draining of the life that was there,untill a nearly material world pancre opened the wound,and dissapearing the face and neck could be seen falling to the ground first.

Taiken and Morigin faught defending Mif in the next turn of events,as Marty soon stood back to back with Kliza,who had used a jumping swash and warcry of pleading to those that may have warned her and had avoided instant death,receiving only two slashes that barely broke the leathuer across her chest.Dancing in uncontained anger,the preistess’s were soon knowing that scince the first dispell,the all to be all waiver of undead might was about to be broken and again Mif now hurt-but not as badly as a real weapon impalment,cast the spell of darkness,as the Betriens had fallen so easily to,so again shall the wraith bitches,though quicker and nearly able-to avoid the clout,they in fact sliced
Into nothingness within a few motions and staunts of swordwork.Then as safety beheld the group finally,they nearly wept for joy or validity of having discouraged evil’shold from this place;and but for Morigin each had suffered several swipes of the deadly clawed hands.A healing was needed,but Mif was beyond hope for another spell untill they calmed the flavourfull sprites of luck,and ehaustion-and needed badly was a full meal perhaps-if Marty had in fact been lieying the more quenching delight of some wine made of purchase with several gold coins!


First Post
Freeing the Might A Fight Inside the Ruin

With a waivering of expedint interest,they spent a few hours resting and delighting in the moment with food,and of course a finer wine than at first let on by Marty.The night may bring a series of problems for this young hearty band of friends,but with success billowing past any stale portences,they were confident that all to be had from the place could be there’s and if the cost of battle was as great as it had been,they didn’t much stand to fear that lamentation.If eyes alone could tell what Kliza showed of her concerns for the now and present,it was that truimph beheld victories march and souls of fire could treat the world as a place for emmulative refinement,that grew the orchards of destiny in ways that justice and glory knew to be so wholseome and true.Morigin was still even prizing the days value,his friends taking the effort of wounds with war today instead,but in truth the destiny of each’s was in any way as crafted with defense and offense with no change in theory;their realation was courting a foundation better than ever before,and when Mif had cast a healing spell,they decided it might be better to take on this place,or it’s dungeon even with night around the bend.

“my,my,what good are the creatures who gaurd this place,if there isn’t any treasure,I can’t think of what is a better way to spend our first night here,than to use torches for places underground that’d be just the same effort durring day”Marty himself was plausibly interested in leading this take.

“ok,well,we have 6 torches i think,maybe a day for each,at least one extra that’s number 6 can shed enough light for us to use together in the worst case”

“or in the best case,some- much to find,that the only reason we leave is for that very problem,the last torch”Taiken annouced as following after Marty who stepped into the main above ground chamber with torch lit.

“world of fear no my tears,that great gold is fortold or retiring like trolls,will we grow old!” Mif said a little song-ryhme as always for their next advancement,and within minutes determining that there was in fact a secret door on the ground,or a hallway with steps to be taken was the next issue.

Marty soon was picking at the lock on the visible and standard door,with the idea that either an obvious mislead was the other,for it was not too difficult to find,or that whatever was layne in this place maybe be easiest to fight first.That was maybe an ignorant assumption for awaiting within was a temple assasin,a furious beast with,strength and poisen,an Italiasthreiyn.The door creeked open and Marty turned and smiled as if I told you so,and they walked in twenty feet to the first chamber.The room was so grande that their light did not reach the walls,and loking to the ground smears of blood were quickly one of the first visible signs.

“hmmm this could get to be a bit more dangerous,this blood is obviousley not years old.”Morigin stated while they were in difussement about what to do.

“so,unlucky snoots who thought they could do what we are here to accomplish,more fame anf fortune for us,lets check the back wall,-I at least advise we stay together though”Marty then leading them on with trick and triumph in the air.

‘clck,t’clck,clickty,clck’-a series of hoof like sounds stepping on the paving stones suddenly cut the calm.

“a gaurdian,take your weapons!”Marty jumped at the souns and immediately responded.

The Italiasthreiyn was viciously built,a sword in one arm,and a gash across it’s chest corroded like a poisen was splashed across it,more likely just the serums of it’s own worth making place.It looked angry,and fiercly raised the weapon,and trotted towards them noting how many there were,and flickering it’s concentration at the one female.

“stand behind me Kliza,did you see the way it looked at you!”Morigin stepped forward in defense of his sister.

All to quickly Marty in clashings of steel on steel,found it’s strength overwhelming,and when he moved to block a vitalized power swifting,his own sword fell to the ground,and he was forced to dive roll to the side and let the others in.The beast reared it’s front hoofs trying to claim a deadly punch on Taikens chest,but he held his sword with one hand upon the blade,a light cut subfusing the defense,-but was with this move able to cut a wound on the maligning hoofed legs,one of them,and further anger the foe.It growled,and charged,into them,dodging and trying to slice it made their response a bit un expected by the enemy,but it easily stayed off Kliza and Morigins swords with it’s own,and then charged to Marty,seeing him set aside,and an easier target.Such was not to be,however,the tides of magics course were building,and Taiken made quick use of it being a few steps from them to cast the acid beam from his amulet.Freeing the wave of fluid from the nether tides,the calling forth sent the stream quickly and cleanly into the upper right back of the Italiasthreiyn,just before it noticed,that Marty was in fact now stuck to the roof,utilizing a yet seen talent of the theif’s.

“ha ha ,thought I was easy prey,someone toss me my sword before I lose concentration and fall from here!”

Morigin,chucked it precisley and Marty caught it in a swaggering swift cleft,holding dearly with his other limbs in special talent,and Kliza,getting the jist of this made a bold
move and swaggered to make the beast follow her,to just under Marty.

“oh dear,fallen not a friend yet with out my help this battle we’ll never win”Mif Yatter had his harp set for spell,though it may not be as powerfull as the other times,this situation could call for it in this state,when soon they may be on the defensive.

Kliza dueled for several swipes,using her two hands at one time on a few swipes,trying not to let happen to her what did to Marty.And suddenly as they had hoped,the stupid beast never saw that Marty had his sword in peircing alignment directly above him,and when he jumped into it,the sword cut first, taking the extra gravity surge,and went to the hilt into it’s body,through vital organs,and gashing a mortifying wound.The beast slapped Marty aside,not yet fallen,and he was nearly poisened,however the leatheur was just enough to render the claw slash a fuetal effort.And Kliza stabbed it’s chest as it knocked Marty away,it’s life was no more.It’s eyes went blank before it fell,then,like a bureau or some inanimate object it slammed to it’s side,and more blood fuse of it’s poisenous lifeforce washed across the ground blending in with what certainly must be the liquid smears of it’s own victims in battles passed.

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