• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Freeing the Might (story with Fighters,Paladin,Theif,Bard)THE FINAL ACTIONS 3/7


First Post
next and final session
~they meet with the agent,who's angry about trip to alter-plane
~Zenthor turns crazy but new potion used to strike him brings him to material form instead of turning to dust
~the grande battle in the room told of takes place,after(they win,or probably)Zintrin has pets that devour some corpses while she offers treasure
~they are teleported to village with Zelihinder monks,and Feezazien and Sinzee are there
~the teleport ring might be used to return them to home village

4th to 7th or 8th level,were allowed some favorable odds for avoiding undead disease

if this temple is used in a higher level campaign,the wraiths won't be so easily dispelled,the Italiasthreiyn's will be 6 or so,there will be more than Shriekers in the cavern,each switch at first and at second altar room will have a corridor that has most likely dire-form undead attacks,with a smaller scion slicer that also has a portal that can activate,those who return will iether have to or gamble or avoid this till the new major scion room,and a few encounters with the medium worm will result in battle(10 or so,with electric shock,and hp regeneration)

players first striken by scions 2D20,however,a ranging of energy that has a 25% chance to activate at contact,may do 4D6+3D20,which will scare anybody away,though they don't know that 4th and 5th attacks on any player after one of party is damaged only do 1D6+4D4,and 25% chance greater damage after that

the potion didn't do any extra damage just acted as trick for Zintrin,though new higher levels that may have to change

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First Post
return to zintrin's temple nearly the final battle

Freeing the Might return to zintrin's temple

Not withstanding the group had interupted the peace enough amongst the crochet of calmly emulation about the temple to stir the ‘agent’ encountered at the beginning of their forray into the altar plane shift portal,and judging by the unstandard flackened breach of brow and concentrated ‘undead’ zether storm energies he was angry.The stood together and even walked a few paces to meet and greet the apperant bantaring of furry that was to be,and Sinzee huddled next to Feezazien and cast a gruffy snarl,and bewildered look.

“free standing group display to match the witless excummunication of Zintrin’s minnion for that which was to be done…contempt!!what do you think fealty to a godess means…hhmm!!a game of wandering foxes looking to make show of that which was lent to them in forbidden places,well you were nearly the fox hunted-do you understand me!!?”the robed blaspherien scowled and clenched a fist forward in dissertations.

“huh….ummm,we can’t be blamed for the unkind traps in the temple of her makings,you know you ought to tame those slicey metal scions,and make the wall’s less transparent to the plane of the undead,if that was so then we’d have stayed and reach our goals”Marty answered in a duty of rebutal that sounded a resolvent between iether side.

“and so too do you need to complete the goals,as such I know that more potion is needed,and so it will be bestowed,and as for this one,a bit of a field of unliving energy-yes a monk forgotton and abondened into my domain-how qaint,very well you may join,and my apologies dear Master Gaurdian,we can’t have our soldiers stray away you know how it is”

“that is not a bold statement –you may apologize as often as you like to these fine warroirs,they have my vow of eschuance and guard”Feezazien remarked,belittling the agents swinish attempt to differ.

“hey,we need to get about the tasks,if you are relenting another gift please,we accxept and shall see to our duty immediately”Taiken finally jaunted the arguent conversation with a final statement.

“very well,’hail oh skys darkened graves in the mind death to the souls will thee find’”the agent swirled a somatic jesture and created a grander potion flask than the first,this one with speckles of magitynes song to the souls revocations dancing about it and passed it to Marty,then turned and walked towards the entrance,but paused to make a final word.

“the room of destruction shall be made to through the second altar chamber-you know the one I speak of-all switches towards the setting sun”with that instead of fading into the shelter an image aura cast itself forward as the agent stood and then the entirety dissappeared.

“my friends we will be at a city to the east,perhaps even the monk knows of it,there are Zelihinder monks there,we await the celebration to you’re victories,and wish such luck as the fields of the undead know we are feared to have possesion of”with that the chromatic beast tapped at Sinzee,and nodded to the group.
“great days to thee,untill we meet again and this Zintrin terror storm that thee fight is done,I gather the luck of the stars in you’re name”she answered to the final words with a nicety and they flew off,pounding through till the clouds,covered their powerfull burgoning scathe.

Slowly the monk was falling into a separate world,the others of course did not catch thisat first,but inside the mind of his own deterioration a curse from staying alive in that state had begun to form a new form of blight.The theories of birth in unbirth have always assumed that the self was removed and now that was taking place for the wizdomous monk who had churned the evils from take over with great endurance and meditated strengths,but that was no more-and the mind of a lost being in this state was not their own anymore.

“what is death-your own beginning!”Zenthor finally broke into a voilent rage as they had began the final hall to the 2nd altar room,after acting strangley when they diveyd the potion for their weapons.

Kliza was the first to spin about,and she jumped beyond Morigin whom was closest,and swaped what may have been a truelly harsh nap swip upon her brother.She had taken to the crown of magic sight ,and thought the flutters about their monk friend were getting a bit zealous or even chracter defiling,perhaps taking what there was from Zenthor that was alive,and so she got to the problem before an unwarrented attack.

“what in the hell-are you ok”Marty asked,but then noticed Kliza wasn’t faking combat with the undead moron she was fighting toi save herself or anyone.

“feal what it’s like to di inside a thousand nightmares and walk the land-puny elf-rrghghgh!”Zenthor,did a trick swipe triple shift attack,and kicked her to the ground sliding a few feet,but Taiken and Morigin,quickly made trouble before the intentions of killing Kliza got the chance.

“that’s some portal innards wound,friend-you aren’t well”Taiken stated,as Marty was hush stepping and finally made a spider walk to behind the dueling three.

“forever is a good way to spend you’re grave work fools-I am vengence,not Zenthor-the…-“the words were cut off,as the sparring was still going,but till the two swiped power cuts by Marty through the letheur protecton on Zenthor’s back sent him stumbling forward and into convulsion.

The potion was a solution to souls searching to leave the material world,and they watched wandering if these wounds may bleed to death their once trusted buddy,but there was a different effect than before.The streining continued as the stood before him,and Kliza knelt next to him and looked to the others to see if she should console any morsel of Zenthor that was left fighting the curse.

“healed and sealed to doom,best the zap of liquid do what it did”Mif answered her demands for a way to cure this that beckoned from her eyes.

“funny,always funny-we shall see”Taiken said

“but the angel Mif,what of the vestige of divinity-she may be able to help if”Kliza retorted taking one of Zenthor’s hands.

The the fluster of magi enegry was changing,now a glow of green to clear waves of zeal washed about,and finally the commotion stopped and Zenthors eyes closed and he lay still.

“too late,farewell ,may heaven-“Marty started a requim for the wisomous,when they noticed there was breathing.

Several minutes later,Zenthor was alive and well again,and this time the real world and the body of no disease was all there was to be from the incedent.Gleefully thankfull for not having killed him,he vowed to fight his best in the last battle,which was sure to be vicious and they continued on their way.

“if it wasn’t for me you might have gouged Morigin,but the curse that was breaching the sound mind,or what there was of it in you’re old state,was made visible to me with the magical crown,I’m thankfull we didn’t lose you,and you have returned even better than before.”Kliza stated as they reached the switches and Marty did the trick and a new hall opened.

“that is certain,and this new potion,what say you –all if it is different,we have been had”Zenthor said,as inherintly they each added a bit more in preperation,and began through the hall.

“no,there’s no way it doesn’t kill off the glumphs that await Zintrin’s excisement of their souls,that’d be wrong,there was a special reaction for you,Zenthor-but all will be as it should soon enough.”Marty answered leading the group,of which three carried torches including himself.

The scent of living flesh and the faint beckoning of the flicker of flames,had reawoken those waiting in the chamber of sufferage.It was a grande cavern some 400 ft and circular,with shackles upon the walls,and occasional rune wards of grey slab flooring in the brown scratchy earth.At times when the place was alive the Methsenseghr beasts had gaurded and made portal trips about various domains in the name of the slaying preistesses,but eventually they were made undead,and chained to the walls,only being let free when tasks had to be done,but that was years in the past,and somwhow they still churned their gratchy fleash and futile brains kept restrained in chains for years,but no more:the anger and sense of live being’s and a chance to dance death’s throws on innocents was too great and they broke free,and dashed towrds the party just making into the area.However these were not the only ones,as banal and unliving,though animated and easily a greater foe were a group of Sepechetz.Armoured in Zechzi flanks,and armed with zeal flowing two sided skiffs,these angered undead soldiers were fethced to the area as a pre-ordained glyph of awakening was set off by the party in the last few steps taken on the special stone in the hallway.The group stopped,and tossed their torches and a couple more a few feet beyond themselves,and stood in a semi circle,as purity’s faith and insurging numbers of enemies triste and demanded the nature of the most cerrialien battle yet.The Methsenseghrs,who speeded to the front were easily 20 in strength,and the soldiers of doom with stange weapons were about 30,making it a timely accusition for those who thought to make a name for themselves as promised at the journey’s first day from the viallage path,of 50 to 6.


First Post
Final Battle

FREEING THE MIGHT ***###{}{}{}///[][]!!!! THE FINAL BATTLE

Not withstanding the group had interupted the peace enough amongst the crochet of calmly emulation about the temple to stir the ‘agent’ encountered at the beginning of their forray into the altar plane shift portal,and judging by the unstandard flackened breach of brow and concentrated ‘undead’ zether storm energies he was angry.The stood together and even walked a few paces to meet and greet the apperant bantaring of furry that was to be,and Sinzee huddled next to Feezazien and cast a gruffy snarl,and bewildered look.

“free standing group display to match the witless excummunication of Zintrin’s minnion for that which was to be done…contempt!!what do you think fealty to a godess means…hhmm!!a game of wandering foxes looking to make show of that which was lent to them in forbidden places,well you were nearly the fox hunted-do you understand me!!?”the robed blaspherien scowled and clenched a fist forward in dissertations.

“huh….ummm,we can’t be blamed for the unkind traps in the temple of her makings,you know you ought to tame those slicey metal scions,and make the wall’s less transparent to the plane of the undead,if that was so then we’d have stayed and reach our goals”Marty answered in a duty of rebutal that sounded a resolvent between iether side.

“and so too do you need to complete the goals,as such I know that more potion is needed,and so it will be bestowed,and as for this one,a bit of a field of unliving energy-yes a monk forgotton and abondened into my domain-how qaint,very well you may join,and my apologies dear Master Gaurdian,we can’t have our soldiers stray away you know how it is”

“that is not a bold statement –you may apologize as often as you like to these fine warroirs,they have my vow of eschuance and guard”Feezazien remarked,belittling the agents swinish attempt to differ.

“hey,we need to get about the tasks,if you are relenting another gift please,we accxept and shall see to our duty immediately”Taiken finally jaunted the arguent conversation with a final statement.

“very well,’hail oh skys darkened graves in the mind death to the souls will thee find’”the agent swirled a somatic jesture and created a grander potion flask than the first,this one with speckles of magitynes song to the souls revocations dancing about it and passed it to Marty,then turned and walked towards the entrance,but paused to make a final word.

“the room of destruction shall be made to through the second altar chamber-you know the one I speak of-all switches towards the setting sun”with that instead of fading into the shelter an image aura cast itself forward as the agent stood and then the entirety dissappeared.

“my friends we will be at a city to the east,perhaps even the monk knows of it,there are Zelihinder monks there,we await the celebration to you’re victories,and wish such luck as the fields of the undead know we are feared to have possesion of”with that the chromatic beast tapped at Sinzee,and nodded to the group.
“great days to thee,untill we meet again and this Zintrin terror storm that thee fight is done,I gather the luck of the stars in you’re name”she answered to the final words with a nicety and they flew off,pounding through till the clouds,covered their powerfull burgoning scathe.

Slowly the monk was falling into a separate world,the others of course did not catch thisat first,but inside the mind of his own deterioration a curse from staying alive in that state had begun to form a new form of blight.The theories of birth in unbirth have always assumed that the self was removed and now that was taking place for the wizdomous monk who had churned the evils from take over with great endurance and meditated strengths,but that was no more-and the mind of a lost being in this state was not their own anymore.

“what is death-your own beginning!”Zenthor finally broke into a voilent rage as they had began the final hall to the 2nd altar room,after acting strangley when they diveyd the potion for their weapons.

Kliza was the first to spin about,and she jumped beyond Morigin whom was closest,and swaped what may have been a truelly harsh nap swip upon her brother.She had taken to the crown of magic sight ,and thought the flutters about their monk friend were getting a bit zealous or even chracter defiling,perhaps taking what there was from Zenthor that was alive,and so she got to the problem before an unwarrented attack.

“what in the hell-are you ok”Marty asked,but then noticed Kliza wasn’t faking combat with the undead moron she was fighting toi save herself or anyone.

“feal what it’s like to di inside a thousand nightmares and walk the land-puny elf-rrghghgh!”Zenthor,did a trick swipe triple shift attack,and kicked her to the ground sliding a few feet,but Taiken and Morigin,quickly made trouble before the intentions of killing Kliza got the chance.

“that’s some portal innards wound,friend-you aren’t well”Taiken stated,as Marty was hush stepping and finally made a spider walk to behind the dueling three.

“forever is a good way to spend you’re grave work fools-I am vengence,not Zenthor-the…-“the words were cut off,as the sparring was still going,but till the two swiped power cuts by Marty through the letheur protecton on Zenthor’s back sent him stumbling forward and into convulsion.

The potion was a solution to souls searching to leave the material world,and they watched wandering if these wounds may bleed to death their once trusted buddy,but there was a different effect than before.The streining continued as the stood before him,and Kliza knelt next to him and looked to the others to see if she should console any morsel of Zenthor that was left fighting the curse.

“healed and sealed to doom,best the zap of liquid do what it did”Mif answered her demands for a way to cure this that beckoned from her eyes.

“funny,always funny-we shall see”Taiken said

“but the angel Mif,what of the vestige of divinity-she may be able to help if”Kliza retorted taking one of Zenthor’s hands.

The the fluster of magi enegry was changing,now a glow of green to clear waves of zeal washed about,and finally the commotion stopped and Zenthors eyes closed and he lay still.

“too late,farewell ,may heaven-“Marty started a requim for the wisomous,when they noticed there was breathing.

Several minutes later,Zenthor was alive and well again,and this time the real world and the body of no disease was all there was to be from the incedent.Gleefully thankfull for not having killed him,he vowed to fight his best in the last battle,which was sure to be vicious and they continued on their way.

“if it wasn’t for me you might have gouged Morigin,but the curse that was breaching the sound mind,or what there was of it in you’re old state,was made visible to me with the magical crown,I’m thankfull we didn’t lose you,and you have returned even better than before.”Kliza stated as they reached the switches and Marty did the trick and a new hall opened.

“that is certain,and this new potion,what say you –all if it is different,we have been had”Zenthor said,as inherintly they each added a bit more in preperation,and began through the hall.

“no,there’s no way it doesn’t kill off the glumphs that await Zintrin’s excisement of their souls,that’d be wrong,there was a special reaction for you,Zenthor-but all will be as it should soon enough.”Marty answered leading the group,of which three carried torches including himself.

The scent of living flesh and the faint beckoning of the flicker of flames,had reawoken those waiting in the chamber of sufferage.It was a grande cavern some 400 ft and circular,with shackles upon the walls,and occasional rune wards of grey slab flooring in the brown scratchy earth.At times when the place was alive the Methsenseghr beasts had gaurded and made portal trips about various domains in the name of the slaying preistesses,but eventually they were made undead,and chained to the walls,only being let free when tasks had to be done,but that was years in the past,and somwhow they still churned their gratchy fleash and futile brains kept restrained in chains for years,but no more:the anger and sense of live being’s and a chance to dance death’s throws on innocents was too great and they broke free,and dashed towrds the party just making into the area.However these were not the only ones,as banal and unliving,though animated and easily a greater foe were a group of Sepechetz.Armoured in Zechzi flanks,and armed with zeal flowing two sided skiffs,these angered undead soldiers were fethced to the area as a pre-ordained glyph of awakening was set off by the party in the last few steps taken on the special stone in the hallway.The group stopped,and tossed their torches and a couple more a few feet beyond themselves,and stood in a semi circle,as purity’s faith and insurging numbers of enemies triste and demanded the nature of the most cerrialien battle yet.The Methsenseghrs,who speeded to the front were easily 20 in strength,and the soldiers of doom with stange weapons were about 30,making it a timely accusition for those who thought to make a name for themselves as promised at the journey’s first day from the viallage path,of 50 to 6.

Futility to play a part in this verve of undead and prowessed fighter’s battle,the group set forth,working in a symphony of attacks,not allowing the sheer numbers of their advesaries to bust through and cause greater problems.Mif scattered about and applied the potions last trick fluid after 10 or so had been exhumned of their souls,and left lifeless corpses,but that wasn’t the only trick in store.Gathering his wit,and reaching into the voids of the weave Mif Yatter,placed the invocation from the invisibility spell at Zenthor,who only had a few seconds to realize the effect that was about to engulf him.As the twang and rasp of sword on sword,on chain and magic weapons,glouted the area,Taiken used the opportunity to make use of the amulet,as seeing Mif go for one last spell,the dark cloud formation,allowing Zenthor to fully indulge in a broadened deadly attack as he slipped unseen into the enemies ranks.

“great divinity death abounds return these foes to heaven from the grounds!”Taiken unleashed a furry of lightening,that foiled and fell several Methesenseghr’s,who were pounced on by Marty,Kliza and Morigin,and justly so several Sepechetz corpse were sent flying from Zenthor’s greatened attacks.

As Marty found a difficult trapping of one foe at each side of himself,he broke concentration and got sliced by the strange skiff weapon of the Sepechetz but with reason,for soon he was attached to the ceiling,and made to four encroaching on Kliza and Morigin,and slashed deftly as making a truimphant smash,knocking them to the ground,and they were quickly swished with wounds of shall we say ‘grave’ consequences.The potion had finally been used to it’s limitation,and they were left fighting 20 enemies now,that couldn’t be sent for a Zintrin excised ablution,but this didn’t slow them down,and the undead horrors were any angrier at their loss’s than the confidence that went with their first wave of attacks.

Taiken motioned to Zenthor and Marty,to force their opponents in a direct path of fire for an acid beam,as such the black clouds were no more,and stiffled with dispondency 4 of them were shoved into place,with 3 Methsenseghr’s also set,by Taiken’s blunt scaffing,and a cut or 2,the amulet did the magic of powerfull damaging aracana again.

“send acid to the unwanten,their battle today will soon be done”

“hey you sound like me,though not too powerfully,and desired of a new effect I call the rain of death and pounding my fiine divinties to take effect!”this time Mif had done an extra demand in the incantation,and as the acid beam broke fissions of wounds from one foe through it and onto the next,killing 5,the rain appeared and pounded 10 enemies to the ground,wreaking greater wounds this time than ever before.

They took the motion to make to these easy prey,but the 5 uneffected,stood in their path,and only Zenthor could dispatch 4 of them,before they had to form a semi-circle again,and duel on as before.With several slash’s and a few jabs into their very flesh,they had done a breathtaking display of battle might,and the toll was not unnerving,though fearing the situation,Mif set forth with the pan,and fifed a complex fast tune,and finally the words of request or ryhme to make a healing cast.

“nay though I task,the spell of healing,must be cast,dangers abound,for not every enemy is fallen to the ground,make whole that which is weapons toll,the hole of swords take away,the purity of strength replenish right away!”a greater series of featured wording than before had been used,the air cackled with wisps of blue and violet energy and scatching about wildly,they flew across their damages,and made them well again.

“great work Mif,I knew you weren’t lieing about the power of curing,you made,earlier!”Marty retorted,as swashing an opening in the foe,suddenly,Zenthor’s staff skewered it through the neck,and Marty excised a gut stab,killing it.

With only 5 left,they were taken into a back againt the wall,furry,losing ground as the group kept slashing and taunting,till finaly they had fallen,and the battle was entirely finished 20 Methsenseghr’s and 30 Sepechetz,ruefully gruff from the start,formed into a rucus of happless undead moofs after ½ way,and defiled and purged with magic tricks and great technique.

“there I sense the movement of their vicious souls,unnerved,but following the ones doused with the potion,there I see one-the good of all were met,not just those effected,for the price of our sentence to death,not bad eyhe you rats”Kliza stated as she could see the souls making from the corpses,and flitting about eventually making to the roof.

“well,well,what a day indeed,as for money-I’d say we’re do some,what happened to that foolish zombie with the attitude,we request our gold!”Marty joked and triumpantly touted the sword one time looking about.

“one wrong move,and we’d have been done for,but luckily Mif wasn’t all talk and no show,and the amulet answered my plea’s again,be sure though that I fear faith and the good fight may not bring it’s powers back again so greatly now that the mission is done”Taiken explained as they gathered to the center of the room.

“shfee sfse sfhw(whistle)my dear beauty we have been named and doused with you’re wholly task,now done what’s(looks to Mif and other’s) about we see you’re ass!”Morigin said and they all laughed.
The answer for such a statement did arrive however,gutting the air with an energy that was beyond the magic weaves they had seen throughout this adventure,wisps of mist and scratching ether changing from green to blue to black contorted in a 10 ft area,and as it dissappeared,there they beheld the sight of Zintrin,in veloptious white gown attire,with laces,a sword at her hip,and a making of divine light strutting her countour.Next to her were 4 hell gaurdian beasts,like dogs and tigers and demons,and undead all mixed about,into a scaled green and black atrocity-they rasped,and mired at being kept at her side till she motioned a hand wave,in supple affinity-and they immediately pounced away to the side of the room,and made about eating,and gashing the corpses there as though they were great meal delicacies.

“oh my god…nasty habit you’re pets have miss Zintrin…my humble presentation of the battlefield told and true”Kliza stated,deciding to take her sword in extra effort,and making a swiping bow,the others looked to her and did the same.

“me ha heuh ha ha ha ,of course they do the unruley,they are the unruled,by any who aren’t as powerfull as I ,eat well my pets,a rare treat are soldiers forgotton,and futile meant for the planes of the undead-now then,my friends,you are quite a sight,for eyes of dignity and do I dare say a….fearsome lot,that made do with little hope for certain victory,as such at least that’s how I felt about a few feeble mortals doing my task requested,but that is said and done,and my gift will be presented…agent!attend my presentation at once!”Zintrin yelled for the agent,as looked happily at the beasts scarfing the major nasty.


First Post
the demonites
AC H +1 -1
#5 to 10
hp 80
exp 200
poisen,and electricity resistance
attack/chaos pinchers(4 a combat,no roller)
damage/2d6 poisen(1d8 for 1d6 melees),2d8 each slamming
~1 round a casting/poisen compounds next attack 3d8,2d8 for 1d6 melees,thusly each use spell
special/ariel dodge +4(5 times a combat)

treasure/175 special coins,1 treasure spell(10th level),1 magic item


First Post
final actions


The air was deafened with a clap,and the image of the agent appeared and began to walk forward,as materializing into being,he brushed some supplanted,teleport dust off from the robe,and bowed before Zintrin.She looked without a forward,and snapped,as too which the beasts cut off their savagary and welped their way to sit beside hert,reaching one with delight and intent she pat it,and it made a growling purr of some sort.

“as it is with rules for treasure for mortals,you shall be endowed with a chest,of which great coins and 4 magical items are within,the agent told me of this ones(she looks at Kliza) uncanny crown of visioning,and as such you were able to contain this,I procurred these gifts as a mutual sign of aknowledgment for thus what looks to be a…shall I say unmeager lot of questing villany….(she see if the words are offensive,but they dare not challenge),and soon this place will be free of all that had haunted it,so go if you must to tell the religious fools that this place my once agaiin be used for congregtion and ceremony,and of course be carefull to not think too lightly of all that has occurred”she then lent a smile to the agent,who whirled his hands,and a violet cloud appeared,the mist dissapating revealed a 4 ft chest.

“that’s quite kind of you…to make such a great bestowment,we surely will prevail in the world of mortals as you say”Taiken spoke as they approached,but at that time another cackle of sounds of breaking dimensions made the swift exit of Zintrin and her enterouage complete.

“kind…yep…we’ll see let’s gtet a load of this box of pie”Marty knelt and opened it,within were several thousand gold coins,and 4 jewel endowed items.

One was a ring,with 10 diamonds about it,the other was an amulet looking like Taikens only this had an emrald with a black center within it’s repitance and casting circle,the third was a necklace with 10 different hue’s of violet gems cut in diamond shape,and the fourth was an armgaurd,with laethur faasteners,that used gems to button it.Each was silver,and so Marty took the armgaurd,Taiken the amulet,Kliza the necklace,and in a coin toss Zenthor won the ring;as to be fair Mif,and Morigin were alloted more gold.

Suddenly when each were set with their new item,the world went blank,and they and the chest appeared instantly at the centyer court area of a keep like village,a few within the area looked at themk strangely,but seeing Zenthor made no commotion over it.

“ah ha…this is the city which we were expected to find the chromatic beast,and of course the place in which Zelihinder monks such as myself often spend meditation and practitioning at…..”Zenthor….was excited and named the event,as the other three were more dazed with the trick ,and looked at their items.

“more good for us..i imagine our first task then is to see of Feezazien is still amongst the walls of this place”Marty said,as fealing the armgaurd,and started to walk away.

“wait…just a damndible minute…what of the chest,the coins,I can’t carry this-oh Morigin,goos ok 1,2,3”Mif and Morigin lifted it and they made way to an inn at the far side of the area.

Stepping inside,the front room held the typical effections of a dinning area,a check in bureau,and a fire pit,in a stone cylinder.Several turned to look at them,and one got from a table and appoached them.

“hail strangers….i see you are quite burdened with a newly found treasure…I suggest you be more carefull than carrying it about with such impiety”

“very amusing…we are looking for Feezazien,the great-“

“what-you that wretch….oh –oh dear…”the man bust through the front door,and several patrons laughed and returned to their drink and merryment.

Marty spoke with the innkeeper,and they procured two rooms with adjoining doors,and 4 beda in each,the price of which for these master suites a gold coin a day.They also learned that Feezazien could be found tomorrow at the far fields in the west,holding a gaurdien fighting session,to help break in new recruits for a legion of several lands that was being formed,for reasons of which only the priveleged few knew of.

The next day,Mif and Morigin went to a magic item shop,and purchased a ring of item rebankment,for 1000 gp,and thus sent the rest of the coinage,minus the chest which they traded to the shop for some silver polish,to the special embankment feature,and joined the others at the field.

“how thoughtfull,hmmm,yes that does do the trick,here Marty use some silver cleaner”Kliza stated as they watched Feezazien,dashing about explaining occasionaly,and his sibling,using a sword herself,to a bunch of recruites.

The sight was indeed fascinating,there were dragons,elves,humans,lycenthropes,and gnomes,the group stood and watched the mighty beast tail sweep a gnome and elf,who fell face first,and they luaghed a few swiney moots,then after awhile met with them.

“ah ha…you …you have done it…they’ve done it Fee,they got special trick magic from that undead witch too!”Sinzee made a flourished statement and flapped into the air once,as Feezazien made the last few feet.

“hail,well to see thee again,and yet I am so concerned that all goes well with my new legion that I wondered if such victorious warriors such as yourselves,may have the destiny of the ‘great ones’ as I am naming them,as a reconciliation”

“well,friends,I can’t say that I truelly wish to return to the village,though we still can…”Marty twisted the ring,and looked to them.

“nie….nay….definitely no etc”they answered,and so Feezazien,turned and arm waved for them to follow,and soon they were leading some sword and battle runs,with Zenthor doing the Feezazien like honours and Kliza tapping the last of her strength bracelet,and all around they made a name for themselves,by and by when the day was done.

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